Confidence Building for Early Years

Early Years Confidence Building Classes To Enhance Their Social Life. 


About Confidence Building Training for Early Years children

Confidence is a crucial ingredient in a child's success. Confidence building classes help children improve their confidence and cultivate positive interpersonal relationships at home, at school, and with their peers. The best Confidence Building Class for early children lessons help your kids develop the self-confidence necessary to realise their full potential! Attending a Confidence Building Class for early children with PlanetSpark comes with benefits. 


Growing up in a constantly changing world may be difficult for children. As individuals grow up, their priorities change. Several elements, including hormones and societal influences, play a role in this. For example, low self-esteem is linked to higher rates of sadness and anxiety in youngsters. 


This is why parents should encourage their children to take confidence-building sessions as early as possible to help them develop self-confidence. So, enrol your child in PlanetSpark's confidence-building class for early years! 

Benefits of PlanetSpark Confidence Building Training for Early Years children

During their time at PlanetSpark, your kid will participate in various simple-to-learn, entertaining activities that will prepare them for a successful future.


A lack of self-confidence developed in infancy might manifest as difficulties in relationships, work, and social situations. English Confidence Building training for early years kids is an excellent approach to instil self-confidence in children at a young age. These programs educate children on how to become successful by teaching them goal-setting, problem-solving, coping methods, and other essential life skills.


Our Confidence Building training for early years allows children to learn from experienced instructors who have years of experience working with children. We guarantee that your kid receives proper mentorship for them to flourish holistically. The following characteristics of our Confidence Building Course for Kids make us stand out: 


  • Learning via participation

  • Staff that has been trained and has years of experience

  • Monitoring in real-time child-friendly environments

  • A certificate that you may transfer anywhere in the world

  • Report on the academic achievement of students


Take advantage of our no-obligation free trial and see how our Confidence Building training for Early Years develops confident communicators! 


Early Years Confidence Building training curriculum details 

Parents all across the globe are worried about their children's development as self-assured people. Even though their genes play a significant role in their development, giving children a positive environment and assistance in developing confidence and self-esteem is quite vital. Our team of professionals in confidence-building and social interaction works towards helping your kids open the doors to a world of self-assurance and success! Confidence Building Classes for children in PlanetSpark are available for your kid.


Curriculum details

  • An Introduction to Confidence

This lesson will introduce you to confidence and why it's essential.


  • Self-Esteem Disorder: How to Spot the Signs

We'll talk about ways to spot a kid with poor self-esteem in this session.


  • Words Do Make a Difference

When communicating with youngsters, it is essential to pay attention to what words are used.


  • The Importance of Listening Actively

How to be an excellent active listener is the subject of today's lesson?


  • Positive Thinking and Its Influence

In this lesson, learn about the power of positive thinking, including the laws of attraction.


Book our English Confidence Building Course for Early Years kids now! 


Confidence Building for Early Years children activities and worksheets 

Our course deploys many methodologies to help your child boost their confidence. Some of the activities that we use are - 

  • Situation based conversations - to help them visualise the scenarios and develop the correct vocabulary and attitude 

  • effectively use emotions - Managing emotions during any conflict scenario is critical. Via various role-play exercises, your kid will learn to manage and control emotion. 


We promise that your children will fly out of the nest in a blaze of glory when you work with us.  


The following benefits of enrolling your kid in PlanetSpark Confidence Building Classes are provided through practical and enjoyable activities:


  • They will learn to have confidence in themselves and their skills.

  • They will be able to resolve and find answers to their challenges. 

  • They will develop high self-esteem and confidence.

  • They will learn how to deal with their emotions.

  • It will improve their academic performance and performance in other areas of life. 


Importance of English Confidence Building training for Early Years kids

English confidence building training proves essential and helpful to achieve the following: 


  • Being at your best while under pressure. 

A high degree of self-assurance is essential for athletes, singers, and actors, as they will all testify. When your kid is confident, they will be able to perform to their full potential. Moreover, the kid would want to give it all when the stakes are highest.


  • Having an impact on others. 

Self-assured people have a more remarkable ability to influence others. This trait is beneficial when marketing an idea or a product and bargaining at work or home.


  • Having a solid sense of direction and executive presence. 

The ability to project self-assurance is essential for effective leadership and executive presence. The way you think, behave (particularly how you hold yourself), and utilise your voice contribute to creating such a presence.


  • Having a more cheerful outlook on life. 

A positive attitude results when you are self-assured and think you have a significant position in the world, as shown by your self-esteem.


  • Getting rid of opposing ideas. 

Higher self-confidence allows your kid to be free of self-doubt and negative thoughts about their abilities.


  • More confidence and less anxiety are being experienced. 

Higher levels of self-assurance make your kid more inclined to take calculated chances and more capable of venturing beyond their comfort zone.


PlanetSpark Early Years Confidence Building classes Testimonials


“Thank you, PlanetSpark! Since my kid has joined your institution, he loves to go to class. He has improved his speaking skills, vocabulary, habits of reading, and storytelling. Thank you for the activities. It helps them a lot.


Madhurima Roy 



FAQs on Confidence Building Training for Early Years Children


Q1: What are the indications of a youngster having a poor sense of self-worth?

Ans: Following are the indications: 

  • Children express themselves in a very negative manner. For example, "I'm dumb," "I'm unattractive," etc.

  • Children who constantly compare themselves to others negatively are called pessimists.

  • They become too preoccupied with what other people think of them.

  • Mood fluctuations are expected, with people seeming gloomy, withdrawn, furious, or depressed.


Q2: Which course is best for English speaking?

PlanetSpark course for English Speaking is the best course as the course's curriculum provides your kid with growth and builds confidence. 


Q3: How can I get my child to speak fluent English?

Following are the things which you can do: 

  • Make reading a routine.

  • Do not discourage your child from watching English-language cartoons.

  • Encourage your child to speak English at home using proper vocabulary.

Q4: What can I do to help my kid feel more confident?

Here's what you can do to make your kid feel more confident: 

  • Help them develop skills. There's always something new for youngsters to learn.

  • When teaching them how to accomplish something, begin by showing them how to do it and helping them when they try their hand.

  • When praising your youngster, do it in moderation.

  • Be a positive example for your children to follow.

  • Avoid being critical in a harsh manner.

  • Allowing them to assist and donate is an excellent way to teach them responsibility. 


Q5: What is the purpose of PlanetSpark?

In India, PlanetSpark is the most excellent platform for teaching English public speaking and creative writing to grades 1 through 10. In addition, a scientifically planned public speaking course for children is included in the school curriculum.


Q6: What causes a youngster to have poor self-esteem?

Many youngsters have low self-esteem as they go through life's phases and encounter a variety of stressors, including social media, bullying, examinations, interpersonal issues within the family, and abuse. 


Q7: I'd like to know more about PlanetSpark's teaching technique? 

The STEPS technique, developed by PlanetSpark based on its research, ensures that students achieve exceptional academic results and conceptual mastery. Game-based learning and inquiry-based learning are two of the methods used in the curriculum. 


Q8: When it comes to feeling good about yourself, what role does good personal cleanliness play?

Having positive self-image benefits from practising basic hygiene. Taking care of your appearance makes you feel better about yourself, so it's a win-win. However, you may feel less confident and less energised due to a lack of personal cleanliness.


Q9: What kinds of things can you do to boost your kid's self-esteem?

To increase your self-assurance both personally and professionally, try some of the activities listed below:

  • Smile more often.

  • Make a strong impression.

  • Keep a gratitude notebook.

  • Rejoice in your victories.

  • Think about what you can do. 


Q10: What are the minimum and maximum age range for a kid to join PlanetSpark?

For ages 4-14 years, PlanetSpark offers online public speaking training and a variety of other courses.