English Grammar Adverbs for Class 1

English Grammar Adverbs for Class 1


Definition of Adverb


Adverbs in Grammar are terms that give more information about a word by changing them slightly.


Example - John can finish his assignment quickly. In this example, the term ‘quickly’ is an adverb, as it explains how John can finish his assignments.


Adverbs play an important role while learning English Grammar for Class 1 CBSE.

Types of Adverbs for Class 1 with Examples


There are mainly four types of Adverbs in English Grammar.


  1. Adverbs of Manner 

These Adverbs describe the manner in which something occurs. They respond to the query, "How?" Manner adverbs are mostly used to modify verbs.


Here are some examples to help you understand Adverbs in Grammar:

  • He walks swiftly. (The sentence tells us- How does he walk?)
  • They supported us happily. (The sentence says - How did they support us?)
  • Antony drives his car carefully. (This sentence tells us How does Antony drive his car?)

These types of Adverbs are usually used with Dynamic or Action verbs. They are not used with static verbs.


  1. Adverbs of Place

These Adverbs tell us where something is taking place. They provide an answer to the inquiry "where?" Place adverbs are mostly used to modify verbs.

Here are some examples to help you understand Place Adverbs in Grammar:

  • Please stand there. (This tells the person - Where to stand)
  • They searched for the bag everywhere. (This sentence tells us -Where did they look for the bag?)
  • All the cars were parked outside the house. (This sentence tells us - Where were all the cars parked?)


  1. Adverbs of Time 

These types of Adverbs for Class 1 tell us things related to the time when something takes place. Time adverbs are mostly used to modify verbs. They respond to the query "when?"

Let us understand this adverb with the help of examples:

  • He came today. (This sentence tells us - the time of his coming)
  • I want this project to be done by tomorrow. (This sentence tells us - When the project is required?)
  • They eat bread and milk daily. (How often do they consume the milk and bread?)
  • We go for a walk daily. (how many times do we go for a walk?)


  1. Adverbs of Degree 

This type of Adverb describes the magnitude or scope of anything that occurs. They respond to the questions "how much?" and "to what extent?" Degree adverbs in Grammar can change the meaning of verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.

Let us see some examples:

  • She somewhat disagrees with him. (How much does she disagree with him?)
  • Jane is extremely beautiful. (this tells us about jane’s beauty?)
  • He drove very dangerously. (It tells us how his driving was?)

How to teach adverbs for students of Class 1?

Are you exploring various ways to teach kids of class 1 about adverbs through fun-filled activities?

Here are some fun activities for teaching adverbs in English Grammar for class 1 in a fun way! Some of these activities will also assist children in learning to write with adverbs.

Activity 1 - Actions

After kids are able to understand what an adverb is, let them play it out by having them do various activities in various ways, such as talking ‘softly’ or walking down the aisle ‘carefully’.

Prepare a list of various Adverbs for Class 1 that students can enact out to perform in this project. It can be talking, walking, singing, listening, writing, etc. Then, have the kids act out the various combinations of verbs and adverbs. Your pupils will almost certainly come up with and add new adverbs to the list!

Activity 2 - Writing with a partner

For performing this activity, make a list of adverbs. Then, ask kids to choose an adverb from that list and share that adverb with a friend.

After each student has discussed their combination of adverb and verb, have them compose a sentence with their words (example: The kids sang the song loudly).

Activity 3 - Teaming up

This game, for Adverbs in Grammar, helps students compare and contrast adverbs and adjectives. 

For this, divide kids into various teams to play the game (one will be named Team Adjective and the other will be named Team Adverb). Each team will be headed by a team leader, who will lead the squad from the front.

Give one set of cards labelled as adjectives to the leader of Team Adjective and one set of cards labelled as adverbs to Team Adverb. The cards labelled as nouns and verbs are for you to keep. The Team Adverb leader will hold up an adverb card, while the Team Adjective leader will have an adjective card. You will see which of them best tells about the word you are holding up. A point will be awarded to the team whose word is correct.

Activity 4 - Hunting for Adjectives and Adverbs

Connecting grammar ideas with real texts is one method to make grammar training more effective.

The greatest method to draw this connection is to have them look for adjectives and adverbs everywhere around.

Students can use a pre-made chart, or build their own chart on paper to record the words they locate.

Activity 5 - Grab sentence

This activity will also help kids understand sentences and Adverbs in Grammar better. For this, prepare little cards for different words with a range of various adverbs, verbs, and nouns for this activity. Insert the cards into various bags, one for nouns, one for verbs, and one for adverbs. You can also label the cards with various coloured chart papers.

Take one word from each bag and read it to your class. Encourage your students to offer some of their own creative concepts. Then, write a statement that incorporates all three words. Show how you had to add a few more words to make a more engaging sentence!

Turn students around and have them converse with their partners. Then, write down their sentences on a half-sheet of paper.

Apart from the above-mentioned activities, you can hand over sheets to take home. These could include some examples and some activities they can do with their parents for learning Adverbs in grammar.



Q1. How can you explain an adverb in English Grammar to a child of class 1?


Ans. An adverb is a term that describes a verb in greater detail, and it almost always answers the questions of how?, when?, where?, how often?, and in what way? Adverbs include words like slowly, loudly, carefully, swiftly, softly, or regretfully. Adverbs often end with -ly.


Q2. What is an easy definition for an adverb for class 1?


Ans. A term that shows degree, method, place, or time and is commonly employed to modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. The adverbs "nearly" and "extremely" are used "at almost three o'clock on a very hot day."


Q3. How are adverbs used in CBSE English Grammar?


Ans. A word that describes or modifies verbs, adjectives, clauses, and other adverbs is called an adverb. It's what we use to provide context for other words.


Q4. What is the importance of adverbs in English Grammar?


Ans. Adverbs in English Grammar help in describing how things appear and occur. They aid the reader in visualising an action at the right amount of intensity. When you speak or write, adverbs help you control what others see. They're an important part of any good piece of writing.


Q5. How many types of adverbs are there in English Grammar?


Ans. Adverbs of degree, frequency, manner, place, and time are the five sorts of adverbs you should be familiar with.