Develop confidence skills in children of age 6 and above.

What is self-confidence, and how to build confidence in kids?

Self-confidence is a mindset regarding one's strengths and skills. Self-confidence implies that a person accepts themselves as they are and trusts that they are the only people in command of their life. A self-confident child is aware of both their strengths and weaknesses. Self-confidence helps raise a confident kid who speaks assertively, sets realistic expectations and goals, and can handle criticism.

It is extremely important to build confidence in kids. Kids who feel confident and secure about themselves have a higher chance of attaining goals in schools, colleges, and personal life. As they get older, it becomes easier to take on difficult challenges. Parenting is continually developing confidence in children. Allowing youngsters to accomplish things for themselves aids in the development of necessary abilities and confidence. If, as a parent, you respect your child and their choices, it also helps to build confidence in kids. When parents offer affection to their children and offer an ear to them, kids learn how to express their sentiments to others. We at PlanetSpark are here to help you find a developing confidence class for kids, register now!


Why is it important to develop confidence in kids?

Today's society is ambitious, and it expects more from every young kid. Children who take developing confidence classes for kids have high levels of self-esteem optimistic about their potential and the aspects of their capabilities that may develop just by being true to themselves and confident. A parent plays a crucial role in raising a confident kid and can do certain exercises to develop confidence skills. Confident kids respect themselves as well as their abilities. Even at such a young age, they are self-sufficient and independent of the notion that they can accomplish and try to reach their best. Some children's confidence comes naturally to them, but for others, cultivating and being optimistic and perceiving themselves as lively and capable human youngsters can be a difficult endeavour. The language we use and the mentality we teach our children can help build confidence in kids.


Let us now see why it is important to build confidence in kids from an early age:

  1. The environment and circumstances around a kid teach them confidence, which helps them handle different situations. So, it is important to build confidence in kids at an early stage of life.
  2. Self-confidence helps kids embrace their weaknesses as well as strengths. As soon as your kid embraces their weakness, it becomes easier to work on them and better themselves.
  3. Once a child is confident, they find it much easier to express themselves, which also helps develop confidence skills for kids once they can properly express themselves.
  4. If we develop confidence skills in kids, they will have the capability to alter their lives from the inside out in stressful situations.

If you want to develop and raise a confident kid, enrol for a free class now and start building confidence in your kid.

Ways to build confidence in kids

  1. Perseverance: Learning to persevere in adversity and not give up after a setback is a crucial life skill that every parent should teach their child. Learning to accept failures but not give up is an important factor in building confidence in kids. If you teach your child perseverance and its importance, it will help you build confidence in kids and raise a confident kid.
  2. Celebration of efforts: It's nice to congratulate kids on their achievements, but it's also vital to appreciate their efforts regardless of the outcome. Once you appreciate their efforts, even if they do not succeed, it will help build confidence in them.
  3. Embracing Imperfectness: As adults, we understand that perfection is unattainable, and children must understand this as early as possible. If we do not make them understand that perfection is not everything early in their lives, it will become difficult to raise a confident kid. Help youngsters understand that the concept that others are always happy, successful, and flawlessly dressed is a dream and an extremely harmful concept. It doesn't matter whether it's on TV, in a magazine, or on a friend's social media page a child should be capable enough to understand that it's a fantasy. It will build confidence in kids and make them better humans as they grow up.
  4. Goal Setting: Setting and completing objectives, big and small, makes youngsters feel powerful. Please encourage your child to write a list of things they'd like to do to help them transform their ambitions and dreams into attainable objectives. After that, practise breaking down longer-term goals into manageable milestones. You'll recognize their passions and assist them in developing the abilities they'll need to achieve their life objectives. Even if they can achieve one of those objectives, it will build confidence in them.
  5. Taking out time for each other: As working parents, it might not be easy to adjust the time for your kids. However, you must adjust the time to ensure that you and your child have adequate time to play and interact. Once your child feels comfortable interacting with you, it will build confidence in kids. Children of all generations learn via play and social interactions. As a parent, you would be your child's first "buddy" or "playmate," which essentially means you would be the first person to assist your child in acquiring all of the necessary abilities for developing a strong sense of self. This will become crucial since it is one of the most important exercises to develop confidence.
  6. Finding Passion: Exploring their hobbies may help children establish a sense of self, which is crucial for confidence development.
  7. Failure and its acceptance: Being a parent, it's natural to always want your child to succeed. But kids learn by trial and error. It motivates children to put in more effort, which will benefit them as adults. If a parent is ready to accept the failure of a kid, the kid also develops confidence skills since they feel motivated to try harder. Hence, you need to understand that your kid can do better, and one failure is not the world's end. You would also need to make your kid understand that it is important to raise a confident kid.
  8. Confidence of Parents: Understandably, it might be possible that you are not always in the mood to be positive about life. But seeing you approach new things with enthusiasm and plenty of planning offers an excellent example for children. A confident parent can easily raise a confident kid. Recognize your concern, but don't dwell on it; instead, concentrate on the positive things you're doing to prepare. Show your kid how you deal with difficult situations with confidence and calmness; this will help develop confidence skills in your kid.
  9. Pitching in: Children feel more connected to their parents and valued by their family members and peers when they are expected and held accountable to complete age-appropriate tasks, such as tidying up toys or doing dishes. While extracurricular activities are beneficial, being needed and required to do tasks for your family is priceless. It leaves an early impression on a kid's brain and helps them develop confidence skills without much effort. Some parents might think twice before holding a kid accountable for tasks, but every parent should keep in mind that this is what will help raise a confident kid.
  10. Encouragement to try new things: Diversification is beneficial for children, rather than spending all their attention on what they currently excel at. Helping kids come out of their comfort zone is an extremely important exercise to develop confidence.
  11. Success: As we have been saying from the beginning, children should be given challenges, but they should also be given chances where they may be certain of success. If a kid is allowed to not succeed at every task, it will not help to develop confidence skills. Hence, assisting your child in participating in activities that help him feel at ease and confident enough to take on a larger task is an important activity for a parent which will allow them to raise a confident child. These tasks will also act as an exercise to develop confidence skills in your kid. So, a pat on the back here and there is not bad.
  12. Love – The key to success: Make it clear to your child that you will always adore him despite any extremities in life and career. Whether they get high marks or terrible grades, it doesn't matter to you as a parent, it is something that you should make your kid feel. Even if you're enraged at them, letting them know that you think they're amazing — and not just when they achieve great things — will develop confidence skills as nothing else can. To raise a confident kid, always be a safety net to whom they can fall back anytime without any hesitation.


We understand that these might sound like daunting tasks as a new parent, but don't worry; PlanetSpark has got you covered. Book a demo session today, and let us make your life easier.


Develop confidence skills exercise to boost activities for kids

Let us now look at some exercises to develop confidence skills in your kid.

  • Accountability Exercise: Make your child feel accountable to develop confidence skills. Let them feel it all, be it bad or good.
  • Sovereignty Exercise: Place the responsibilities with your kid rightly to raise a confident kid.
  • Personality Development Exercise: Make your kid enhance their cognitive skills to help them develop confidence skills.
  • Value Addition Exercise: Add value to their life by helping them identify where their interests truly lie and make them feel like you value them and their decisions. This will help you develop confidence skills in children.

Click here for a demo class from PlanetSpark and check the details.



Why choose PlanetSpark to develop confidence skills in children?

PlanetSpark is a platform using cutting-edge technology to develop your kid. One can develop confidence skills in children through live online courses in English communication, public speaking, grammar, creative writing, debate, vlogging, and other 'new age' skills using the PlanetSpark platform. PlanetSpark is on a quest to make traditional and disorganised tuition obsolete with their virtual classroom.

PlanetSpark will educate your kids and develop confidence skills. The several exercises that teachers and educators of PlanetSpark use to improve confidence skills will help your child's creative thinking and problem-solving abilities and help you raise a confident kid. PlanetSpark's mentors use several activities to assist your child in mastering these physical and mental attributes. Check out PlanetSpark to know more details.

  • PlanetSpark provides a one-on-one mentoring session to develop confidence skills in children to help them identify their shortcomings and work on them.
  • All of our mentors have been trained to recognize and understand your child's strengths and to assist them in building confidence in kids.
  • We give study materials so that individuals may practise their abilities and develop confidence.
  • We also guarantee that we will regularly monitor your child's progress during the course, so you can witness how their confidence grows.
  • Because lectures may be tedious, we employ new approaches and technology to help students enjoy the learning process and ensure we develop children's confidence skills.

So, what are you waiting for? Go, Check out PlanetSpark right away, and get your kid enrolled today to build confidence in kids.



  1. Why is developing confidence skills in children important?

Building confidence in children is important so that they can be prepared for the challenges of the future that decide the path of their career.


  1.  Can parents help in developing Confidence skills in kids?

Yes, children spend more time with parents than with the trainer so their role in building the confidence of their kids is quite important.


  1.  How can I re-build confidence in a kid if they fail?

You must always motivate your children by saying that they will always have another chance to try and that they should not lose hope just because they failed the first time.


  1. How to build confidence in highly sensitive children?

Every child is unique, and so is their nature. Highly sensitive kids often have difficulty developing confidence skills in children. Being a parent, it is important to help them here. Parents can do some things to help sensitive kids: always listen to them, encourage them to practice more, and learn to accept failure. Most importantly, lead by example to build confidence in kids. Children learn what they see.


  1. How to develop confidence skills in children to speak in public??

It is important to build confidence in kids to speak in front of an audience. Speaking in front of the public is a task that every child will encounter in their life. Being a parent, you can help them in various ways. Encourage confidence every day, push them to practice speaking and record it. This will help to self-judge and understand their skills.


  1. Are there any activities to build confidence in kids?

There are several exercises like Accountability Exercise, Sovereignty Exercise, Personality Development Exercise, and Value Addition Exercise that you can practice with your kid.


  1. Can I get help from anywhere to raise a confident kid?

PlanetSpark is here to help you in raising a confident kid. Check out PlanetSpark courses right away, and get your kid enrolled now.