Online Course on Drama



Essentials for Kids Development: Drama & Theater

Learning has become a different experience in the current scenario, especially post the Covid-19 pandemic. Teaching has shifted to an online mode to a great extent; a lot of[a] changes have happened in the way lessons are taught to the[b] children and the way children have taken in this change. While this has been quite challenging, it has helped a lot in maintaining the protocols required to control the spread of covid-19. But, with this, kids have been cut off from the outside world, which has been a major setback.
Now that the world is getting back to normal, children are slowly coming back[c] to their original way of learning. With all this in mind, there has never been a better time to give online drama and theatre classes a chance, which are[d] proven to enhance your child’s creative skills. It helps the children explore their personality[e], makes them active, and can help them express their feelings well.
Many parents wonder if there is an optimal age to begin drama and theatre classes for children or even if it is necessary. At the same time, some may think that it is too late to put their child in the class. Either way, we believe there is no fixed age to get into a creative course. All the aspects of social, academic, and emotional benefits are touched upon by studying the world of drama and theatre.
The drama and theatre course develops confidence, and confident kids are future leaders. It develops the kids' knowledge about[f] different cultures, expands their intelligence, and helps them achieve their highest potential. Right from their childhood, children have an innate ability to connect through music. Keeping this in mind[g], the musical element is also woven into the classes.


Theatre and drama not only teach a child to only act, but they inculcate things he or she might not effectively learn elsewhere![h] So, to understand this area completely, let us take you through this aspect of learning and understand this area of learning.


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What is Drama?

Drama refers to a script or a written form of a play. In other words, it is a printed copy of a play or an act. The term ‘drama’ is derived from the Greek word ‘dran’, which means to do or act. Drama can be interpreted differently by two different readers and involves a direct interaction between the author and the reader.


It is an imaginary representation through dialogues and performance. It is also a type of play written for theatre, television, or radio. The person who writes the drama is called a ‘playwright’ or ‘dramatist’.


Typically, there are five kinds of drama, which are:


  1. Comedy: A entertaining type of drama to the audience. It is created to make the audience laugh.
  2. Farce: This type of drama includes absurd and slap-stick comedy, making it a subcategory of comedy. The purpose is to create humour for the audience.
  3. Tragedy: It has a serious storyline and often a sad ending.
  4. Melodrama: In melodrama, the atmosphere of the drama is highly emotional, and the purpose of this type of drama is to play with the feelings of the audience.[j]
  5. Musical Drama: This type of drama is like a conventional drama, the only difference being that the characters express themselves by singing and dialogue.[k]


Drama and theatre serve both as a means of entertainment and educational insight for children of all ages.


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Confidence Building

  • Ted Talk
  • Poetry
  • Reading
  • Stage talk show
  • Storytelling
  • Sports commentary
  • Stage talk show


<h2>What is Theater? </h2>

The term theatre is derived from the Greek word ‘theasthai’, meaning ‘to behold’. Theater refers to the actual enactment of a stage play. It involves actors, costumes, lighting, sound effects, background, props, stage, and an audience. Here[l] there is no interaction between the audience and the playwright.


Theatre in education is a methodology that uses interactive drama or theatre practices to help supplement or aid the education process. Many progressive institutions are building Theater in Education (TIE) for their education programs, which have seen a positive impact on the learning of the children[m].


The main distinction between drama and theatre is that drama refers to the printed form of a play, and theatre refers to the production of that play. Both are often used interchangeably as both of them[n] are related to the performing arts.


Drama and theatre courses can play an important part in building social and creative skills. All of these improve a child's overall confidence. This can help them in other aspects of life as well.[o] By attending an after-school online drama and theatre class, children learn to conduct themselves in a group, communicate better, and discover the best ways to interact in social situations. Theater provides children with a way of having fun and learning at the same time[p], inspiring, encouraging, and empowering them to face challenging situations for themselves.


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Benefits of Planetspark Classes</h3>

Confidence in today’s world is very critical to building one’s individuality. Lack of confidence is quite common in children due to various reasons. We, as parents, often keep thinking of ways and means to help them overcome this challenge in their life. Drama and theatre can help immensely if a child finds it tough to make friends. Participating in drama classes can give them a sense of happiness and accomplishment. For them, it is just another play or game as they are used to enacting with their friends.


Participating in a theatre activity at a young age helps children become more confident, empathetic, social, and hardworking. It can positively impact your child’s overall development in many ways. Being built on skills like acting, singing, performing, reading, and imagination, theatre and drama classes help a child to exercise all these skills. In our online classes for drama and theatre, we use speech and drama sessions as a mode to deliver the course in a way children understand.


The online classes for drama and theatre for children help to create a safe environment for learning. The safe and friendly environment created by our trained teachers at PlanetSpark can help insecure children to develop their self-confidence. Children build imagination, teamwork, confidence, and focus in these creative classes. They enjoy the hands-on experience where each child is encouraged to participate, which is essential for comprehensive learning. It is a great way for children to learn, have fun, and gain knowledge in this art form. Our approach is foundationally age-appropriate.


We at PlanetSpark, offer holistic Drama and Theater classes conducted by experienced teachers. We empower the children to learn about themselves and the world around them. Along the way, your child will gain confidence and become more expressive and creative.


Theatre can help them to develop their sense of identity and “self” by allowing them to be expressive and creative in a safe environment.


PlanetSpark offers the best drama experience available for kids in the age group of 4-16 years. Our online classes give children the fundamentals they require to shine on stage and in all aspects of life.


Our classes will help your child build confidence, stay focused, have an easier time making friends, and be a star in social gatherings. Enrol your child and get started on this journey; you can register here or get a feel of our courses and book a free trial.


Online Drama and Theater classes for children at PlanetSpark have a positive influence on children’s lives, including physical, social, as well as[r] emotional aspects. Drama allows children to explore their overall personalities and express their feelings in a much more effective manner.[s] 


Some of the key benefits of the course are:


  1.  Heightens Imagination 
    Children are allowed to think creatively and come up with any story or drama or any other creative piece.

  2. Boosts Self-confidence 
    Being in a class of same-age kids boosts the confidence of the children.

  3. Team Building 
    Theatre performances are done in a group, which helps a child to improve his or her team-building skills.

  4. Helps Overcome Inhibitions
    The teachers encourage the children to speak and act. This allows them to gradually overcome a fear of speaking in a public setting.

  5. Improves Communication Skills

Our online communication class for kids helps children work and improve both verbal and non-verbal communication skills.

  1. Provides A Brain Interval
    The best part is the classes at PlanetSpark, being built around creative and experiential learning, give children a break from their regular school curriculum.

  2. Enhances Memory 
    The online drama course improves a child's ability to recall things they have learned and memorized, as they need to remember the scenes and their lines when doing role-plays.[t]


  1. Improves Responsibility
    During the class, the child is given ownership of the act or the play he or she is going to [u]perform. Learning his lines or a song off by heart makes them more responsible.

  2. Enhances Presentation Skills
    Drama classes help your child overcome shyness. Whether they are asked to present a simple story, recite a poem or just enact a scene, our online drama and theatre class helps them prepare for the challenges they face when it comes to public speaking. [v]

  3.  Improves Adaptability

A child might forget his lines sometimes. In such situations, they are encouraged not to stop but to improvise on what they have learned. This skill helps them in life also, when things do go their way.

  1.  Improves Concentration
    Each child is asked to take turns and listen to other children while they are[w] narrating a story or simple thoughts. These activities allow children to improve their focus and concentration.


  1.  Encourage Cooperation 
    Each of the activities designed at PlanetSpark, be it singing or just putting an act together, involves children understanding that to get the best out of the act, they need to cooperate.[x]

  2.  Develops Emotional Intelligence 
    Children become more empathetic towards each other while going through the classes.

  3.  Improves Teamwork
    As the acts are to be performed in groups, working together as a team develops team-building skills.

  4.  Achieve Academic Excellence
    Children who participate in theatre classes at any age show improved reading comprehension, better attendance, improved concentration, and motivation to learn.


Our course is delivered using fun games and activities, which are [y]based on elements of teachings about good manners, body language, conversation skills, and public speaking. All of this[z] is combined into a magical program that all children love and benefit from. Overall, our drama and theatre online classes for children are helpful for children to grow into self-reliant adults.


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<h3>Curriculum Details for Drama and Theater Course for Children</h3>

The drama and theatre classes for children aged 4-16 years enable children to explore and make drama an interesting activity. The curriculum is built around drama, theatre, speech, and visual arts. PlanetSpark enables children to explore and express ideas, experiences, and feelings through these areas. The curriculum also comprises interrelated activities of performing, listening, speaking, and composing, thus leading kids to explore new areas.


The main objectives of our curriculum include:


  • Encouraging kids to raise constructive questions.
  • Develop children’s social skills.
  • Familiarize kids with the world of drama and theatre.
  • Develop their problem-solving skills.
  • Enable the child to process expressing the knowledge of drama into real-life themes.


During the course, children work on various activities like reading, enacting short scenes, theatre, speech, role plays, vlogging, poetry, and much more. All of this is done at a level suitable to the age of the child[ab].


The purpose of this curriculum is to bring out the personal skills, social skills, drama, and theatre skills in kids and to encourage them to present the knowledge and insights gained from the class. [ac]These skills, though natural to the younger children, need to be carefully directed. Each child is unique and has his or her expression when it comes to acting. Our progressive curriculum is designed to promote self-awareness.


Drama and Theater Activities & Worksheets for Kids

Drama activities are an important part of any drama and theatre curriculum, as they teach valuable skills to kids in a very playful method[ad]. These activities help build their confidence and extend their imagination to unexplored limits. The activities and worksheets incorporate important educational elements that are enjoyable to play.


The information and knowledge gained through theatre and drama stay with the child for a longer period. Some of the activities that are done during the course are


  • Talent Show: The child is asked to showcase his or her talent like acting, singing, dancing, slam poetry, visual art, yoga, or even tricks. They can make videos of the same and present them to the class.
  • Do Nothing: Seemingly an easy activity but quite difficult for kids. They just have to “do nothing “for 5 or 10 minutes.
  • Name Game: The kids have to introduce themselves and come out of[ae] their inhibitions. This helps in establishing a supportive environment.
  • One Word Story: One of the children needs to start with one word, and the rest of the class continues on the same and makes a story.


  • Gibberish: This activity is best for the age group of 4-6 years. Here the children are asked to speak in a ‘made-up language. They can be as creative as they like. This improves their creativity.
  • Tongue Twisters: It is a known fact that tongue twisters help in working on articulation muscles, and they are enjoyed the most by the children.
  • Silent Conversations: The children need to make conversation without making a sound. They have to use facial expressions and body language to express themselves.
  • Affirmation: This activity is generally used at the beginning of the class as it sets a positive mood. If used at the end of the class, it helps children feel good about what they have accomplished, and they exit the class feeling energized. Either way, it is helpful.
  • Shazam: This is a theatre activity on the same lines as ‘rock, paper, scissors.
  • Always Yes: In this, one of the members in the group has to name an activity and make his partner join in. This could be a time-bound activity or an open activity; wherein all the other children start joining in.
  • Guess The Character: In this activity, the children are divided into groups of 4 or 6. One of them will be the leader of that group. He is made to exit the room, and then the other children choose a personality or a character to play. The leader joins back, and then, one by one, each child starts enacting their character, which the leader needs to guess.
  • Crossing The Lane: This is a very simple activity to improve team building and listening skills. The leader in a group is supposed to make each child cross a lane one by one, wherein each one is enacting a different character. It can be any famous character, celebrity, sportsperson, or even one of their classmates. The other members guess who is being enacted.


The activities designed in our drama and theatre classes are great motivators to increase confidence and fight one's inhibitions. As a leader of the group, they are taught not to be afraid to participate[ag] and when they get involved, it pushes them to unleash their capability and try new things.


The worksheets are also built around these activities. Our online drama and theatre class for kids provides children with the best activities that help them shine in their regular classes as well.

Drama and Theater free online classes at PlanetSpark for Kids


As online schooling has become the new norm these days, it would be useful to begin the drama programs in the same mode. Children have the opportunity to study and understand the principles of this art form from the safe environment of their homes.


Our online drama and theatre classes for children have been designed by experts in the same field and other related areas.[ah] The classes have been meticulously thought of and tested and have proven beneficial to hundreds of kids. With our course, the child can use his or her full potential and talent and develop their skills during the learning process. Our course incorporates various acting techniques to help a child understand and discover the purpose of a particular act. They are trained to develop the soul of the character[ai] and incorporate their personality into it. The course is aimed at building [aj]a child’s confidence and growth as an individual.


In our online drama classes for children, we highlight the power of imagination and emphasize the excitement of discovering their hidden talents[ak]. We allow them to focus on their creative process and create something interesting that they can present. We help them refine their techniques, build confidence as performers and test them to practice thinking swiftly and genuinely.


The emphasis of the course[al] is on imagination and creativity and not just the performance. Imagination can take you everywhere; it helps children lead a happy and content life. Although we do find many children to love the idea of becoming actors and performers for a short period, we emphasize more developing skills that are helpful in their future life as well. [am]They will learn theatre, including storytelling, dress-up costumes, art, and more[an]. In a regular class, the teacher allows them to create their imaginary worlds, get to explore the world together, learn how to respond to different situations, communicate in their peer group, recreate events, and in a nutshell-learn to fit in an unknown environment.


The online program integrates enriching activities and worksheets to help them understand the concept of this art form from the perspective of an actor, director, writer, and even an audience. The children are goaded to act and participate in as many different activities specially designed to encourage their creativity and confidence. All our classes have a very conducive environment to interact with other children. Shy children often find these classes helpful, as taking on another character can help them to feel safer in being more confident. With teachers being supportive, we ensure that each child gets individual attention.


With our online drama and theatre classes, the child will be able to build a strong foundation in performing arts while having fun while establishing essential life skills. In an ever-changing and fast-paced world, it is difficult to guess what skills our children need to prepare them for the future. However, there is a bedrock set of skills that always have been important. Those are skills to communicate, be creative, and be self-confident. If a child has these, it is always possible to work on other skills. And at PlanetSpark, we help the child just with that.


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Teacher's Profile

Our teachers who hold the highest degree of education, backed by rich experience in teaching, are chosen through a rigorous 7-step selection process. They are trained to cultivate curiosity in children.


Our teachers bring skills and experience from diverse fields. They are encouraged to use their creative skills to teach children enjoyably. The teachers also undergo a training and certification program that helps them to become experts in the field and to ensure that the course is delivered engagingly.


Other Resources:


Conversation Skills


Conversation Expert

Learn the English Language

Ted Talk


Basic Conversation


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Daily Dialogue Conversation



Conflict resolutions

Role Play in English Conversation




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FAQs On Drama and Theater 


What exactly are Drama and Theater Classes, what do they consist of?

The drama and theatre classes primarily consist of a lot of fun activities and games, which teach children essential drama skills. The classes help them communicate better and have a grounded sense of self-confidence.


What are some drama activities? 

Drama and theatre activities are based on warm-ups, ice-breakers, ensemble building, focus, characterization, imagination and creativity, and movements. Based on these components, some of the drama activities are listed below:

  • Zip Zap Zop
  • Catch and clap
  • Name Game
  • Circle Sitting
  • Memory
  • Minefield
  • Pass the clap
  • Gibberish
  • Two Sticks
  • Slide Show
  • Hot spot
  • Give and take
  • Mirror
  • Tug of War
  • Hot Seat Park Bench
  • Sit-Stand Kneel


<h4>What is a drama activity? </h4>

In a drama activity, a child is put into a situation, such as role-play and mime, in which the child is required to involve oral communication and the use of gestures, body movement, and voice modulation.


What activities are related to acting? 

Activities related to acting are designed around improvisation, movement and dance, speech, and singing.

  • Character Walk
  • Mnemonics
  • Dumb Charades
  • Name and Go
  • Zombie Tag
  • Me to you
  • Bang
  • Monologue Acting and so on


What do children learn from Theater games? 

Theatre games help children develop important skills required for performing and acting. Such games encourage them to think creatively, thus developing their thinking and problem-solving skills.


What is the origin of Theater? 

The origin of theatre can be found in Ancient Greece, where ancient hymns were sung in honour of God Dionysus. These were religious plays with dancing and music. This eventually got adapted for choral processions in which participants would dress up in masks and fancy costumes. This used to have a leader who was the first actor in the history of drama.


My child has no experience with Drama or Theater. Will he be able to join the class? 

Yes! Any child in the age group of 4 to 16 years is welcome to join PlanetSpark! No prior exposure is required to join any of our programs.


How does Planetspark help your child to develop drama or theatre skills? 

The skills required for Drama and Theater are built by our enjoyable curriculum. E.g., The children are asked to do a role-play, wherein children need to make use of their imagination. Children are exposed to performances by theatre artists that can help them develop drama skills. The experiential nature of the theatre performances makes them understand how to act.


How are small children taught in Drama or Theatre? 

The smaller children in the age group 4-7 years are taught by the ‘learning through play method. This is a known approach for young children to learn and involves a very playful methodology.


What are the benefits of learning through play? 

There are plenty of benefits of learning through play. Children learn a variety of skills, such as:

  • Development of social skills
  • Improved confidence
  • Development of empathy
  • Understanding the world around them
  • Development of language skills


<h4>How do theatre and drama help a child in creativity? </h4>

Unlike music or a dance class, where what is taught is pre-defined, theatre education allows kids to explore on their own, make mistakes, and learn from them. Self-exploration allows kids to shed their inhibitions and articulate their thoughts.


What are the advantages of taking online classes for Drama? 

Flexibility and convenience are the primary advantages of taking online classes. Enrolling your kids in an online class is ideal, as you don't have to worry about the transportation issues or the safety of your child.


Will my shy child be able to get along with other children in the class? Will she be able to enjoy the classes? 

Children having a positive experience during our sessions is our top priority. We strongly believe that having a diverse range of personalities in a group proves beneficial to all children present in the class. Drama and theatre classes are designed in groups to experience the feeling of sharing and caring for others. The teachers also ensure that they focus on all the children working together, having fun, and accepting the other classmates.


If I want to see what a typical class looks like, how can I do that? 

To experience our online class, you can book a trial by clicking on the link  here.


What ages do you offer classes for? 

We offer classes for children in the age group between 4 to 16 years.


Will my child be with other children their age? 


At PlanetSpark, we believe in grouping children by age, not skill level. They will be put in a class with the same age group so that peer group is maintained and they feel more comfortable.


My child is very shy. Will PlanetSpark help them? 

YesWe value meeting children where they are and helping them gain confidence and overcome barriers. Many children would flourish at PlanetSpark and in other aspects of their lives, even if they were hesitant to join in at first.[av]


How do I register for the course? 

You can register online for our course or call us to get enrolled!


Why Teach Drama to small Children? 

Children have an inherent ability to act. This can be utilized in drama class through the well-structured course, encouraging them to learn actively and to interact during their formative years. Drama teaches children to express themselves creatively.


At what age should I put my child in drama and theatre class? 

You can put your child in the classes at any age. Our classes start from 4 years till 16 years of age.


Are the classes recorded or live? 

At PlanetSpark, we provide live classes. You can apply now and get a FREE TRIAL   for our online conversation expert class.