Nouns are the basic building blocks of English Grammar

Nouns are the basic building blocks of English Grammar. Nouns  PlanetSpark is here to help kids understand the basics of English Grammar in an easy-to-understand way. Learn English Nouns for Class 8 with PlanetSpark. Read on to know what are nouns, with examples of noun sentences and noun activities to revise what you learned. PlanetSpark also offers exercises and activities for kids to apply what they learned through the chapter. The chapter will help class 8 students understand what nouns are with examples and activities for students to do.


PlanetSpark’s curriculum is designed according to the standard curriculum set by ICSE, CBSE, and other boards. With PlanetSpark, kids can learn about nouns, with examples and noun activities for class 8 students. The following chapter is based on Class 8 CBSE English Grammar Nouns and can help Class 8 students understand nouns better. Help your kids learn Class 8 English Grammar Nouns with PlanetSpark today!

Nouns: What Are Nouns?

Nouns are words used to name places, animals, people, or objects. Nouns can also be abstract, used to describe feelings or state of existence.  They can be used in sentences and to denote groups or individuals. There are many types of nouns. Learn the different types of nouns and how to use them.


Types of Nouns


There are different types of nouns. The types are:


Proper Nouns

Proper nouns are nouns used to name objects, places, or living things like animals or human beings. Proper nouns are usually capitalized irrespective of where they’re used in a sentence. A few examples of proper noun sentences would be Taj Mahal, Raj, Mickey Mouse, etc.


Common Nouns

Common nouns are general terms for places or objects. Common nouns are not capitalized unless it's used at the start of the sentence. Common nouns are used to name generic things rather than specific, as seen in the case of proper nouns. A few examples of common noun sentences would be lamp, chair, pillow, tv, newspaper, etc.


Concrete Nouns

Concrete nouns are a type of common nouns that can be sensed physically. For example, “I heard the doorbell.” Here, the word “heard” is the concrete noun. Concrete nouns are physical and non-abstract. Anything that your five sense organs can sense- like hearing, touching, tasting, are examples of concrete nouns. Physical things like car, couch, television, etc. are also examples of concrete nouns.


Abstract Nouns

Abstract nouns are a type of common nouns that is non-physical and cannot be felt or sensed physically. For example, “He has the strength of a superhero.” Here, the word “strength” is the abstract noun. Abstract nouns can be described as names of ideas, concepts, feelings, states of being, etc. Other examples of abstract nouns would be happiness, courage, fear, etc.


Collective Nouns

Collective nouns are nouns used to name a group of living things or individuals. For example, a pride of lions, a class of students, a herd of cows, etc, are all examples of a collective noun. Here, the words “pride”, “class”, and “herd” are collective nouns denoting a group of living beings.


Compound Nouns

Compound nouns are made up of two words that are put together to form a noun. The two words separately do not necessarily have to be nouns, but when put together, they can become a noun. Compound nouns can be proper nouns like Pizza Hut, a common noun like swimming pool, or an abstract nouns like lovesick.


There are different types of compound nouns. Here’s a look at some of them:





=basket ball




= snow fall




= town square




= swim suit




= underworld




= lookout




= hot dog



Prepositional phrase

= son-in-law


Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Countable and Uncountable nouns, like the phrase suggests, are nouns that are countable and nouns that are uncountable or mass nouns. An example of a countable noun would be: I have six dollars. Here, the word “dollars” can be counted as six. Hence, dollars is the countable noun. Countable nouns come in singular and plural forms.


Uncountable or mass nouns cannot be counted but there are measurable words used to count them. Many abstract nouns can be an example of uncountable or mass nouns. Even some nouns which are countable can become uncountable, given the context. For example: May I have one cup of coffee, is an example of coffee being a countable noun. On the other hand, “Would you like some coffee?”, is an example of coffee being an uncountable noun since coffee isn’t measurable in terms of numbers.


Nouns as Subjects and Objects

Nouns can be a subject or an object of a sentence. A subject is when the person, place, or thing is the one performing the action. Every sentence has a subject and an object and nouns can be used as either in a sentence. An example of a noun being used as a subject of a sentence is: Bats sleep in trees during the day. Here, “bats” are the subject of the sentence.


Nouns can also be used as an object. The object of the sentence is the one receiving the action. An example of a noun being used as an object is: The principal called the student in his office. Here, “student” is the object of the sentence.



To summarise, nouns are naming words. Any word used to name a specific place, object, or living thing is a noun. There are different types of nouns. Proper nouns are words denoting a specific thing or a place. Common nouns are words used as general terms. Abstract nouns are words that are used to describe non-physical things. Concrete nouns are words denoting things that are physical and can be felt physically. Compound nouns are when two different words are put together to form a noun. Countable nouns are nouns denoting things that can be counted. Uncountable or mass nouns are words denoting things that cannot be counted. Lastly, collective nouns are nouns used for a group of living things.


Worksheets For Kids

Now that we have learned what nouns are and now we know the different types of nouns. Let’s do some noun activities to remember what we learned. Given below is a set of noun sentences for you to do in order to remember what you learned in this chapter. Your task is to figure out the noun in each sentence and circle the noun and the different types of nouns mentioned in the sentence.



Q1) Point out the noun in the following sentence and mention what type of noun it is: Thomas Alva Edison invented the lightbulb.


Q2) Point out the noun in the following sentence and mention what type of noun it is: Sheila’s dog, Rover, is a friendly dog.


Q3) Point out the noun in the following sentence and mention what type of noun it is: I saw a herd of cows while I was going to visit my grandmother in Bangalore.


Q4) Point out the noun in the following sentence and mention what type of noun it is: Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of India.


Q5) Point out the noun in the following sentence and mention what type of noun it is: The early bird catches the worm.


Q6) Circle the collective noun in the following sentence: On the safari, we saw a pride of lions drink water at the waterhole together.


Q7) Point out the noun in the following sentence and mention what type of noun it is: He had the courage to stand up to his bullies.


Q8) Point out the noun in the following sentence and mention what type of noun it is: One must not tell lies.


Q9) Point out the noun in the following sentence and mention what type of noun it is: Mahatma Gandhi is known as the Father of The Nation.


Q10) Point out the noun in the following sentence and mention what type of noun it is: Silver and Gold are precious metals.



Nouns are an important part of English Grammar. The aim of this chapter was to help class 8 students learn what Class 8 CBSE English Grammar Nouns are along with examples of noun sentences and noun activities for class 8 kids to revise what they learned. Class 8 students can read this chapter and complete the noun exercises to learn what nouns are. With PlanetSpark, kids from nursery to class 8 can learn and get better through various exercises and engaging activities. PlanetSpark’s curriculum helps kids from nursery to class 8 learn new-age skills and engage kids in fun, activity-filled online sessions that do away with traditional methods of teaching, while also meeting the standard curriculum set by CBSE, ICSE, and other boards.


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