My favorite book

My Favorite Book

I can read any book I want with the help of this one book, which is my favorite. It is not just one book, but many books in one. I have read it many times and have never gotten tired of it. I am talking about my dictionary.

I get to read my dictionary when I do not understand a word in another book or if I need to look up the name of a river, mountain, or country.

My dictionary is full of words, definitions, and pictures. It has lots of fonts and colors. The print is big and easy for me to read. The page numbers are marked at the top, so I can still see them even if the number is small.

While there are a lot of words in the dictionary, there are also pictures. The pictures help explain what the words mean. They show real things like animals and plants that live in faraway places. There are pictures of continents and oceans that show where different countries are located. Some maps show me the distance from one place to another on land or sea.

One of the favorite things about my dictionary is that it teaches me how to spell new words properly and use them correctly in sentences.

I love reading a dictionary because every time I open it and start reading randomly, there is always something new to learn. It is like a new world of words and meanings, usages, roots, synonyms, and antonyms.

I want to be a good speaker and writer; therefore, I practice speaking English at home and with my friends. Also, when I get any homework related to English, I always try to write using correct grammar and spelling. For this purpose, my favorite book is the dictionary!

If someone says a word that you don't understand, there are two ways of finding out what it means – one way is to ask them directly, and the other to look it up in the dictionary. If people tell you what a word means – that's great! But if they don't, or if they say something that is different from what's written in the dictionary, it could cause problems later when someone else uses that word again and gives another definition for it. That's why I always prefer looking up words myself instead of asking people what they mean – because then, at least, I can trust the information being given as accurate (or close enough).