Should schools include meditation breaks during the day_

Should Schools Include Meditation Breaks During The Day?

Many adults today practice meditation as a means to de-stress and take a break from the fast-paced life that they live. However, meditation is not exclusive to adults. Meditation has several benefits for growing children such as stress management, better academic performance, and a better mindset towards learning. These benefits can be magnified if schools include meditation breaks during the day.

4 Advantages of Meditation

Most children tend to dismiss meditation as a waste of time. Luckily, there are some ways that they can benefit from meditating during the school day.

  1. Meditation breaks provide a much-needed recess from the onslaught of information. These breaks can help reduce stress and allow the student to tackle new information with a clear mind.
  1. Meditation promotes self-regulation. After a meditation break, students are more likely to focus on their coursework and process information faster. This breaks the monotony and helps gain the student’s attention.
  1. A meditation break helps boost overall academic performance. By allowing your students to take a break, you can help them feel more peaceful, calm, and focused. They can approach problems with effective solutions and truly understand the material that they are being taught.
  1. Meditation breaks are also breaks for teachers. When a class does resume, both students and their teacher can approach learning with a better mindset.

Meditation also helps with stress relief, fosters compassion, and gives students time to slow down and assimilate what they are learning. Not only that, but it also improves overall health and reduces negative feelings. Since there are only positive benefits to a meditation break, schools should work towards including it during the school day.

A key thing about meditation that is very important in this context, is that it is likely to be less effective if it is mandatory. Meditation requires that the participant be willing to take part and surrender to the process of meditation.

For institutions that would like to incorporate meditation into their students’ routines, it is vital that they first convey the importance of meditation, its advantages and get students to become willing participants. This approach may take a little more time, however, is likely to be more effective in both ensuring that the entire school participates in meditation, and that it truly benefits the participants.


How does meditation reduce stress?

Meditation gives you much-needed breaks from the fast-paced world. It reduces stress by allowing you to slow down and think clearly.

Does meditation affect adults and children equally?

While meditation is different for everyone, the overall effects remain the same for both adults and children.

Do teachers require meditation breaks?

Teachers should also be encouraged to take meditation breaks during the workday. This allows both students and teachers to take in information with new vigor.

Why should schools include meditation as a part of their curriculum?

Meditation breaks help reduce stress and increase focus. It can help with overall academic performance.

At PlanetSpark, we encourage our students to meditate in between their assignments. This helps foster creative thinking and allows them to release some stress.