Equip Your Kid With Good Manner Skills In English With The Best Online Courses From PlanetSpark.

What are the basic good manners skills in English for kids?


Kids with good manners always stand out from the rest. Parents need to foster good manners skills in children from their early years to develop compassion, kindness, gratitude, and other essential virtues to help them become better people. Many of us concentrate on the study part of the child. No doubt that being good at studies is crucial in the current times. But if kids lack basic good manners, they won't be able to make their position in society. This is why it is crucial to focus on learning good manners skills for students and their studies.

Let's take a look at some basic good manner skills in English for kids that parents should teach them in their childhood years:


  • Starting the requests with "Please": Children should learn to say "please" to everyone. Skipping this simple word might show them as rude, and it might be offensive to people. It shows that they respect them and consider their space.
  • The habit of "thanking" people: Showing gratitude is very important. Saying "thank you" is the most basic yet most important good manner skill in English for kids and adults. Sometimes we keep these words for formal purposes only. But it is essential to remember that they are equally important to thank your friends and family. So, foster the habit of thanking people who have done even the smallest favours for your kids.
  • Greeting everyone with a smile: Everyone likes pleasant people over those who are always grumpy. So, "smiling" is another essential good manner skill that students need to learn in their childhood years.
  • Apologizing: Saying "sorry" is a basic good manner skill in English for kids but is the most crucial. It will teach them to become responsible for their actions. Children need to realise when they commit a mistake and apologise when they do so.


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Why learning good manners skills is important for students in their early childhood?


Students should learn good manners skills to develop an endearing personality from their early childhood years. Parents look forward to a great and successful career for their children; they must develop good manners skills in children besides focusing on their studies. If even the basic good manners skills in English are missing in a child's life, how will they respect others and find the same for themselves? It is vital to teach children how to express gratitude when they receive help and feel responsible for their mistakes.

 Learning good manner skills will make students confident about themselves as they will be able to express their feelings openly. Today, people have started others' emotions for granted, affecting the whole of human society. Learning good manners skills will help students foster the essential virtues of kindness, self-control, and integrity in their personalities.

Let's take a look at other important benefits of developing good manner skills in children: 


1. Chance for a great social life: Having good manners skills in English for kids will help them build connections with important people. No one likes a rude person. Having good manners makes your kid stand out and makes them better individuals.  


2. Elevate self-esteem: People with good manners have a strong personality and are loved and respected by everyone. When you are considerate about others and feel love for them, you do the same for yourself. So, learning good manners skills will help students boost their self-esteem.


3. Boost Confidence: Having good manners teaches positive behaviour in students; they feel respect for others to receive the same respect. Learning good manners skills develops great virtues in students. They feel motivated to help others and make themselves confident about themselves.


4. Inspire Others: Positive change in one individual can influence the whole society. If we send good vibes to others, we will get the same in return, but if we are rude, the other person will also not treat us cheerfully.


5. Excel in every opportunity: Learning good manners skills for students is essential to excel to make the best out of every opportunity. Good people can be easily trusted, and their chances of building important connections and getting good opportunities to improve automatically.


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How to improve a child's good manner skills in English?


Everyone appreciates the attribute of politeness in people. Developing good manners skills in children will help in their overall personality development. Parents can foster the basic good manners skills in English at home to foster the wisdom in children that enables them to judge the do's and dont's while in public and with their friends and family. If you aspire for your child to study abroad, it is crucial to learn good manners skills in English for kids in their early childhood years. These good habits will help them behave in the best way in public, and it would be an added benefit to their successful career. We have enumerated some useful ways for you to develop good manner skills in children: 


1. Role Playing

Teach your kids good manners skills in English by creating hypothetical situations. You could try different situations every day, such as talking to your friends or their teachers when in the classroom. Start with the familiar situations kids face in their daily routine, and then slowly take it to an advanced level. Later you can teach them about different conversations they can have while visiting doctors or going shopping.


Get your kid Enrolled Now for the spoken English course at PlanetSpark to equip them with good manners skills in English.


2. Improvising daily conversations

Motivate your child to talk in English at home as well. Listen to their conversations and refrain from their habits of making fun of other people. If you notice anything like that, teach them the use of saying 'excuse me' and other basic good manners skills in English.


3. Don't forget to teach the basics

Remember to teach your child familiar words like saying 'thank you, 'please', and 'sorry'. Without these words, you cannot develop good manners skills in children. A child must have the understanding to express gratitude and apologise when needed.


4. Be an example for the kids

Children learn from their elders. So, ensure that you show them the best example of positive behaviour. Show respect to everyone and be kind and patient while teaching your kids.


5. Observe their habits

If you find your kid behaving rudely with someone, correct their behaviour patiently. Don't ignore their bad habits; kids need to develop the rationale to identify what is right and wrong from their childhood years.


What are the various good manner skills activities for kids in English?


English speaking is inevitable as it is an integral part of our curriculum and also it is a global language spoken. Yet just knowing the language is not enough to make connections and friends in another country. Despite having English speakers, every country also has differences in their cultures. So, it is vital to learn good manners for students to know what to say and what not to if they go abroad or even in different public situations. Developing good manners skills in children will help them communicate effectively with people and bring out the best in their personalities.

Let's check out some activities necessary in an English speaking environment:


1. Saying 'Please': Using the word 'please' in your everyday conversations might seem like an obvious thing, but many people forget to use it, and it seems rude to the other person even if they didn't intend it. So, it is necessary to naturalise these basic good manners skills in English for kids.  


2. Expressing gratitude: It is polite to show appreciation and gratitude to the people who have helped you in even the smallest way. So, another thing to remember while learning good manners skills for students is to say 'thankyou'.


3. Greet people: Greetings are a crucial aspect of fostering good manners skills in English for kids. Teach your kids to greet everyone they meet pleasantly. When someone enters the room, stand up and greet them to show respect. You can encourage their habit of greeting by asking them to greet your neighbours or relatives when they arrive at your home, or the shopkeepers when you visit to buy something.


4. Making eye contact while talking to someone: Sometimes, kids feel shy talking to strangers, so they look down at their shoes while conversing with them. But this habit needs to be permanently removed from their life to boost their confidence and self-esteem. Encourage your child to make eye contact with people while talking to them to appear confident. This is also an important activity to take care of while developing good manners skills in children.


5 Not pointing out anyone: Sometimes, children point out to people while talking about them without realising that this would reflect badly on them. So, another important thing to take care of for students while learning good manners skills is ensuring that they don't point out at anyone or stare at someone.


Here are some good manners skills examples in English for kids.


While developing good manners skills in children, consider the following points:


  • Greetings people upon meeting them shows our respect towards people.
  • In a conversation, saying 'please' and 'thankyou' is a basic but crucial good manners skill in English for kids to naturalise in their habits during their childhood years.
  • Now that when even children are using phones to communicate with their friends and teachers, you should involve phone etiquette while developing good manners skills in children. Children should realise that they should not interrupt others when they are talking.
  • The habit of staring and pointing out at someone is bad and needs to be removed from one's life asap.
  • Being kind to everyone is another thing to remember while learning good manners skills for students.
  • If children see any person with a disability, show kindness.
  • The habit of making fun of others should not be encouraged at any age.
  • Apologising is another crucial part of good manners skills in English for kids. Kids should realise when they are wrong and say 'sorry' immediately for their behaviour.
  • Shaking hands is expected when you meet someone in an English speaking environment.
  • Learning good manners skills for kids is incomplete without teaching them to show pleasant behaviour to everyone they meet. So, smiling when greeting someone is also important.
  • Asking others about their day and including 'how are you?' in your conversation shadows that you are concerned about others and gives them a positive impression of you.


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Good manners skills in English that your child must know!


Whether you are preparing your child for studying abroad or facing everyday life situations in general, developing good manners skills in children is essential. Having good etiquette outshines your personality from the rest, and your chance of getting ahead in both life and career improves significantly.

We have enumerated some basic good manners skills in English that your child must know to put their best self in front of people. Check them out below:


1. Don't break the queue.

Patience and tolerance for others are important virtue a child must acquire while developing good manners skills. If you are standing in a queue with others, don't break it. Be patient and wait for your turn. 


2. Knock before opening the door.

Don't enter someone's office or room without knocking at the door. The concept of personal space and privacy should be taught to students from an early age. It reflects poorly on your personality when you barge into someone's personal space without letting them know about it.


3. A pleasant smile can make someone's day better.

Smiling is also an important activity to take care of by students while learning good manners skills. Showing pleasant behaviour to people you meet makes communication more effective, and who knows that they need to see a smiling face to feel better about their day.


4. Make eye contact while talking to people. 

When you are talking to someone, not making eye contact with them reflects poorly on your side. On the other hand, looking into people's eyes while talking makes you look confident, and people connect with you better. So, if your child is shy, tell them to make eye contact with people. It is an essential good manners skill for children.


5. Shake hands and greet people upon meeting them. 

When you meet someone, you must acknowledge their presence and show them respect by greeting them and even shaking hands. In English speaking environment, people expect a firm shake of hands upon meeting.


6. Saying 'thankyou' is the best way of expressing gratitude.

While learning good manners skills for students, foster a habit of saying 'thankyou'. When you receive even the smallest help or someone gifts you something, it is essential to show gratitude. Otherwise, you'll seem rude.


7. Treat everyone equally.

Developing good manners skills in children also involves teaching them the concept of equality. The children must realise that they need to respect everyone equally irrespective of their status or job. Even the work of housemaids needs to be acknowledged and appreciated as they play an important role in our lives.


8. Apologise upon committing a mistake.

A child must develop the wisdom of realising when he has done wrong and say 'sorry' immediately. Feeling responsible for one's mistake is an essential good manners skill in English for kids.


9. Saying 'Please' still works. 

Children must acquire a habit of saying 'please' before making a request or asking for a favour.


10. Hold the door.

When you are entering a place with people you know, it doesn't look polite to enter first and shut the door on their face. So, teach your kids to hold the door for others to follow.


Frequently asked questions about learning good manners skills for students.


1. How will PlanetSpark courses help my child develop Good Manners skills in English?

The courses at PlanetSpark are comprehensive and aim for every student's overall development. The curriculum of the spoken English course includes daily conversation skills and other important aspects of communication to prepare children to bring out the best of their personalities.

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2. What are the basic good manners skills in English that a child should know?

Saying 'please', 'thank you, and 'sorry' in apt situations are extremely important good manners skills in English that a child should know.


3. How to teach my kid good manners skills in English?

Encourage children to speak English at home and listen to their conversations carefully. Improvise their words if you feel that they are being rude or mocking their fellow students in their conversations.