Learn strong words in English to overcome stage fear


Public speaking

Public speaking allows youngsters to interact with a huge group of people while also impacting the audience. A talent for public speaking is a plus. It enables the speaker to both express himself and pursue others. It is an important factor that your child must consider. But is your child afraid to hop on to the stage? Are they having trouble speaking confidently? If yes, then online public speaking courses with powerful words in English can be an ideal help for them. It will assist in learning English using strong words and superlatives for kids. They will never be afraid to express their point of view once they have gained confidence.


The terms' public speaking' is a combination of the words' public' and speaking,' and it refers to expressing ideas in front of an audience. It's a skill that your child can master even at a young age. Your children will get long term benefits if they have excellent public speaking skills bundled up with strong words and superlatives in English. Students will learn communication skills, narrations, pauses and gestures, the English language by using strong words, how to speak their hearts out in front of others, secret hacks for persuasive speaking, and other interesting abilities. Public speaking aids your child's development in the following areas:

  • Communication abilities have improved.
  • Best using strong words and superlatives for students 
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Experience with planning.
  • Persuasion is an effective instrument.


Learn to use powerful words in English through the PlanetSpark online sessions.

Power words in English are expressive; they induce an emotional response from your audience. Using them effectively can encourage your children to use powerful words and phrases. The words your children write or speak can have a significant impact and leave a lasting impression for better or worse, so it's essential to choose them carefully. Power words have nothing to do with behavioural tricks or audience manipulation.


Powerful words in English are a tool for engaging people, grabbing their attention, and getting them to listen to your speech. To deliver your message and urge your audience to take action, mix and match them as needed. Power words and phrases induce action and emotion in the audience, causing them to feel something and react accordingly. However, feelings and emotions differ. Here are some examples of powerful words in English. 


Powerful words in English that arouse the feeling of 'curiosity':

  • Hidden
  • Private
  • Learn
  • Secret
  • Discover

Strong words for kids that arouses the feeling of 'trust':

  • Truly
  • Worthwhile
  • Best
  • Complete
  • Super

Single words with powerful meaning that arouses the feeling of 'fear':

  • Danger
  • Mistake
  • Threat
  • Shame
  • Worry

Powerful words list that arouses the feeling of 'safety':

  • Survive
  • Genuine
  • Proven
  • Trustworthy
  • lifeline

Strong words for teens that arouses the feeling of 'greed':

  • Jackpot
  • Attractive
  • Discount
  • Extra
  • Bonus


Using strong word skills allows kids to speak in public with confidence. However, many students are hesitant to speak in front of a group because they are terrified of being judged. They are uneasy, lack confidence, have low self-esteem, and are afraid of speaking in front of an audience. Your kid needs to understand that public speaking skills can help them increase their self-esteem and achieve great things. Moreover, powerful words with meaning for children are an excellent addition to a child's vocabulary.


So, PlanetSpark is there to assist your children in improving their public speaking talent. Our course inspires strong emotions and responses with training around powerful words in English. When used appropriately in your speech, they can spark the audience's interest, transforming even the most lifeless arguments into persuasive messages that urge listeners to act. So what are you waiting for? Login to our website right away!


Why is it important to use powerful words for your child?

Even though words are the smallest unit of language, the tiniest word has great powers. When utilized negatively, it has the potential to create long-term harm. Children pick up on everything from the people around them. It's necessary to teach children powerful words in English, but it's much more vital to surround them with positive language.


Positive words and encouragement are essential for the well-being of your children. They develop into positive, encouraging adults when they hear positive, encouraging words. Using strong words skills for students provides an encouraging and supportive environment. Children gain confidence in themselves when they are exposed to positive terminology. Children have a natural need to be loved and to have high self-esteem. Youngster creates their image of themselves within the home, school, society, and the globe with training in powerful words in English.


Some of the reasons why you need to teach your child the skill of using strong words in English:

  • Using powerful words in English will boost the child's imagination; your youngster will be motivated to come up with his answers to the problem and build his path in life.
  • With powerful words and phrases for children, your youngsters are encouraged to become more positive, improve, and seek to achieve their goals.
  • Power words and phrases foster a positive outlook on life and simplify dealing with challenging situations.
  • Children evolve into positive, encouraging adults due to using strong words skill. It impacts your child's actions, emotions, and mood.
  • Children gain confidence in themselves and their talents when exposed to the most used words in the English language. These words impact a child's thinking and responses to many situations in addition to their physical impact.
  • Powerful words in English make the speaker a better and happier human. Children are also happier when they use positive language.


Kids jump from one emotion to another very fast. Learning to use strong words for teens can help to overcome this. Furthermore, these power words and phrases for kids will aid in the transformation of bad feelings into positive ones! Our courses are built to upskill your child's overall growth at PlanetSpark. To know more, visit our website today!


Help your child become a good leader with a comprehensive course on the best using strong words and superlatives for students.

Leadership builds confidence and teaches them to solve issues creatively and work in groups. A great leader has a clear vision, is fearless, possesses integrity, honesty, humility, and is a laser-like focus. Children with leadership skills and powerful words list have more control over their words and the power to make things happen. But how can your child achieve this? With PlanetSpark's online training on using strong words skill for students.


People think that kids are "born leaders", but the reality is that you can "train your child" to be a leader. Effective use of power words and phrases is a requirement of leadership, and speaking effectively in public is an essential component. By employing powerful words in English, your children will ideally have the opportunity to develop leadership abilities. Using strong words for teens can help to prevent conflict, promote communication, boost children's optimism, and depict the speaker as trustworthy and respected. Public speaking and leadership are intimately connected. Improving your child's public speaking skills can help them advance in their careers.


Communication in public is essential for your child from an early age. It boosts your kid's self-esteem and helps them connect with the listeners. Single words with powerful meaning encourage your child to speak up for what is right. It is highly beneficial in developing leadership abilities and achieving professional success. By getting trained online in English using strong words and superlatives for kids, your child will get numerous opportunities to showcase their leadership skills. So, book an online demo class with PlanetSpark today!


Even if your child is on the listening end, they can become a good leader with our courses.

Great communicators attract listeners in large numbers. It is also believed excellent listeners can also become great communicators with training in learning the English language by using strong words. Patience, good communication skills, and a dedication to ideals are necessary for effective leadership. Students need to develop leadership qualities in addition to academic study. Effective communication skills teach morality and ethics and the use of powerful words and phrases in speeches, which help children develop leadership qualities in them. Hence, children can become good leaders by using powerful words in English.


PlanetSpark can help your child master public speaking skills and overcome stage fear. By conquering their fear of public speaking, your child's communication and presentation abilities get improved further with our single words with the powerful meaning course. Our mentors also help your child enhance their imaginative skills using strong words in English. A smart thinker may also be a good speaker. If you wish your kid to be a good speaker, enrol them in our course as soon as possible.


Benefits of public speaking using powerful words in English

When asked to speak in front of an audience about something, your child might get scared and fearful. This is a common occurrence among all students who lack knowledge about strong Words and superlatives for kids. Only a few people have been seen to be able to cope with such a situation. However, every child should master their public speaking skills using strong words in this day and age. Here are some points that state how public speaking can benefit kids

  • Build self-confidence: It is true that "confidence is the key to success." With rigorous training on using strong words and phrases while public speaking, your child can gain confidence. This will help them develop self-confidence, which they will be able to announce regardless of what they choose to do in the future.
  • Share thoughts with the crowds: Encouraging your kid to put their thoughts and ideas into words and presenting them to a group of people is all about public speaking. With online training on a powerful word list, your child will be able to interact with others and share their views with them easily.
  • Expand their knowledge pool: With the help of PlanetSpark's course on power words and phrases, your child gets to learn new vocabularies which they can use afterwards in future. A good vocabulary will ensure that your children will never be embarrassed when expressing their views to others.
  • Become a good orator: If a student has been professionally trained to use strong words for teens, their public speaking skills improve. These public speaking skills help them discover the most used words in the English language by professional speakers. Exposing your children to public speaking using strong words from a young age will aid them in developing their skills and allow them to be future-ready.
  • Make their academics stronger: Good English skills assist your children in achieving academic success. Allowing your children to practise public speaking in English using strong words and superlatives gives them the skills they need to be leading students.


How can PlanetSpark help your child embrace the hidden public speaker in them?

Do you want your youngster to be at their best personality when speaking in front of a group? Let us educate your child about something to help them develop their personality. Enrol your child in these highly engaging online lessons by PlanetSpark that will teach them the keys to using single words with powerful meaning. Your kid will learn about public speaking body language tactics in a fun approach that is simple to grasp and apply. The training helps children to learn the English language using strong words, how to use body language when speaking, how to prepare topics for speeches, and more.


The several exercises teachers and educators of PlanetSpark use to improve confidence will help your child easily recognize powerful words and phrases. Check out PlanetSpark to know more details.

  • PlanetSpark provides one-on-one mentoring sessions to develop confidence skills in children to help them identify what powerful words in English are.
  • All our mentors have been trained to recognize and understand your child's strengths and to assist them in building confidence in kids.
  • We give study material so that individuals may practice their abilities and develop powerful words and phrases independently.
  • Because lectures may be tedious, we employ new approaches and technology to help students enjoy the process of learning the English language by using strong words.
  • We also guarantee that we will monitor your child's progress by taking mock tests and other short exams of powerful words with meaning in a very interesting approach so that kids also enjoy giving exams.
  • One can learn the most used words in the English language through a live online course of public speaking provided by them.


PlanetSpark's online public speaking courses using strong words for teens focus on all the aspects of public speaking to make your child a better speaker. From 'What is Public Speaking?' to 'Why is Public Speaking important?', there's a lot to learn about public speaking. Some of the most significant aspects of our course are encouraging your child to use strong words in English for the slightest conversation they do during class hours. This course will assist your children in widening their understanding of what public speaking includes and how powerful words and phrases can help them communicate. Please register your child for our course today.


FAQ- Frequently asked questions.

  • Which one is the most powerful word in the English language?

The most powerful word in English is You and I. To know if the word is powerful enough, check if it fits five unique, surprising, descriptive, action-driven, and seditious qualities.


  • Why is using strong words for teens essential?

It is extremely helpful in learning English better to use strong words and superlatives for kids. Good communication skills in English boost your child's confidence, and a kid who feels confident about themselves has a higher chance of attaining goals in schools, colleges, and in personal life.


  • What is PlanetSpark, and what does it do?

PlanetSpark is an online platform developed to change live coaching forever. We teach your kids to use strong words and phrases in English in their daily lives, thereby making them self-assured.


  • Will my child's English vocabulary become strong in this training?

PlanetSpark's course on power words and phrases aims to make your kid's vocabulary better than ever. We also provide them with study materials to learn the art of using powerful words with meaning in the sentences on their own.


  • Will PlanetSpark help you track your child's progress in using powerful English words?

PlanetSpark ensures to take mock tests at the end of every week to see how attentive the students are in the class. We also motivate them to use strong words in English while having conversations during class.


  • Why should I enrol my kids in PlanetSpark public speaking classes?

At PlanetSpark's using strong words for teens programme, our mentors encourage your kid to participate in the activities to get confident enough to face the audience in their near future.