English Grammar Tense for Class 8

English Grammar Tense for Class 8



Tenses are used to indicate the time of an action or state of being in a language. Hence, the word tense refers to "time." It helps learners gain a fundamental knowledge of how to structure a statement that refers to a specific period in the sentence. As a result, class 8 English Grammar tenses become the most significant topic, which is necessary not only to understand academics in schools but also to speak proper English in public.


English Grammar for class 8 covers the definition and all the types of tenses in detail. However, the way it is explained and taught determines if the lesson learned will stay with the students forever and, most importantly, if they will be able to use the sentences with proper tense in the practical world. PlanetSpark has designed the most extensive yet simplified curriculum for 8th class tenses which covers this vital topic easily. Here are some details of CBSE class 8 English tenses:


Tenses come in a variety of forms. The Present Tense, the Past Tense, and the Future Tense are the three primary types. Read the details of each of the tenses below in the article.

  1. Present Tense

The present tense has the following elements: simple present tense, perfect present tense, and present perfect continuous tense.


  • Simple present tense for class 8 - It is used to represent daily duties, facts, and universal truths, among other things. The simple present tense is used to represent what is happening currently, what happens on a regular basis, or what is a reality in and of itself. A simple present tense is created by adding the letters es or s.


The simple present tense is used for the following purposes:


To describe a series of behaviours or routines such as

  • I drink a glass of lemon water every day.
  • My mother cooks for me every day.


To say something that is true at all times or is a universal truth, such as

  • The sun sets in the west.
  • The sun revolves around the earth.


CBSE class 8 English tenses examples for simple present tense:


  • Affirmative - I have an English grammar book.
  • Negative - I don't have any English grammar book.
  • Interrogative - Do I have an English grammar book?


Now that you are familiar with the simple present tense for class 8, next is the perfect present tense.


  • Perfect present tense - It is used to express accomplished acts.


The perfect present tense is used for the following purposes:


To indicate an activity that began in the past and is still ongoing. For example:

  • Lakshmi has gone to the English class.
  • He went to the movies.


To convey previous activities or occurrences that have persisting consequences, as in

  • They have honoured our teacher.
  • I have lived in Hyderabad for two years.


Examples of perfect present tense for class 8 English Grammar tense:


  • Affirmative - I have been to Delhi.
  • Negative - I haven't been to Delhi.
  • Interrogative - Have I been to Delhi?


  • Present perfect continuous tense - When the attention is on an activity that is not yet done or concluded, we employ the present perfect continuous.


The simple present perfect continuous tense is used for the following purposes:


To define an ongoing action that started at some point in the past. At the time of speaking, the activity should be ongoing.

  •  We've been learning English for the last five years.
  •  It's been pouring for the last three hours.


To underline the ongoing and unbroken quality of an activity, even after it has been accomplished.

  •  The kids have been playing nonstop all day.
  •  She has spent the entire morning writing letters.


English grammar for class 8 examples for present perfect continuous tense


  • Affirmative - I have been living in Delhi
  • Negative - I haven't been living in Delhi
  • Interrogative - Have I been living in Delhi?


  1.  Past Tense

An event or incident that has already happened in the past is called the past tense.


  • Simple Past Tense: This tense is used to describe an activity that occurred in the past. It is frequently used in conjunction with a temporal adverb. It can be used without a time adverb in some cases. This term is used to describe old practices.


The simple past tense is used for the following purposes:


To describe an activity that occurred and was finished in the past. For example:

  • We left for Mumbai yesterday.
  • He bought a home in the last year.


To describe a former habitual or repetitive behaviour, such as

  • Rahul was a non-smoker.
  • He used to go to the temple on a regular basis when he was younger.


          CBSE English Grammer tense examples for simple past tense:


  • Affirmative - I lived in Delhi
  • Negative -  I didn't live in Delhi
  • Interrogative - Did I live in Delhi?


  • Past continuous tense - In English grammar for class 8, the past continuous tense is a crucial tense. It's a phrase we use to describe what we were doing at a specific time in the past.


The past continuous tense is used for the following purposes:


To express an activity that occurred at a specific moment in time or during a specific length of time in the past. For example:

  •   I was eating lunch at 1 p.m. yesterday.
  •   I was working on my school projects last week.


To describe two activities that occurred simultaneously in the past.

  • He was listening to music while I was sending messages.
  • We were swimming in the swimming pool when it began to rain.


Class 8 English Grammar tense examples for past continuous tense:


  • Affirmative - He was studying.
  • Negative - He wasn't studying.
  • Interrogative - Was he studying?


  • Past perfect tense - An event that began before a specific point in time and persisted until a given point in the past.


The past perfect tense is used for the following purposes:


To express a wish that was not fulfilled in the past, as in

  • I wish he had paid attention to his parents' advice.
  • I wish I has gone to an English class.


To convey impossible historical circumstances, such as

  • We would have caught the train if we had departed earlier.
  • You would have qualified if you had worked harder.


CBSE English Grammar tense examples for past perfect tense:


  • Affirmative - He had worked hard.
  • Negative - He had not worked hard.
  • Interrogative - Had he worked hard?


  1. Future Tense

A simple definition of the future tense is that any action that is expected to take place in the future is included in the future tense.


  • Simple future tense - Future tense refers to the time that passes after a statement is spoken.


The simple future tense is used for the following purposes:


To indicate an event that will occur in the future. For example:

  • I will be thirteen the next month.
  • We will visit Indore next year.


For routine behaviours that we expect to occur. For example:

  • Winter will arrive shortly.
  • Kumbh Mela will observe a huge crowd.


Class 8 English Grammar tense examples for simple future tense:


  • Affirmative - He will come.
  • Negative - He will not come.
  • Interrogative- Will he come?


  • Future continuous tense - This tense is used to describe an action that will take place in the future.


  • I'm going to see the doctor tomorrow.
  • They will be playing cricket tomorrow.


8 class English tenses examples for future continuous tense:

  • Affirmative - He will be going to school.
  • Negative - He will not be going to school
  • Interrogative - Will he be going to school?


  • Future perfect tense - This tense is used to represent an activity that will take place in the future and will be accomplished by a specific date.


  • Before you arrive, the bus will have departed from the station.
  • She will have reached the school by 10.


CBSE class 8 English tenses examples for future perfect tense:


  • Affirmative - She will have finished her homework.
  • Negative - She will not have finished her homework.
  • Interrogative - Would she have finished her homework?



  • Future perfect continuous tense - This tense is used to describe actions that will begin at a specific moment in the future and continue for an extended period of time.


  • Meera will be an expert in English by next year.
  • She will become a doctor within two years.


        Class 8 English Grammar tense examples for future perfect continuous tense:


                Affirmative - They will be going.

                Negative - They will not be going.

                Interrogative - Will they be going?


This article provided detailed insight on class 8 English Grammar tense. However, you can find more fun and easy ways to learn 8 class English tenses at PlanetSpark and be confident and fluent in the English language.




  1. What is tense?

Tense is a verb that describes the time period within which an action or an incident took place.


  1. How to learn 8 class English tenses easily?

Enrol yourself in the best online English course classes like PlanetSpark and learn grammar in the most fun and easy way.


  1. What are the different types of tenses?

There are three types of tenses - present tense, past tense, and future tense.


  1. What are the types of present tenses?

The different types of present tense are simple present tense, perfect present tense, and present perfect continuous tense.


  1. What is the future tense?

It indicates an action that has not yet taken place but might or will happen at a particular time or a state which does not exist presently.