How to avoid procrastination

Meta Description: Procrastinating is a serious issue that many fall into at some stage of life. Are you procrastinating? Go through the quick steps to avoid procrastination effectively and quickly.

How to Avoid Procrastination?

Many people start procrastinating at different phases in their life. This can be due to multiple factors faced by students, working professionals, or any busy persons. If you feel like you’re procrastinating badly or someone in your known is doing so, go through the quick list of practical steps to avoid procrastination.

Steps to avoid procrastination:

  1. Eliminate the distractions: It is the first and essential step to eliminate distractions like shutting the phone off, retreating yourself to a quiet place, and rejuvenating yourself.
  2. Prioritize your work: It is crucial to prioritize the work after eliminating the distractions. It can be done by making a list of the vital work.
  3. Set goals: You can start by creating short-term and long-term goals for your daily chores.
  4. Take a break: If you feel like work is going around the clock, you can take a break for a while and start again.
  5. Stay accountable: It is important to stay responsible for all the incomplete or completed ones.
  6. Become organized: It is essential to have a solid idea or plan to complete your work. Hence, you can start by keeping track of important assignments.
  7. Reward yourself: There is no issue in rewarding yourself for every milestone achieved.
  8. Set deadlines: The deadlines created by you can help you measure your productivity while eliminating procrastination.

Wrapping Up

Hence, it is easy for any person to avoid procrastination with the quick steps mentioned above. All you need to do is get organized, eliminate distractions, prioritize the work out of the list, and set daily goals. You can go for selecting the deadlines, taking a break from a busy schedule, and rewarding yourself. Not to miss is that you’re responsible for your efforts, and you must feel accountable while eliminating procrastination from your life.


  1. What is procrastination?

Procrastination is way different from being lazy. It is a wise decision to choose the unimportant work over the critical work. Hence, procrastination involves ignoring, while a lazy person has a simple unwillingness to react.

  1. What are the side effects of procrastination?

The side effects of procrastination include high levels of de-motivation and a disillusioned approach to meaningful work. The professionals facing procrastination may have to lose jobs and may even go into depression in extreme cases.

  1. How can I overcome procrastination?

It is easy to overcome procrastination with quick recognition and to work on the key factors contributing to procrastinationThe next step includes adopting anti-procrastination strategies based on the reasons causing procrastination to a specific person. Hence, these steps can slowly help any person overcome procrastination.

  1. What to do if I’m disorganized?

It is easy to remain organized and eliminate procrastination by keeping a to-do list, prioritizing the top works, and becoming a master of scheduling and work management. It is easy to tackle the most complex tasks at peak times, set time-bound goals, and start using the task and time management apps.

  1. Is it ok to forgive me for procrastinating in the past?

Yes, it is ok to forgive yourself for procrastinating in the past, as it is the first step in eliminating procrastination from your life. It can help you feel positive about yourself and reduce the high chances of falling prey to procrastination in the coming future.