Personality development Course for kindergarten_ PlanetSpark


When we think of personality development, kindergarten children do not come to mind. However, these children are the ones who would benefit the most from these courses. Personality development refers to the holistic development of our children. It helps them understand who they are and develop skills that closely resonate with them. 


A child's mind is like a sponge that absorbs anything fed. Therefore, it becomes important to feed it productive things to help the child grow. Personality Development course for kindergarten children is a wonderful way for parents to see what excites their kids the most. It allows parents to see an unbiased development of their child's personality because their child is exposed to many things without any preference or bias on the part of the teacher. 


As a child grows, various factors influence their personality. Interactions with other people are among the top in that list, followed by surroundings and things exposed to. As such, it becomes very important to make a variety of environments, things, people, and ideas available to your child. How they react to it, understand it, and respond to it goes a long way in defining their personality traits.


Book a free trial today! 

Benefits of PlanetSpark Classes (CTA)

At PlanetSpark, all courses and teaching pedagogy is conceptualized and created in a manner that polishes your child's cognitive abilities. While dealing with such small children, there is the need for compassionate teachers who can teach well and even create a nurturing environment for your child.


PlanetSpark's personality development courses for Kindergarten children have been designed to promote and encourage children to uncover their potential and learn more about themselves. This is the primary requirement of a personality development course, because only by igniting their curiosity can children be motivated to develop different aspects of their personalities. The personality development courses for kindergarten children offered by PlanetSpark are beneficial for various reasons, including: 


  • Live 1 on 1 Class

PlanetSpark's live one-on-one classes help children massively learn about personality development. The teacher can understand the child's requirements and needs in real-time and modify her teaching patterns accordingly. They also help your child learn more effectively as he can clear all his doubts as and when they occur. Live classes are an amazing way of ensuring that the child is learning properly. The teacher would gauge his responsiveness and see if he is interested and accordingly design a teaching plan. 


  • Expertly curated Curriculum

The personality development course for the kindergarten curriculum used for teaching by PlanetSpark teachers has been designed by experts. They have created a simple curriculum for children to understand and grasp all necessary concepts. The curriculum has also been designed to help children polish their skills and develop cognitive abilities. The curriculum consists of activities, examples, audiovisual aids, and many more things which give the child an immersive learning experience. 


  • Personalized Learning

The 1 on 1 class also allows teachers to develop a customized and personal learning pedagogy for the child. This sort of attention to every child ensures that the child does not feel he is in competition with others and allows him more space to learn new things as per his comfort. He is more open to participating if he does not feel like his peers are judging him. This goes a long way in confidence-building and, thus, personality development. A personality development class for Kindergarten requires a child to be open to learning new things, which requires a lot of interaction.


  • Interactive Classes

PlanetSpark classes are extremely interactive, which means that the teachers are constantly able to gauge whether or not a child is learning and how effectively he can learn. Interactive classes are a great way of keeping children engaged and interested in what is being taught. When they are engaged, they learn better, which directly reflects their growth. 

Leverage these benefits of the best personality development course for kindergarten kids by booking a free trial right now. 


Class Base Links (class preschool to 9th) & Level wise Links:


Class-wise Links

Level-wise Links

Public Speaking for Preschool

Public Speaking for Early Years

Public Speaking for Kindergarten

Public Speaking for Beginners

Public Speaking for class 1

Public Speaking for Intermediate

Public Speaking for Class 2

Public Speaking for Advance

Public Speaking for Class 3

Public Speaking for Accelerate

Public Speaking for Class 4


Public Speaking for Class 5


Public Speaking for Class 6


Public Speaking for Class 7


Public Speaking for Class 8



Curriculum Details

A personality development course for kindergarten children envelops a lot of skills that shape a child's personality. The curriculum is very intensive and comprehensive to cover all aspects of a person's personality. A kindergarten personality development course consists of the following topics: 


  • Public Speaking with Confidence

Public speaking with confidence is an important part of the kindergarten personality development course. This is because public speaking gives children the tools to be confident in their interactions with other people and the ability to understand what is being said to them and respond accordingly. 


  • Communication Skills

Communication skills are extremely important in a person's personal and professional life. By effectively expressing what they are thinking or feeling through words, they get the tools to form strong and long-lasting relationships with those around them. 


  • Time Management Skills

Time management is very important, especially in today's fast-paced life. Therefore, a kindergarten personality development course that teaches children how to manage their time productively is vital. 


  • Behavior with Other People

How a person treats another speaks volumes about them. Are they scared of people? Or shy? Or rude? Or compassionate? This is something everyone uses to understand how a person is. A child who learns how to treat strangers well at a young age becomes a respectable person as he grows older. 


Public Speaking Free Online Classes for Kindergarten

Teacher's Profile


Personality Development for Kindergarten Children Activities and Worksheets

An important aspect of personality development for kindergarten children is teaching and learning through activity. While telling children how something is done is useful, using activities helps them learn it even better. It allows them to learn how to apply a certain principle in real life, which is why activities are important when teaching children about personality development. 


PlanetSpark classes are known for being interactive and child engaging. This is possible because the teachers use various games and activities to keep classes interesting for the children. Some of the most commonly used activities are: -


  • Storytelling

To activate your child's brain muscles, a quick game of Story telling is often played during class, in which a picture is shown to your child, and the teacher and child both take turns making sentences that together become a story. Throughout this exercise, the teacher would pose new challenges that must be adhered to win the game. This helps develop your child's creative flair while learning how to follow instructions. It also gives him a boost of confidence in his ability to think of new things. 


  • Creating a speech

This game is also very important in personality development and is often played. In this game, the teacher will allow your child to pick a topic from a list, on which he needs to create a short speech. They will also be given a short duration to think of the speech. This game helps in bettering their public speaking skills and, more importantly, teaches them a valuable lesson in time management. Time management is a personality skill that is lacking in many individuals. 


The platform creates many games and teachers, depending on the child's needs, which help him in more than one way. 

Importance of Personality Development for Kindergarten Children

A personality development course for kindergarten children is essential. We live in a society where an individual with a strong personality gets picked first for almost everything. Building a strong personality is an amalgamation of various things. Time management skills, communication skills, public speaking skills, character, attitude, and response to stimulus are the factors that make up a person's personality. 


It is important to start shaping these attributes in a child from an early age. Children have a simpler time learning new things at a young age because this is when they are learning all basic things like how to behave with people, talk, and much more. The importance of personality development for Kindergarten cannot be stressed enough. To put it in simpler terms, personality development for Kindergarten is important because: -


  • Strong Communication Skills

Developing strong communication skills is vital for personality development. Every individual must communicate his ideas and express his feelings effectively. This helps put forward a point understandably and effectively and is the cornerstone of building strong relationships. Communications skills come in handy for both the personal and professional lives of people. 


  • Confidence-building

The importance of confidence cannot be put into words. It plays a crucial role in all aspects of life. By learning skills that help develop a child's personality, confidence becomes an inherent trait. Personality development training for Kindergarten allows your child to explore many different things, which ultimately help build confidence. 


  • Improved Public Speaking Skills

Personality development classes for 2-3 year children are proven to be very helpful in improving their public speaking skills. These form an invaluable skill used by the child when interviewing for schools and making new friends. Children are usually very hesitant to speak to strangers; however, a child who has taken a personality development course for Kindergarten knows how to communicate with people and speak in front of strangers. This also becomes very helpful academically as children can be more interactive in class as well. They participate more and have an overall better academic performance. 


Book a free trial today to get your child started on the journey of positive personality development. 



How do you teach a kindergarten kid personality development?

Teaching personality development courses for Kindergarten can be achieved effectively by instilling some basic values and instructions regarding communication skills and attitude in children, then working with them as they navigate through these ideas. 


How can a kindergarten develop a strong personality?

A child can develop a strong personality by getting guidance on how to develop the right attitude, manners, communication skills, and public speaking skills. 


What are the key points factors for the healthy personality development of a 


The key points for the personality development of a child include: 

  • Communication. 

  • Attitude

  • Environment


What are kindergarten personality development examples?

Teaching children how to speak confidently in front of people, saying thank you and sorry as required, being polite, and being patient are examples of kindergarten personality development. 


What is a personality development course for Kindergarten?

A personality development course for Kindergarten is designed to help children develop the personality traits required to become confident and successful adults. 


What is PlanetSpark's learning methodology?

The PlanetSpark learning methodology is focused on creating an interactive learning environment where children learn through application and practice.


What is the age bracket for a child to get enrolled in PlanetSpark?

Children between the ages of 4 and 15 fit with the PlanetSpark age bracket. This is the age when children learn many things and the age that can define how a child turns out in his later years. 


What is PlanetSpark?

PlanetSpark is an online platform that teaches children creative writing and public speaking to build confidence and develop their personalities. These two aspects of every individual play a crucial role in their all-around development. 


What are the benefits of personality development in Kindergarten?

By getting enrolled in a personality development class for Kindergarten, children learn from a very young age how to explore new avenues, be confident throughout the learning process and not lose heart when they make mistakes. These skills are essential for strong personality development.