Guide On Prefixes And Suffixes

While gaining insights into the English language, you will surely encounter Prefixes and Suffixes. Also, the questions related to the Prefixes and Suffixes are often asked in various examinations. Well, we might haven't realized it anytime, but we use plenty of prefixes and suffixes in our day-to-day lives. If you want your kids to learn English Prefixes And Suffixes, this article's right for you.


English Prefixes And Suffixes for kids are the words that may get a changed meaning the moment a set of two or three alphabets are added to them. Whether we add this set of words in the starting or the ending, if it's a prefix or suffix, the meaning shall change. If your child knows the  Prefixes and Suffixes, nothing can stop them from getting fluent in this language.


At PlanetSpark, our whole team has been continually working towards polishing and improvising students' knowledge. With the assistance of our cutting-edge curri3culum, your children will get the finest training possible. Our Prefixes And Suffixes training online shall never bore your kid. We have the most innovative and interactive platform ever, and your child will have the best time while learning these terms. Let your child have a fun time during our online course and gain a deeper insight into the world of English Grammar.

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Now let us understand Prefixes and Suffixes individually, one by one. Read on further to understand more:



Prefixes are considered the group of letters placed just before the word's root. For instance, adding the prefix "un-" before the word "happy" makes it "unhappy," which is totally the opposite of the actual word. Prefixes can sometimes act as the simplest letters acting as a prefix, or they can also be a lengthier word. They can change a word's meaning in every way. There are endless possibilities of prefixes in English Grammar. The moment your kid starts getting a grasp of this term, they might start using these words naturally in their daily lives. Make sure to introduce them to common prefixes and suffixes.

 Here is a shortlist of prefixes for you:

 Prefix: de-

Examples: decrease, decode

Prefix: dis-

Examples: disappear, disagree

Prefix: ex-

Examples: exhale, explosion

Prefix: il-

Examples: illogical, illegal

Prefix: im-

Examples: impossible, improper



Contrary to the prefixes, a suffix is a group of letters that is placed right after a word's root. For instance, if you add the prefix" -less" to the word "emotion," it turns out to be "emotionless." However, unlike a prefix, you might witness that suffixes change a word's manner rather subtly. It won't turn the word into its opposite meaning. Also, it won't add any other aspect of meaning to the notable word. The more your kid practices words with prefixes and suffixes, the better they will get hold of sentence formation. Instead, it is going to transform the word's class, for example, from an adjective to a verb or vice versa.


A list of suffixes is mentioned below:

Suffix: -able

Examples: portable, comfortable

Suffix: -al

Examples: comical, annual

Suffix: -er

Examples: stronger, bigger

Suffix: -est

Examples: strongest, tiniest

Suffix: -ful

Examples: grateful, fruitful

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 How to Use Prefixes and Suffixes for Kids?

One needs to be careful while using words with prefixes and suffixes. There might be instances when you shall get confused in many words. For instance, the correct term would be "illogical," but you might be confused and use "inlogical" or "dislogical" instead. Thus, there exists a need for you to be quite careful while using them. Make sure that you are already familiar with the word's meaning before using a prefix or suffix with it.


Important Points to Note for Prefixes and Suffixes for Kids

As said above, using common prefixes and suffixes might turn out to be a confusing process for you. It is because the usage of prefixes shall lead to a change in the starting of a word. So, just in case a prefix has a vowel in its ending, then the root word having a consonant in the starting shall stay as it is, for instance, "rework." On the other hand, if the root word commences with a vowel, then there shall be an add-on of a consonant.

While using the suffixes, there shall be a change in the word's meaning whenever a suffix is added to the end. In this case, if a word ends with 'e,' you won't have to use a double 'e;.' You just have to use the single 'e'. For example, "ride" becomes "rider" if you add the "-er" suffix to it.


Just in case any word ends with a "y," you would have to replace that "y" with an "i" to form a new word. For example, "merry" becomes "merrily" with the suffix "ily." The more you are going to use it, the better your English fluency is going to be. Thus, we would always recommend you to make your kid read and practice the same via our prefixes and suffixes worksheets for kids.


Explain the rules for prefixes and suffixes in English to your kids to keep on looking out for these kinds of words in their everyday lives and use them while communicating with their friends. If your child's just bored of reading books, you should introduce them to PlanetSpark, which has the best collection of live tutorials and videos on Prefix and Suffix.

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Understanding The Root Words In Prefixes And Suffixes For Kids


 The root words prefixes and suffixes are referred to as the basic words which have no suffix or prefix added to them. The moment a prefix or a suffix gets attached to a root word, its meaning or class might change. It is also very noteworthy that the suffixes -est and -er can be used in the form of superlative and comparative adjectives. For example, high/ higher/highest.


For instance,


One can add a suffix "-nomy" to the word "astro," and that makes it "astronomy." Astro stands for stars, and nomy stands for the study. On the whole, astronomy turns out to be the study of stars and the universe.

One can also use the "bi-" prefix to the word "lingual" and make it "bilingual." Bi means two, and on the other hand, a lingual word is associated with a language. Wholly, the word bilingual means someone who has a grasp of two languages.


It might be very surprising for you to note that some root words can have both suffixes as well as prefixes attached to them. This is done to change their meanings and also turn them into different words. Some of the examples of such root words are mentioned below:


● Norm: Normal, Abnormal

● Education: Educationally, Co-education

● Legal- Illegal, Legality

● Mature: Immature, Maturity

● Behave: Misbehave, behaved

● Fiction: Non-fiction, Fictional

● Dress: Undress, Dressed

● Happy: Unhappy, Happier


Children often learn a good number of words in prefixes and suffixes during their whole tenure of primary schooling. It is good for the students to be aware of the root words. Such a great understanding is only possible if they regularly solve the prefixes and suffixes exercises for kids from PlanetSpark.


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Most Commonly Used Prefixes and Suffixes for Kids

Yes, there are a lot of prefixes in the English Grammar language. However, the two most common ones are "un" and "re." These two prefixes are considered to be very useful, especially for beginners in this field who are still honing their skills. "Un" and "Re" are notably the ones that appear quite frequently, and they have a meaning that is easy to remember and understand.


On the other hand, the most commonly used suffixes are "-ed," "-ing," "-ly," and "-s." These are known to account for more than 90 per cent of the suffixed words currently put in use.


A Whole List of Common Examples of Prefixes and Suffixes for Kids

Do you want to learn more about the prefixes and suffixes via some of their examples? If yes, we have come up with a full-fledged list of 50 examples of prefixes and suffixes. Make sure you read each one of them and understand them better.







        A result




        An action or state




        A person




        A person




        An action or state




        A person




        A place of work




        Makes a feminine form




        Filled up




        A result




        A process




        A belief




        A person




        An action




        Able to be




        Made up of




        Full of








        A little








        Similar to




        Full of




        A tendency to




        In a way




        Shows direction















        Depose, detour, decaffeinated



        Opposite of

        Discord, discomfort, disengage



        Move between

        Transatlantic, transact, transport



        Among, between

        International, interstate, interface




        Subtext, submarine, substitute




        Nonverbal, nonstick, nonspecific



        Cause to

        Endure, enjoy, entail, enlighten




        Uncover, unlock, unsafe




        Semiprecious, semicolon, semicircle




        Rewrite, reread, return




        Midwest, midterm, midway




        Supersonic, superstore, superstar




        Foresight, foreshadow, forecast




        Preview, preplan, prevent, pretest




        Invade, inedible, incapable




        Irregular, irresponsible, irritate




        Imperfect, immoral, implant



        In a wrong way

        Misjudge, misplace, misguide



Do you want a whole list of 50 examples of prefixes and suffixes worksheets for your kid?

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How to Make Prefixes and Suffixes for Kids Interesting?

 There are plenty of ways in which you can help your kids easily learn about affixes in a rather engaging manner. We have mentioned some of them here:

 ●      Start off with a prefix race

You can introduce your child to a prefix or suffix with the help of a race. Give them a single prefix or a suffix, for example, "bi," and ask them to write as many words as they can starting with it. Make sure you are transforming it into a competition. Give them a time frame, such as 10-15 minutes, to write the maximum number of words. Once they have noted down the words, notice if they are able to spot the prefix and suffix from the words. If your kid can recall, this means that they have learned the meaning of this prefix and suffix.


●      Mark a suffix or prefix every week

Every week, you need to choose a prefix and a suffix on which your child shall be studying. Also, it shall be quite ideal if you include those prefixes and suffixes in your everyday communication and writing too. We would also recommend you to keep on updating the frequency of how many times the word has been used on a daily basis. This is considered to be a highly effective approach in keeping your child engrossed in the overall learning process of the prefix and suffix.


●      Teach them root words

Yes, you would be able to teach your kids in isolation, but did you know that you can prepare them better while explaining the root words to them. You can indulge your child in jigsaws. All you need to do is just make a list of basic prefixes, suffixes, and root words. Ask your child to keep them together so that they are able to form words by adding them. The more choices they are able to make, the better they will understand this concept. This is also considered amongst the finest strategies to teach them the words with prefixes and suffixes.


●      Online training programs

Rather than asking your kid to read books and then learn, you can get them enrolled in the finest online platforms such as PlanetSpark. We have got a huge number of live tutorials and interactive sessions for your kids. Whether you want some examples of these topics, assignments, or in-depth prefixes and suffixes pdf, we may get it for you with no shortcomings.


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Why Opt for PlanetSpark to Learn Prefixes and Suffixes for Kids?

 Fun-Learning and Interactive Activities

Learning's never boring with us! We, at PlanetSpark, have curated a fun-learning teaching platform that would facilitate your child with flexible learning opportunities. Not only this, you would be astonished to note that kids actually get excited to study while being with us. All of our top educators hail outstanding experience in this field. Thus, they are accompanied by the finest practical and theoretical knowledge of the subject.


Improvement in your child's vocabulary knowledge

We not only focus on building your child's knowledge about a particular subject. It is because we don't believe in getting confined to a boundary. Our whole team of professionals also focuses on building your child's vocabulary and public speaking traits. We want your kid to have enough knowledge of using a good vocabulary while speaking with others and expressing their thoughts via writing too.


Keen Attention to Every Individual

Nothing matters more to us than seeking your child's growth in terms of career and personality too. Keeping the same consideration in view, we have created an extensive and very easy-to-use channel of communication between your child and our experts. With our knowledge and high expertise in this field, you may always stay assured of English Grammar Prefix and Suffix knowledge.


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Frequently Asked Questions


What are the ten examples of prefixes?

 There are plenty of prefixes in the English Grammar world now. However, the most important ten examples are de-, dis-, trans-, inter-, sub-, non-, en-, un-, semi-, and re-


What is PlanetSpark, and what does it do?

 PlanetSpark is a majorly renowned provider of live sessions, tutorials, and online classes on Public Speaking, Debating, Vlogging, Grammar, English Communication, and plenty of other skills.


What are the twenty examples of suffixes?

 The twenty examples of suffix are -age, -ance , -ant, -ee, -ence , -er/or, -ery, -ess, -ful , -ing, -ion, -ism, -ist, -ment, -able, -en, -ful, -ible, -ish, -less.


How will parents know if the child is progressing well?

Being a parent, you can keep on testing your child's knowledge about the subject on a daily basis. You can ask them to complete some assignments on the same and evaluate their performance and completion pace too. Moreover, you can also communicate with them and notice the number of suffixes and prefixes they are using while talking.