Tell About Three Things That You Do Well

Tell About Three Things That You Do Well

I am a very active person who indulges in various activities. I like trying new things and learning about many things. As I like to explore various areas, there are a lot of things that I am good at. Here, I will tell you about the three things I do well.

The first is painting, the second is playing chess, and the third is singing. I enjoy these activities in my free time. I have fun while doing these activities. I also have certificates to prove it! I also like to participate in painting, chess, or singing competitions.

I am good at painting.

I like painting. I can paint anything that I feel like. The best thing about painting is the colors. I like to mix various colors and paint beautiful images. I have also participated in many painting competitions and won awards and certificates.

When I use my colors on the canvas, it makes me happy. One of my best paintings is of 'the green village.' In this painting, I painted a village full of greenery. The people looked after the village and its forest to keep the greenery alive. I won first prize for this painting!

I am good at playing chess.

My parents love playing chess. I grew up watching my parents play chess, which made me curious. I wanted to learn more about what they are doing. My parents taught me to play chess. For a long time, I could not win against my parents. This made me practice playing chess in my idle time.

After practicing a lot, I became better at playing chess. Soon, I defeated my parents for the first time! It made me very happy. After that, I took part in many chess competitions. I won twice and went to the finale thrice. I am good, right?

I am good at singing.

I have always liked singing. I listen to songs on television, on the radio, or on my mother's phone. I have a teacher who teaches me to sing on weekends. At first, it was tough. Picking up different notes and scales was difficult. My parents kept encouraging me. Hence, I went on.

Gradually I became better at singing. I took part in two competitions and ranked in the top three! I started becoming confident and practicing harder. Now I sing well. You'll know once you hear me.


The things that I enjoy and like are the ones I do well. When I like something or take an interest in something, I do it well. I am very competitive, and I don't like to lose. Hence, I work harder to do well. So, the three things that I enjoy and do well are painting, playing chess, and singing!