English Grammar Punctuations For Class 1

English Grammar Punctuations For Class 1

What Are Punctuation Marks?

Punctuation marks are the symbols in the English language that are used to separate words, sentences, and phrases and ensure that the proper meaning of the sentence is conveyed. Even a small mistake or omission of a punctuation mark can alter the meaning of the entire sentence. While speaking, we use tone and voice modulations to convey the correct meaning. We can take long and short pauses or change our tone to a more exciting or sad one. The same cannot be done while writing. Punctuation marks bridge this gap and help the readers understand the real meaning of a sentence. This makes it even more important to teach grammar punctuation in grade 1.

Why Are They Important?

Using punctuation marks correctly while writing in the English language helps make the meaning of the sentence clearer. It separates two sentences and two parts of a single sentence that convey different meanings that need to be understood separately; if read together, people can get confused. Moreover, using punctuation marks make it easier to form compound sentences without altering their meaning. In addition to this, it also helps increase the readability of the sentence. For example, a complex or lengthy sentence with the right placement of commas and other punctuation marks also helps the readers set the right tone.

Punctuations form an integral part of the Class 1 English grammar chapter. Therefore, it is necessary to start teaching your children about punctuation marks early on. You can start with the basic English grammar punctuations such as full stop, comma, dash, question mark, and exclamation and can later move on to more complex punctuations such as semicolon, colon, quotation marks, and apostrophes in grade 2 and grade 3.

14 Punctuations For Class 1

Apostrophe (‘): Apostrophe is a commonly used English punctuation for grade 1. It is generally used for two different purposes:

  • To show possessive nouns, for example, Sam’s toy and Regina’s wedding. Remember that it is not used to show possessive pronouns like his/her bracelets. It is exclusively used with nouns to show possession.
  • To write contracted words, for example, ‘cannot’ can be written as ‘can’t’ with the help of an apostrophe.

Colon (:): Colon is also an important punctuation for the English Olympiad Grade 1 students. It is used to separate elements within a mathematical ratio or separate minutes from hours and seconds, for example, 2:15 PM. It is also used before a list or quote. Colon is sometimes used to show emphasis or introduce a paragraph with an appropriate heading or title.

Comma (,): Comma is one of the most commonly used punctuations in English grammar. A comma is used to separate words, phrases, and other items in a list. It is also used to separate clauses and words from the main clause and before connecting words like and, but, so, for, nor, or, yet.

Dash (– or —): A dash is typically longer in length than a hyphen, and is used to separate different parts of a sentence. It indicates a pause or separates a group of words. There are two types of dashes, ‘n dash’ and ‘em dash’ – their lengths equal ‘n’ and ‘m’, respectively. These dashes are important punctuations for Class 1.

Ellipsis (...): Ellipsis or the three dots are used to indicate an omitted part of a sentence or a numerical series. It shows that the part has been left out intentionally.

Exclamation Mark (!): Exclamation marks are an important part of Class 1 English grammar chapter. They are used to indicate a very strong feeling of surprise and excitement or to show emphasis on certain things.

Hyphen (-): A hyphen is used to write compound words or separate words. For example, ‘Full-time job’; here, a hyphen has been used to join two different words to form compound words.

Parentheses (): Parentheses or brackets are used to separate the explanations or statements within a sentence. It can be used to clarify a statement or present an illustration.

Full Stop (.): A full stop is the most widely used punctuation mark and is an important part of learning punctuations in English grammar. It is used almost every time a sentence ends. It indicates that a sentence is complete, and a new sentence is about to begin. In other words, it is used to separate two different sentences from each other.

Question Mark (?): A question mark is used to denote a question. In other words, it indicates that the sentence represents a question. For example, “What is your name?”

Speech Mark (“): Speech marks or, as commonly known, double inverted commas are used to quote someone’s speech or write a sentence as it was written or spoken. It indicates that the sentence has been written the same as it was originally spoken or written.

Semicolon (;): Semicolon is used to separate two independent clauses instead of using a comma and a coordinating conjunction. A semicolon can also be used to separate different items in a series.

Brackets []: Brackets are used to represent additional information on a subject matter. They are different from parentheses.

Braces {}: Braces are types of brackets that are generally used while writing computer codes and in mathematics. They are rarely used in English writing, but the children must know about them.

How To Teach Grammar Punctuation To Grade 1 Students?

Teaching punctuation to first-graders is a tricky task and can get intimidating at times. But it is also important for them to learn punctuations in English grammar to succeed in competitions. Whether your child has just entered the first grade and wants to score well in the English language or is preparing for the English Olympiad Grade 1, English punctuation marks are crucial to help them express correctly. Wrong punctuations can change the entire meaning of the sentence. Therefore, as a parent, you must pay special attention to teaching punctuations.

Here are a few ways in which you can teach English grammar punctuations to your children:

Interactive Teaching: Interactive teaching is the best way to make the students learn in a fun manner. If students think learning is a task, it would be difficult for them to concentrate. Interactive teaching involves using fun games and group activities that can help the students enjoy and learn at the same time. This also helps increase the retention of the concepts. You can play games that involve punctuations of English grammar. Assign punctuation marks to different movements. You can then make the students read or enact punctuations.

Make Them Speak: Another way to make students learn different punctuation marks is to make them read short stories along with the required tonal expressions. The tone of voice being used will help them understand why, how, and where the punctuation marks should be placed.

Error Spotting Games: Write a story and ask the students to point out the punctuation mistakes. This will help promote learning in them and make it fun and interactive.

How Does PlanetSpark Help Your Child Learn Punctuations In English Grammar?

PlanetSpark is an online learning platform that uses the latest technology to make the English language fun to learn and inculcate the art of public speaking and creative writing among students from an early age. It is based on the belief that ‘learning is fun if learned in the right way.’ Rather than using the traditional method of providing lectures, it uses an interactive method of teaching that is sure to pique your child’s interest. It uses online games and group activities to teach complex concepts of English Grammar.


  1. How to introduce punctuation marks to Class 1 students for the first time?

Start by introducing the basic and commonly used punctuation marks, like the full stop and comma. Make them learn their usage. To make the children remember the symbols and how they are written, you can use online games that involve identifying the punctuation marks.

  1. How to teach punctuations to children?

The best way to teach punctuations to children is through games and activities. Punctuations can be quite complex for children at the start and could require a lot of practice. So, organize activities that engage the children and also make them learn punctuations.

  1. How to make learning punctuations fun?

Learning punctuations can be made fun by using interactive online activities, puzzles, and games to keep the children engaged and entertained. Learning would never be difficult if it is done the right way.

  1. Can punctuations be learned through games?

Interactive games are a great way to make learning interesting and keep the children involved. Punctuation identification games can be used to make Grade 1 students learn them effectively.

  1. Can experiential learning help children learn punctuations in English grammar?

Experiential learning can help the students practice what they have learned, and that too in a fun way through interactive games. It enables the children to practice concepts without even realizing that they are studying.