Gestures course for kids | PlanetSpark

Gestures course for kids For Overcoming Stage Fright

About Gestures Course for kids

Gestures class for children provides your kid with a dependable model for planning and delivering great presentations in various situations. The work place, education, and public life are all places where we are often called upon to "make a few remarks." People who are charged with delivering such remarks are often baffled and do not know how to reach. They may be unable to articulate themselves and ramble on without making a point.

Gesture training online is intended to assist your kid in shining bright in situations where others might fail. We teach your child how to plan speeches effectively, memorise them, and deliver them confidently. After completing the Gestures course for kids, your child will be able to overcome their fear of public speaking significantlyt. They can also utilise rehearsal methods to establish an influential and lively speaking voice and deliver speeches full of movement and gestures.

In addition to briefings, elevator talks, and interviews, our gestures training for kids can be used to structure hour-long presentations and smaller talks and discussions. Your kid will learn the principles of public speaking with the help of highly qualified trainers.

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Benefits of Planetspark Gestures Courses for kids

It is always possible to detect whether a speaker is inexperienced by how their hand moves (or do not move, depending on the situation) throughout a presentation. Hands in the pockets, behind the back, or—at the other extreme—hands waving frantically are all dead giveaways, which prove to be quite distracting.

 What the audience sees is just as fascinating as what they hear throughout the presentation. Mayne children fail to realise that their audience is assessing them and their message not just by what their message but also by how they deliver it. This  includes their body language. People are more likely to recall what they see than what they hear, making your kid's gestures even more crucial. If you want your kid's presentation to be remembered by their audience, make sure that they preparation includes the right words and the correct gestures.

So, what are your options? What is the most effective way to gesture? The first thing your kid will learn in the Gestures training online is that it is challenging to remain focused on a dynamic topic. If your speech is monotonous, the audience may be yawning in no time. Instead, your kid will be taught how to capture the audience's attention by walking about the room/stage and using their hands to draw focus to the most critical topics in their presentations.

 Practice is essential for acquiring public speaking abilities, using gestures should be as much a part of your childs practice as the delivery. 

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Gestures course for Kids Curriculum Details

The gestures course offered by PlanetSparks is a component of the broader Communication Skills Program. An activity-centric pedagogy combined with short learning projects is intended to foster the development of strong communication skills among students.


Curriculum Details

●       Body language

➔    Body movements and personal space

➔    Facial expressions

➔    Eye communication

➔    Hand and feet gesture


●       Active listening

●       Storytelling


●       Daily conversation skills through gestures

➔    Good Manners

➔    Going Out in Public Places

➔    Social Interaction

➔    Shopping

➔    Seeing a Doctor

➔    Eating at a Restaurant

➔    Air Travel and Staying at a Hotel

➔    Telephone Etiquettes

➔    Solving Problems and Reporting Emergencies


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Search by Topics:


Conversation Skills

●   Using Impactful Words

●       Using Strong Verbs

●       Using Strong Nouns

●       Using Transition Words

●       Shades of Meaning

●       Learning to Describe

●       Talking about time (When)

●       Talking about the setting (Where)

●       Describing people (Who)

●       Daily Conversation Skills

●       Daily Discussions

●       Leading Powerful Conversations


Gestures Training Online: Activities & Worksheets

Keep in mind that children are both vertical and mobile in their movements. They may not be able to communicate verbally, but you may assist them in learning a variety of hand signals through the online gestures course for kids.  

PlanetSparks Gestures Training Course includes various activities and worksheets that help make the classes fun and productive. The "Head, Shoulders, Tummy, Toes" game is an excellent example. Infants and toddlers like the classic game of ring around the rose (or its variants) "On every day, Sally goes round the sun, Sally goes around the moon, and every evening, Sally goes round the chimney pots. Boom!" Toddlers collapse to the ground after both circle games, beaming with delight. These gestures and activities for kids allow students to interact with their classmates.  

Our expert teachers are always aware that certain gestures or actions are complex for yonder learners to do. For such situations, our course includes special exercises that help young learners understand and mimic complex gesture. 



Since presentations have become an essential component of practically everyone's professional life, teaching youngsters how to do presentations early in their lives can help them learn more effectively with the help of good gestures. You might encourage your kid to give a brief presentation on a subject that interests them, and you can add a little gift to recognise their efforts in the process.

 What are Gestures in Communications

Gestures, as a skill, are a successful engagement method because it enables all children to participate in the lesson material simultaneousl. Effective gestures help one in grabbing an audiences attention and keep them captivated. Gestures also aid in knowledge retentios as they promote higher brain activity.


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Importance of Gestures Skills For kids

The following is the importance of gestures for kids:


1)     They aid in the development of newborns and toddlers. Gestures skill for kids aid in developing your baby's receptive language, or their capacity to comprehend and respond to words. Using oral gestures to reinforce language acquisition, such as pretending your hand is a cup and putting it to your lips when you say "drink," is beneficial for a young childs development. 

2)     The development of your baby's expressive language is also influenced by their gestures, which play an important role in the months leading up to and immediately after thier first words. For example, they can shake his head before saying no to anything.


3)     They facilitate social interaction. Relationships need to be built on social communication, and actions like raising your arms to be hugged or handing a child a toy to start a game. It takes "rules" like greeting people, taking turns, and reading and responding to body language to traverse the social environment successfully. Gestures such as waving, blowing kisses, shaking your head, and pointing all provide credence to this idea. 

4)     They contribute to improved language development as well as academic performance.

5)     According to research, using certain good gestures at specific ages (see below) predicts preschool language abilities, and preschool language skills predict academic performance.


PlanetSpark Gestures course for kids Testimonials


“My son, Shivam, found the Gestures course to be beneficial. He considers PlanetSpark lessons 'awesome,' and he has a strong affection for his instructor. Kudos! We're delighted to watch Shivam embrace learning with such enthusiasm. Thank You PlanetSpark.”


Vivan Malhotra



“There are several options available on the app to attract kids. The learning app is excellent, and parents get a very positive image due to using it. The content is quite informative and well-written. My Daughter Shanya has become very confident and now uses hand gestures while talking, making her speech more effective.”


Sanya Johri



Other Resources:


Conversation Skills


Conversation Expert

Learn English Language

Ted Talk


Basic Conversation


Standup Comedy

Decision-making skills

Everyday conversation




Daily Dialogue Conversation



Conflict resolutions

Role Play in English Conversation


Story Telling


Interview Skills


Group Discussions





FAQs for Gestures classes for kids

Q1: What are examples of gestures?

There are many examples of gestures. A few of them are

●       Hand movements that are frequent and often frantic.

●       Pointing with the index finger

●       Arms flailing in the air.

●       Using fingers to run through their hair.

●       Invading a person's personal space to communicate hatred.


Q2: What are the four types of gestures?

Gestures can be categorised as beat, deictic, iconic, and metaphoric. The speed of speech is reflected or emphasised via beat gestures. A deictic gesture is when the participant points to an actual object, indicates instructions or refers to something already said. For example, hands held in the form of a ball are an iconic gesture that is simple to understand since it resembles a physical phenomenon.


Q3: What is the meaning of this gesture 🤙?

The love-you gesture, also known as the I love you hand sign emoji, is the American Sign Language gesture for the words "I love you." It is represented by a hand with the index and pinky (little) fingers lifted and the thumb extended.


Q4: What are some synonyms for gesture?

Signal, sign, indication, and motion are some of the synonyms for gestures.


Q5: Is there any one-to-one teaching facility available for my child?

Yes, at PlanetSpark, we also provide a 1:1 teaching facility. Our 1:1 online gestures training for kids offer tailored and practical learning experiences that help students develop a more positive overall personality. 


Q6: What will my child learn from PlanetSpark’s online gestures training for kids ?

Your child will learn how to express themselves better using gestures. They will be able to exude confidence and lay a strong foundation for future success. Additionally,  your kid will learn how to discern people's feelings and views before they ever speak a word in this special online course that will teach them how to improve their emotional intelligence and interpret gestures. 

Q7: Why is gestures training for kids important?

 The most effective gestures extend out and make your kid stand out. The more substantial your kid will seem, the more assured they will appear to their audience members.


Q8: Where do I get a free trial?

Ans: At PlanetSpark, you can easily enrol your kid for a free trial to understand the teaching methodology. You need to log into the PlanetSpark website and then click on the book your free trial option for booking a free trial. You will be asked a few questions like which skill you want to enrol in and your kid's age. After answering all the questions, you can book your free trial for online gestures training for kids.



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