English Grammar Interjections for Class 7

English Grammar Interjections for Class 7

Interjections are used to express some kind of emotion in a sentence. You can also use them as fillers, and the good part is that they do not possess any grammatical function in the sentence. The word Interjection was created from the Latin word inter (between) and jacĕre (to throw).

Interjections are not related to any part of the sentence, which means that even if you do not use them, the sentence will still make sense. They are usually used more in informal language than formal writing. You need to know that they have distinct meanings as per the context.

Here are some examples of Interjections for Class 7-


Ouch! It hurts a lot.

Wow! That looks so pretty.

Aah! Now I know what it meant.

Although they are not that popular in academic writing, yet they play a vital role in class 7 English Grammar.

Interjections are highly context-sensitive, and usually, they cannot be modified or inflected.

Types of Interjections

You can also take a 7 Class English Interjection Online session on Planet Spark. They can help understand the concept of Interjection easily and offer online classes, syllabus, and notes that can make studying easier. So, let us quickly know about the types of interjections before moving on to the practice questions.

Here are the types of interjections that you need to study-

1)    Primary Interjection- These are the words that cannot be stated as any other part of speech; they are exclusively interjections. Some of the primary interjections are Huh, Yuck, Oops, Oh, Wow, etc. Here are the examples for you-


Aw! This is so cute

Huh! I won’t talk to you.

Yuck! It tastes so bad.


2)    Secondary Interjection- The adjectives, nouns, and other part of speech that are used as interjections sometimes are secondary interjections. Some of the secondary interjections are awesome, indeed, on my God, oh well, etc. Here are the examples for you-


Goodness! How did you learn about Interjections so quickly?

Indeed! I was waiting for your consent.

My dog destroyed my friend’s favorite skippers. Boy, he is mad!


3)    Mild Interjection- These are basically to express the mild expressions of feelings and emotions. You can distinguish mild interjections easily as commas separate them from the rest of the sentence. Here are the examples for you-


Well, I was searching for you.

Oh, that wasn’t what I asked for

Hmmm, that’s okay.


4)    Strong Interjection- They are the strong expressions that outburst, and they are separated from the rest of the sentence by exclamation marks. Here are the examples for you-


Yay! I found it

Bingo! I passed the exam

Ouch! It really hurts


5)    Volitive Interjection- These interjections are used to express requests, wished, and commands. Basically, you use volitive interjections instead of using the expression “I want” in the speech. Here are the examples for you-


Shhh! (I want you to be quiet) - Shhh! It’s a library

Ahem! (May I request your attention, please?)- Ahem! We are starting with the session

Psst! (Requesting to be quiet and wanting attention in secrecy)- Psst! I am preparing for the exam.


6)    Emotive Interjection- These interjections are words you use to express an instant spur of emotions such as sorrow, surprise, delight, fear, etc. Basically, you use emotive interjections instead of the expression "I feel" in the speech. Here are the examples for you-


Eww! You are so unhygienic

Ugh! I am tired of your excuses

Yippee! I scored 90% in class.


7)    Cognitive Interjection- These types of interjections are used to express feelings that people come across and understand by experience. Here you use the words that are derived from your learning and then utilized as exclamations. Here are the examples for you-


Well! Strive harder next time

Bravo! You played really well

Gosh! You were incredible


In 7 Class English Interjection chapter, all of this will be included. In fact, there are various more topics that you will have to study. Let us know about them.


Interjection Rules

Here are some of the interjection rules; learning them will help in making their right usage-


Rule 1- By knowing the types, you must have got an idea that interjections describe the individual's particular mood or feeling. You use different words in your everyday life but do not use them in formal aspects. These types of words are categorized under this segment of interjections. Such as-


Wow! It looks great on you.

Aww! Your dog is so cute.

What! You never told me this was included in the syllabus.


Rule 2- You must have noticed that sometimes, people use sounds that are not words in the middle of a sentence. These interjections interrupt the conversation or capture the other person's attention for a moment. Such as-


I like that, umm, maybe I don't

I want to say, uh, I love you.


Rule 3- There are a few interjections that are just used to express a yes or a no. Such as-


Yes! I will look into the matter for you.

Nah! I don’t think it will work out.


Rule 4- Often, you use interjections to fetch another person's attention. Such as-


Hey! Can you pass the bowl?

Yoo-hoo! I cleared the exam with 90% marks.


Worksheet- 1

Here is the worksheet for you; it will help you practice interjections for Class 7. Replace the Interjection that fits appropriately-


1.        …….Oh no! I came first in the class.

2.        …….Ewww! We made it to the finals.

3.        …….Yes! I made a mistake.

4.        …….Yuck! I am so excited about this session.

5.        …….What! This is so delicious.


1.    Yoo-hoo!

2.    Bravo!

3.    Oh no!

4.    Gosh!

5.    Wow!

Worksheet 2- Identify the Interjection

1.        Hey, I'm glad that you are attending my session.

2.        Oh Gosh! You look so pretty today.

3.        That was your best performance to date, bravo!

4.        It’s unbelievable you failed in the exam, bah.

5.        Hmm, I don’t know why I am feeling low today?

6.        Eureka, I got a gold medal today.

7.        "Shoo, go away!" said the lady when she saw the dog entering her home.

8.        I think the presentation ends here, darn.

9.        Stop! Always know the syllabus before starting the preparation.

10.Yippee, I completed the homework all by myself.


1.    "Hi"

2.    "Wow"

3.    "Bravo"

4.    "Bah"

5.    "Hmm"

6.    "Eureka"

7.    "Shoo"

8.    "Darn"

9.    "Stop"


Worksheet 3

In the below sentences, you need to select the most appropriate interjection from the options given-

The options are- Wow, Seriously, Oh God, Dang, Oh No, Yippee, Incredible, Bingo, Geez, Yay

1.    ______________, why don’t you ever come on time?

2.    ______________, I'm so happy that you made up for the online session.

3.    ______________, it's not every day that you see a rainbow in the sky.

4.    ______________! How can you wear that for your friend’s birthday party?

5.    The end of the movie was just unexpected , ______________!

6.    ______________! Your idea is just perfect.

7.    ______________, I don’t know how to react, it’s an awkward situation.

8.    It’s unbelievable I came first in the class, ____________!

9.    ______________, my favorite singer is coming in our town.

10.This is my first phone,_______________.

1.    Oh God!

2.    Yippee

3.    Incredible

4.    Seriously

5.    Dang

6.    Bingo

7.    Geez

8.    Yippee

9.    Wow



Q1. Is it essential to practice worksheets for interjections for class 7?

A1. It is recommended to practice the worksheet as this will help make your understanding better and get you good marks.

Q2. What are interjections for welcome?

A2. These are the interjections used to express and convey the message of friendship toward others. For example, Hi! How are you?

Q3. Give some examples of interjections for joy?

A3. If you opt for an Online Interjection For Class 7, you will be able to give the answer to this question in no time. Well, the answer to this question is Hurray!, Yippee!, Yay!, etc.

Q4. What are the interjections used for showing surprise or shock?

A4. The interjections that people use to express shock or surprise are What!, Gosh!, Whoa!, Ah!, etc.

Q5. What does Interjection for bidding farewell mean?

A5. You use these interjections to big a goodbye to your friend, college, loved one, or family member. For example, Goodbye! Good Luck!, etc.


This was about interjections, to know more about them and learn them in a fun way, register with PlanetSpark. Here you will get all the class 7 syllabus, notes, sessions, and expert staff that can help solve your child's queries. Moreover, they have a streamlined way of teaching so that the kind understands the concept quickly without taking on too much burden.

So, without a wait, register today and see the change in your child and their study pattern.