Get The Best Online Training At PlanetSpark And Be Prepared For Giving Your First Speech With Confidence.

What all points should be considered while your kid is giving their first speech?


Public speaking can be overwhelming, especially for beginners. Here are some useful tips to consider while your kid is  giving their first speech-


  • Know the purpose of the speech.
  • Decide if your kid want to persuade, inform, or entertain the audience.
  • Select the topic after careful research.
  • Know your audience before preparing the content for your speech.
  • While writing the content, include string facts and statistics to engage the audience.
  • Open your speech with a powerful quote to instantly grab the audience's attention.
  • Address a big problem or underline a solution. Give your audience to look forward to in your speech before introducing yourself.
  • Strong statements, facts, and thorough research are an absolute must to build your credibility so that people can trust you.
  • To make your first speech memorable, make sure that it has valuable content so that people can take away something after listening to you. For that, you also need to know about your audience's knowledge. Don't just repeat what they already know.
  • Include everyone in your greetings, from audience members and colleagues to the esteemed guests and jury.
  • Both verbal and non-verbal communication can be used in the best way to deliver a speech effectively.
  • Use voice modulation techniques to change the pitch and tone of your voice as per the demand of the content. Similarly, effectively use the power of pauses.
  • Body language is also as necessary as your speech, so include hand gestures and make eye contact while delivering your speech.
  • Practice thoroughly before delivering your speech to the audience in front of the mirror.


Enrol now in the spoken English course at Planetspark and sharpen your kids’ public speaking skills.


What is the importance of Public Speaking skills and the art of storytelling?

Both public speaking and the art of storytelling holds importance in the current times. A student must acquire these skills from an early age to become a confident orator in the next stage of their life. These skills develop critical thinking in students and leadership qualities. Great speakers are capable of influencing change in society.

The communication skills course at Planetspark aims for the overall development of students. It is a great course for those who want to overcome their fear and shyness while speaking in public to become the next generation orators. So, join our course for building confidence. Your first speech can be the turning point in your life. Don't miss this opportunity. Acquire excellent communication skills with simplified learning and one-on-one training. Start the course NOW!


Benefits of Planetspark courses for improving public speaking skills.


 The courses at Planetspark aim to provide an overall development to every student to boost their confidence level to overcome their shyness and speak in front of a large audience effectively. Here are some of the many benefits of Planetspark courses-


  • Enhance your communication skills- The spoken English course at Planetspark is a great tool for those who want to improve their communication skills. Our course has a dynamic curriculum to provide various skills and cognitive benefits. Students learn daily conversation skills, voice modulation techniques, public speaking, and body language, among many other things to enhance their communication. This course will prepare you to give your first speech in a powerful voice.
  • Practice with activities and worksheets- Active learning is the core of all our courses, and this is why we provide ample opportunities to the students to practice their skills thoroughly. Various activities and worksheets are included in the curriculum to promote maximum student participation and give them better control over their learning.
  • Develop cognitive benefits- Besides developing students' communication skills, our course helps them develop various cognitive skills to enable them to respond effectively in novel situations and convey their message to the audience in the best possible way. First school speech for students in English seems like a pretty big deal, but this course will prepare you to perform the best.
  • Simplified learning- Learning is fun and easy at Planetspark. With our innovative teaching methods, the students get a creative learning space to learn various complex concepts easily and express themselves freely. We have replaced boring lectures with learning games and experiential content to provide our students with the best possible teaching.
  • Best Instructors- At Planetspark, we are very selective about our instructors. Considering the importance of an instructor in the lives of a student, we only allow the best ones to join our expert team. The instructors have to qualify for our PSAT exam before joining us, and when they qualify, they are trained rigorously to bring forth the maximum benefits of the course for the students.


Take a Free Trial Class NOW to experience the benefits of our courses!


Public Speaking Tips for building confidence and optimising your first speech.


Giving your first speech seems as intimidating as moving a mountain. But it doesn't have to be that hard. You need to take care of certain things while preparing your speech to shine on the stage and mesmerise the audience with your powerful voice!

So, here are some public speaking tips for you-


  • However short or long your speech will be. Write it out.
  • Organise your content in three parts- beginning, middle, and end.
  • Include thought-provoking quotes, statements, or facts to draw your audience's attention.
  • Practice your speech with essential pauses, stresses, and voice modulation.
  • You can even mark certain areas in your speech where you would pause or stress or change the pitch of your voice.
  • Their first school speech doesn't stress them when they are well prepared for school students. So the most important thing is thorough practice.
  • Practice repetitively in front of the mirror, and you can even record yourself to observe your strong and weak points.
  • Don't forget to smile. It'll reduce your stress, and you'll look pleasing to the audience as well.
  • Use your body language effectively. This would help the audience to understand your points easily.
  • The content of your speech should be engaging, and the audience must take away something valuable from it. So, make sure to frame your speech effectively.


The communication skills course at Planetspark provides the best online training to students from an early age. In this course, students learn fluency development, public speaking skills, body language improvisation, and many more effective skills to boost their confidence. Register your kid NOW!


Frequently asked questions about our Public speaking course.


1. How do you start your first speech?

A speech should be binding from the beginning to ensure that the audience listens to you. Open your speech with a powerful quote that is relevant to your content. It would give a great kickstart to your speech. Right after the speech, when the audience is all attentive, give them a question or a scenario to think about, and the audience will listen to you intently.


2. What should be included in your first speech?

Your speech should include a powerful quote to draw attention from the audience. Then add a thought or scenario after a speech to leave people wondering about it. Don't forget to introduce yourself, but do it after the quote or a little later when the audience is fully bound with you. Also, try to incorporate relevant statistics and powerful sentences to keep people's attention with you.


3. How do I write my first speech?

For starters, don't get overwhelmed by the opportunity of public speaking. Carefully find out the purpose of your speech, which will help prepare the main body of the speech. Your speech should contain valuable content to keep the audience engaged, and yourself motivated to give your first speech. Also, it is important to know your audience before preparing your content, so do your research accordingly.


4. How do you greet in a speech?

Greetings are an important component while delivering a speech. Ensure that you include the audience, jury and guests (if present) in your greetings. There can be many ways of greeting, such as-

  • Hello,/ Goodmorning, ladies and gentlemen.
  • Goodmorning everyone/ respected jury/esteemed guests.  


5. How to speak confidently in front of an audience?


  • Prepare your speech considering your audience.
  • Practice in front of the mirror to enhance your speaking skills.
  • Repeat the content as much as you can before going on the stage. You'll gain more confidence with practice.
  • Be mindful of your voice while speaking. Don't be too fast or too slow. Keep changing your pace depending on your content to engage the audience effectively.


6. How do you introduce yourself in a speech?

Before you introduce yourself to the audience, please ensure that you have built trust. For that, open your speech by addressing problems or stating some powerful facts so that the audience knows that you are a credible person. Then you can introduce yourself in various ways like- "Let me introduce myself", "my name is", after greeting the audience and the jury or guests.


Prepare yourself for giving your first speech with the best online training at Planetspark. Enrol NOW!