Confidence Building Training


How a Class 6 Confidence Building Development Course Can Change the Trajectory of Your Child’s Life 


Understanding What Confidence Building Training Is


Many people often say confidence is everything or use the adage, ‘fake it till you make it.’ It might be true in many situations in life. Sometimes confidence can get one through the worst or most uncomfortable situations by easing the burden that one experiences. One of the best things about confidence is that it has the potential to be a trait or a skill. This means that while it can be an innate characteristic that a child is born with, it is also something that they can develop over time. There is no right or wrong time to help your child become more confident. If your child will go to Class 6 or is already in Class 6, there is no better time than now to consider PlanetSpark’s Online Confidence Building Course for Class 6 children. 


There are a million ways that one can build up a child’s confidence, including words of encouragement, praising their mastery over a task, and supporting them through their failures. Instead of controlling their actions, allowing them to explore and experiment while keeping them is the best way to help them attain a sense of agency at a young age. Additionally, it helps to increase their self-esteem and allows them to think divergently when dealing with problems. For example, let them decide on their outfit for the day, allowing them to freely spend their money within an allocated budget, trusting their judgement and decision making capabilities instead of shutting them down, and handling arguments in a way where they feel heard are all ways to build their confidence. 


When children develop their confidence, it reflects in how they speak and present themselves. It also affects their actions and the decision-making strategies they utilise, which permeate every facet of their lives. We have come up with the best Class 6 Confidence Building Course for your child through tried and tested techniques and strategies. If you’re looking for a Confidence Building Class for 6th-grade children, PlanetSpark is your best bet. 


Book a free trial class today! 


Why Confidence Building is Crucial To a Child’s Development


As children grow up, they face their share of successes and roadblocks. As a parent, it is impossible to shield them from every harsh truth or failure that they come across. Since children can often get discouraged, making them understand that failure is not the end of the road and ingraining techniques or methods through which they become resilient over the long term is an excellent way of instilling confidence.


Many of these problems start presenting themselves around the ages of 13 and 14 when a child is just entering adolescence and kickstarting their teenage years. This is the beginning of their entry into the real world with its fair share of challenges. This is an important stage in which they need to be confident about their choices and decisions. Thus, confidence-building classes for 14 to 15-year-old children are a practical choice.


 Our Confidence Building Class for Class 6 Children will ensure that your child will be able to smoothly navigate through their academics, enhance their vocabulary, build strong relationships with their peers, and develop their personality. It will also help deter the child from developing low self-esteem and grappling with issues such as depression and anxiety while increasing their learning and knowledge level through the exchange of information. 


If you’re searching for the ‘Best Confidence Building Class Near Me For Class 6 Kids’, you don’t have to fret anymore since PlanetSpark offers all the classes online! Through our Online Confidence Building Course for Class 6 Children, we ensure accessibility for all so that no child gets left behind. 


Book a free trial class right now.


Benefits of PlanetSpark’s Confidence Building Training For Kids Class 6


Confidence is an asset that can enhance one’s ability to navigate through many different segments of life. Not only does it help in a teen’s academic skills through their public speaking skills, writing capabilities, teamwork, and delegation, it also aids their socio-emotional understanding of the world, their occupational development, and their ability to learn over time.


The teenage years can often be fraught with complications, feeling anxious about their needs and desires, self-conscious about their abilities, and battling uncertainty and confusion related to their self-identity and relations with others. This is why they must have a solid understanding of who they are and become confident in their decisions. Confidence building for 14-year-old or 15-year-olds is a good idea as it will help them build a solid foundation for future success. 


With PlanetSpark’s Class 6 Confidence Building Development Course your child will learn to handle any opportunity, challenge, or obstacle that comes their way through individualised sessions and courses designed by some of the world’s top experts. With engaging content and cognitive and behavioural exercises, your child will become empowered, resilient, and confident in themselves and their abilities. 


Live 1:1 Classes

PlanetSpark provides individualised training to every child to cater to their demands and needs. Through the Confidence Building Training Course for Class 6th, every 6th grader attains the capability to reach their goals and achieve their full potential. The 1:1 classroom sessions offer a completely different experience, with comfort and increased engagement being the primary advantages of a traditional classroom. 

Courses Designed by Top Educators

To create the best confidence building course for class 6 kids, we have ensured to employ some of the world’s top educators and trainers. These industry experts hail from esteemed universities and have collaborated with us to create personalised courses for every child’s cognitive capabilities, academic status, and personality type. The English professionals that provide the speaking training classes are all highly trained, and PlanetSpark Aptitude Test (PSAT) qualified. 

Clubs and Projects to Help Broaden Horizons

We believe that practical experience is just as important as theoretical knowledge. Therefore, we have a diverse range of fun projects and clubs to help children discover new hobbies and interests. Examples include the Writers Guild for those who wish to write, the Podcasting Studio for those who want to voice their ideas, the Comedy Club for those who want to venture into the world of jokes, and many others such as the Poetry Academy and Debate Society. 

 Comprehensive Modules For All Courses 

The course modules for Confidence Building Training for 14-15-year-olds cover various facets such as communication skills, public speaking skills, reading comprehension, debating skills, and writing skills. The main aim of the course is to help the child become confident in these areas and develop these skills, which will aid them in their academics, interpersonal relationships, and real-life circumstances. The modules help them hone their creative writing skills, speaking tone and fluency, vocabulary, levels of assertiveness, determination surrounding their thoughts and actions, and overall personality. 

Curriculum Details of Confidence Building Course For Class 6

Confidence building training is a great option for shy children and those who wish to discover their interests and find new hobbies. The learning in the curriculum is perfect for confidence building for 14-15-year-olds and is accompanied by practical activities and fun projects. A child in any age group can enjoy these activities. Still, if you want their 6th grader to be more confident, you should look into some of these activities provided in PlanetSpark’s Online Confidence Building Course for Class 6. If you’re a parent who wants to make their child feel more comfortable in social situations or find engaging activities that will make them more confident, you will love some of the following ideas. 


  • Reading and Writing

  • Public Speaking

  • Communication Skills

  • Body Language 

  • Active Listening

  • Storytelling

  • Voice Modulation

  • Reading Comprehension

  • Grammar Genius

  •  Debating

  • Vlogging

  • Spelling and Phonics 


Additionally, there are certificate courses in Communication Skills that your child can obtain to increase their mastery of verbal and written communication and deepen their understanding of body language. They are as follows:



Confidence Building Activities, Worksheets, and Additional Resources For Class 6 Kids


Aside from the theoretical understanding of confidence or doing worksheets related to self-reflection, introspection, and self-esteem, it is also essential to practice self-confidence. One of the best ways to increase one’s confidence is communication, teamwork, and socialisation. PlanetSpark’s Confidence Building Training for Class 6 has included enough games and activities so that children have fun while building their confidence. Some of these games that can help in learning confidence building in class 6 children are: 


Describe and Show

This is one of the simplest activities that both teachers and parents can do with children. Children are asked to pick something they like, like their favourite toy, place, or person. Then, they have to describe it within five sentences. This enhances vocabulary, memory, and communication. 

Who’s the Leader? 

Children learn to recognise and comprehend body language through this game. One child acts like a leader and conducts himself by ordering people, making noise, or using their hands and feet by stomping and hitting something. Other children then have to copy the child, and the child who does it best gets to be the next leader. 

Chinese Whisper 

Many people know about this game as it has been a popular game for children and adults for decades. All children sit in a circle, and one child starts the game by whispering a message or phrase to the person on their right. The player then continues the fun by whispering it to the person on their right. The game continues until everyone has had their turn. The final message is then said out loud, and since it is usually very different from the initial message, it usually incites some laughter. However, the game can also teach children the importance of various aspects of verbal communication like tone, fluency, inflexion, accent, etc., and how they impact a person’s overall communication. 

20 Questions

Children will stand in a circle, and one person will take place in the middle of the circle. The person in the middle will think of a famous person, place, or thing, and the other children will have to guess who or what it is by asking at most 20 questions. Kids can brainstorm and think divergently through this activity. 

Back to Back

Two children sit back to back in this game. One child is given an item or picture that they have to describe to the other child. The other child then has to guess what they are holding a picture of or the thing that they have. These are just some of the activities included in the confidence-building training for class 6 students.


To have a one-on-one experience with our expert teachers, book a free trial class today! 

Testimonials for PlanetSpark’s Confidence Building

“I enrolled my Noah in PlanetSpark’s Public Speaking Classes. Their teaching staff is excellent, they make every session fun, and they always develop new activities. Noah has been enjoying the PlanetSpark events.” 

Mrs Emma Thobe (Mother of Noah) from the UK


“The teaching methodology, interesting and engaging learning strategies and the materials of PlanetSpark give a wonderful, fun-based learning.” 

Mrs. Mayuri Malhotra from Delhi


“We enrolled our son Liam into the communication skills program to improve his speaking skills. Within just a few weeks, we are already seeing an improvement in him. As parents, we are delighted with the PlanetSpark classes.” 

Mrs Daisy Fetch (Mother of Liam) from the USA


“The English classes were beneficial to my child, Moksh. He describes PlanetSpark classes as ‘cool’ and likes his teacher very much. Kudos! We’re just so happy to see Moksh learn with such joy.”  

Mrs Priya Malich (Mother of Moksh) from Canada 


FAQs On Confidence Building for Class 6 Children 

What are confidence-building activities For class 6?

There are various strategies and activities for class 6 that PlanetSpark has formulated. They encompass public speaking, reading comprehension, listening, and storytelling. One of the most important things to remember about children in class 5 is that they are very young. Therefore to increase their confidence, it is vital to listen to them, praise their efforts, and help them handle their setbacks. 

What activities build confidence in class 6 for kids?

Group activities and games like Chinese Whisper, Tag, 20 Question, Describe, and Show are just some examples of activities that will help build confidence in class 6 children. Other activities could include segregating the class into pairs and having everyone select a topic they love and talk about it. Making fun presentations in class, making them write a story on a topic of their choice, and openly analysing different stories and books during the course are also good ideas.

How can I increase my confidence level?


Whether you’re a child or an adult, there are many ways to increase your confidence level. You can engage/re-engage yourself in an activity or sport that you love, write or read positive affirmations, exercise and socialise with other people, and read good self-help books or motivational books to manifest the confidence that you desire. 

What does self-confidence mean for Class 6?

One of the best ways to increase a child’s self-confidence is through play. PlanetSpark’s Confidence Building Training for Class 6 has included enough games and activities so that children have fun while building their confidence.

 How do you build confidence in students?

You help build confidence in students by assisting them to achieve self-mastery, increasing their self-esteem, and allowing them to explore their identity and understand their likes and dislikes. Supporting them through their exploration phase and encouraging their efforts instead of their failures plays a significant role in their confidence levels. 

What are the six types of self-confidence?

Four of the six types of self-confidence that are most commonly known include: 

  • ‘I’ve already done it, ’ confidence

  • ‘Unwarranted’ confidence

  • ‘Efforts will lead to results’ confidence

  • ‘Pasted on’ confidence


What is the importance of building self-confidence in Class 6?

It’s important to build self-confidence as early as in Class 6 because it sets the foundation for the child’s academic, social, interpersonal, and vocational success during childhood and adulthood.

What are confidence-building activities?

There are a variety of confidence-building activities for both kids and adults. Activities like Back to Back, 20 Questions, Chinese Whisper, and Who’s the Leader are suitable for kids. Whereas for adults, journaling, exercising, going out more, and practising self-mastery are commonly employed.

What are six ways to improve self-esteem?

Some ways to improve self-esteem are exercising, journaling, reducing negative thoughts and replacing them with positive thoughts, surrounding yourself with supportive people or socialising more, setting attainable goals, and practising things you enjoy.


How do I gain confidence in Class 6?

You can do various things like socialising more with people in your class, joining clubs or projects you think you might enjoy more and talking to people other than your close friends. Inviting other people to play or work with you and trying to innovate or create new ideas is also a way to gain confidence. 

How do you build confidence in a child’s reading?

The first thing is to help them build an interest in reading by either encouraging their curiosity or by reading yourself so that they may become interested through social observation. Please don’t mistake starting them on a reading level that is too high for them, as they may get discouraged. Start on a lower level to increase their level when they feel confident enough.


Why is confidence necessary in reading?

Confidence is essential in reading because reading allows one to develop empathy, understand different perspectives, and broaden one’s horizons. Confidence in reading will help your child increase their knowledge base and help them share more information, and increase their vocabulary and communication skills. Secondly, since it is an essential concept in most educational institutions, it will also enhance their academic skillset.