Effective Ways Of Teaching Reading And Research Skills To Young Learners.


What are Reading and Research Skills?


Reading skills help students understand the written word and derive meaning from it. Adequate reading skills are required for students to grasp the essence of any written text. When the students become effective readers, they can-


  • Identify the written words and symbols.
  • Comprehend the meaning of the text by connecting words and sentences together.
  • Analyze the deeper meaning of the text.


When the students study a text, only superficial reading of the written word will not be sufficient to understand the lessons. Only when the students are proficient in reading the text properly will they be able to derive its meaning, which will also help them write their answers.


Reading and Research skills are essential in our everyday life. As we grow and develop each day, we come across different things, and that's when your research skills come into play. Research skills benefit an individual to get the desired information and extract valuable points from it to draw necessary conclusions. Hence, we require these skills to function effectively and produce valuable output in our daily lives.


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Why is it important?


Reading and research skills play an essential role in the academic phase of every learner. When we are in school, we face new challenges every day. There are numerous topics and subjects to study that require our serious attention. To understand these topics, you must have excellent reading and research skills. Some of the topics we encounter during the early years of our schooling stay with us forever, and if our foundation is not strong, it directly affects our competency to perform well in the subject. So, it's better to develop excellent reading and research skills early.


Top Research Strategies For Students.


1. Form a good idea about your research: For obtaining precise research results, it is essential to have a good idea about what you want to research. Try to frame a precise question relevant to the field of study while typing it in the search box.


2. Narrow down your search: Feeling overwhelmed while researching is quite normal, and it happens with everyone. Don't let the gigantic list of resources and articles available on the internet scare you. Try to connect different keywords in the search results that you get. You don't have to draw your conclusions just now, but try to write down some recurrent words or some unfamiliar terms that spark curiosity in you.


3. Don't hold back from finding something new: Researching is all about expanding the realm of our knowledge and knowing something new that we had no idea of earlier. So, don't hold back from discovering new things, but beware of getting distracted. While doing your research, you should stick to your topic or area of interest. So, it is important to identify what is relevant in your research.


4. Verify your sources and information: The importance of our research lies in the information we collect and organize. If we give incorrect information to the readers, the whole purpose of expanding our knowledge gets defeated. So, please verify your information before including it in your work. It is best to find sources you can trust to collect relevant data and information. You can take the help of research papers, scholarly articles, reliable websites, etc.


5. Keep your material organized: Another important aspect of researching is keeping all your information organized. Sometimes while learning, we forget to keep tabs on our sources of information. While looking for different topics on the internet, use bookmarks to save the pages you will refer to later.


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What is the relevance of reading and research skills in the everyday life of students?


Reading and research skills are not just limited to our academic life. Although students and scholars use research methods the most, it is not just restricted to them. Reading and research skills play an essential role in our everyday life, irrespective of our field. Let's read some examples to identify the relevance:


  • We get to expand our knowledge- With reading and research skills, we explore new realms of knowledge and get exposure to concepts and information that were previously unknown to us.


  • Develop empathy towards people around us- While researching, we learn about different aspects and nuances of a particular subject. We understand how people react to certain things in a specific way, which helps us understand the people around us.


  • Helps in forming informed opinions- Opinions matter in everything we do. So, when we research something, we thoroughly go through different sources and material to derive an informed result of our opinion about the topic. When you look for a new home, you research places, availability, the distance from schools and hospitals, locality, and other important aspects to form an opinion about the home that would be best for you and the entire family.


  • Drives us towards progress- Researching helps us discover new forms of knowledge. For instance, scientists and scholars do extensive research to cure diseases and overcome a pandemic. Knowledge drives us towards growth and progression.


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How do you teach better online research skills to students? 


Kids need to start developing their reading and research skills at an early age. These skills will help them break down complex concepts and retain their knowledge effectively. Research skills are vital for every student. It gives them better control over their learning. During the higher education and college years, students get limited help from educators. Reading and research skills thus prepare students to achieve their learning independently without relying on outside help.


We have listed some useful ideas for strengthening research skills in students below:


Tips for teaching Research Skills


1. Decide your research interest: To begin with your research, you must be aware of all questions you will look for in your research. Even if you are clear at the present moment, type your topic's name in the search box and identify your area of interest from the given sources of information.


2. Use search engines: We are a digitally empowered generation, so it is only natural to use the internet and search engines to expand our knowledge. Search engines use algorithms to show you the most relevant results. So, if you are not clear about what to look for in the topic, search engines can help you form a preliminary idea. But don't forget that research and reading skills equally depend on books as they are the most authentic and reliable source of information, so don't shy away from them.


3. Make a list of keywords and recurrent phrases: While you enter your queries in the search box, observe the other words and alternate phrases in the box and search pages. Make a list of these words to open up new fields of knowledge.


4. Save the best pages for future use: Developing research and reading skills also help you to stay organized. If you feel that something is relevant and important in your research, then make sure to add a bookmark so that you can easily reference it later. You can't afford to move to the next tab without saving the previous one when looking for some information.


5. Evaluate your information: It is normal and inevitable to land irrelevant pages and information. But they might seem interesting to you. But hold your urge of exploring unnecessary information because it will distract you from your topic. Having good reading and researching skills also includes identifying relevant information to your topic.


6. Add references and notes: While writing your inferences and thoughts, you can cite the work of other authors. But don't forget to add quotes and mention their work in your references. In the ethics of writing, plagiarism is offensive and original work is respected.  


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Frequently Asked Questions


1. What are research skills for students?

Research skills enable students to evaluate, understand and draw conclusions with the help of other sources of information and materials available online and in books.


2. Why are research skills important for students? 

Research skills help students develop their critical thinking skills and form informed opinions about different topics of interest. Research skills also develop problem-solving skills in students and prepare them for their higher education and show effective functionality in their workplace.


3. How do you teach students research skills?

Here are some useful tips for teaching research skills: 

  1.  Be clear about your topic of research.
  2. Observe the keywords and keyphrases appearing in the search box and search pages.
  3. Keep an inquisitive attitude and don't hold back from discovering new information.
  4. Identify what is relevant to your area of study.
  5. Don't get distracted by irrelevant information.
  6. Keep your work organized from the beginning.
  7. Stay confident while you write down your ideas and conclusions.
  8. Don't plagiarize. Add references to your work to mention sources you looked up for information and material.


4. What are the five purposes of research?

The five purposes of research are:

  1. Expanding knowledge for personal growth.
  2. Making informed opinions.
  3. Developing empathy towards people and understanding how society functions.
  4. Developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  5. Helping society.