Communication skill class for Early Years

Communication skill class for Early Years

Communication skills are one of the most important skills humans need to have. Unfortunately, many of us still struggle with them and end up in unwanted situations now and then. A communication skill class for early years children is the most effective solution to avoid such things from happening. 


Communication skills are how we structure our thoughts, ideas, and feelings and put them forward in the most appropriate manner in front of others. These skills are vital for every aspect of human life, whether personal, professional, or social. Communication is the key to all human interactions, making communication skills necessary. Apart from giving us the ability to build strong interpersonal relationships, communication skills are also extremely important for the growth of careers. 


Many careers now and almost all that are estimated to take the lead in the coming years are heavily reliant on communication between different people in the organization. Communication between employers and employees, communications with vendors or clients, or even communications between colleagues is important for the smooth functioning of various jobs. Another important aspect that directly affects children is that their communication skills can make or break their possibility of getting selected for their dream jobs or even their dream institutions. To give flawless interviews to recruiters, a person must be sure of all his content and be confident in his speaking abilities. Similarly, when giving presentations in class or at a job, individuals must speak in front of many people, making it essential to have strong communication skills. 


Benefits of PlanetSpark Classes (CTA)

PlanetSpark is an ed-tech platform offering various courses in the English Language. These courses focus on teaching children how to confidently speak in English and how to write proficiently in the language. The communication skill class for early years students is one of these courses that may be a part of the public speaking course. PlanetSpark classes and courses focus on every aspect of learning English, starting with the basic elements like phonics, vocabulary building, reading comprehension, writing, sentence construction, idioms, public speaking, etc.


While there are a lot of platforms that offer similar services, PlanetSpark's services stand out from the rest because of the way they are taught and curated. There are various benefits of enrolling your children in PlanetSpark's Communication skill class for early years, including: -


  • Expert Teachers: PlanetSpark prides itself on providing the best education to all the students enrolled with this platform. To keep its reputation as such, it employs experienced and expert teachers. The hiring process at PlanetSpark is quite rigorous as teachers have to undergo various levels of interviews, several pieces of training, and mock demos to ensure that every onboarded teacher meets the PlanetSpark Standard. The teachers are also trained in the PlanetSpark teaching pedagogy so that there is no room for error on their part. 

  • Curriculum designed by experts: PlanetSpark is a platform founded by experts in public speaking and creative writing. The founders are alumni of some of the top corporate firms globally, and they only believe in getting everything done by experts. The curriculum for all courses offered by PlanetSpark is no exception. The curriculums for the various courses are designed to ensure the maximum benefit for the students. They are curated to develop the child's cognitive skills while actively engaging the children. This is achieved through various methods like creating the text gamified to make it more appealing to the child. 

  • Live One on One Learning: Live one-on-one classes provided by PlanetSpark are extremely helpful for children. In a live one-on-one class, the entire attention of the teacher is on one child only, which means that your child's learning needs are not gone unnoticed. The teacher can also understand what best works for every child and can modify her teaching style accordingly. In a live class, the children can actively get their queries resolved and understand the lessons better.

  • Application-based Learning: PlanetSpark classes are conducted in a two-way learning methodology. The teacher and the child are supposed to actively participate in the class. To encourage children to participate, various activities are planned in the curriculum. The teacher is also encouraged to take the help of props and introduce practical situations where children can apply what they have been taught and learn through examples. 


Curriculum Details (Duration and Price)

The English communication skill Course for early years kids is quite comprehensive. Teaching children communication skills includes many elements like Grammar, Spelling, Vocabulary, Voice Modulation, Thought Structure, Body Language, and much more. PlanetSpark's communication skill course for 5-7 years children focuses on all of these aspects to ensure all-around learning and understanding of the subject matter. Children between the years of 5-7 are also quick to grasp new concepts, and since they are at a time in their lives where they are interacting with a lot of other people, especially their peers and teachers, they would also get abundant practice of what is being taught to them. 


The communication skill course for 5-7 years Children curriculum consists of a lot of elements; however, the following are the key highlights of this course: -


  • Phonics: Phonics is teaching the children pronunciations of various words. They are taught the relationship between alphabets and characters to have a strong foundation to build their skills. By learning this concept, children can pronounce new words correctly. Phonics is a vital and basic concept in learning the English Language and, as such, an integral part of this course. 

  • Vocabulary: Vocabulary includes learning new words, their synonyms and antonyms, their pronunciations, their meanings, and many more. Children are better equipped to have more correctly phrased and thought-out conversations through this element. When they know the right words to speak or the right metaphors, phrases, and idioms to use, they can make their points clearer without having to describe or explain a lot. 

  • Thought Structure: There can sometimes be a gap between what we are thinking and the words coming out of our mouths; this, however, can be prevented by following a sensible and logical flow of thought. As such, thought structure is an important part of this course as children are taught how to structure their ideas, thoughts, and feelings to put them forward in the best way possible. 


Communication skill class for early years activities & worksheets

Children between the ages of 5-7 can be very restless and distracted in class. It becomes important for the teacher who is teaching them anything to grab their attention. They may employ various tactics like engaging the children in gameplay, using props to hold their attention and teach them new concepts, and so on. 


The PlanetSpark English communication skill course for early years kids is packed with interesting activities and engaging worksheets, which all the students greatly enjoy. Apart from those activities already planned in the curriculum, the teachers are also encouraged to use props or other activities that they think would help engage the child in class. The idea behind all of these is to ensure that the child is having fun while learning because when they are having fun learning a new thing, they retain it better. 


Some of the most popular activities in the English communication skill course for early years kids include: 

  • Reading: In this activity, children are asked to read a passage or a story in front of the teacher. This activity serves various purposes. Firstly, it engages the child in reading and helps develop a healthy reading habit by piquing their interest. Secondly, the child can practice various things taught in class like pronunciations, body language, and voice modulation. Lastly, when the child succeeds in reading well, they gain confidence in their ability to speak well. 

  • Storytelling: This activity can be done in two ways, either the child narrates a story to the teacher, or the teacher and student take turns building a story based on an image. In this exercise, the child comes up with his ideas and frames them as he sees suitable. The teacher can understand his ideas and suggest how to improve his thought structure or make any other improvements. This exercise is wonderful for practicing thought structure. 


Importance of Communication skill class for Early Years

Communication skills play a vital role in an individual's overall development and personality development. When learned from a young age, they instill confidence in children, reflecting in their personality and encouraging growth. Some of the primary reasons why the English communication skill course for early years kids is important to include: -


  • Boosting Confidence: As mentioned above, having strong communication skills helps in boosting children's confidence. This plays a crucial role in developing a strong personality. Being confident in their ability to communicate with others makes them more social. They are also more willing to take on new challenges, which can help them explore their abilities and hidden talents. All of this reflects on their personality and makes them much more impressive individuals. 


  • Building Strong Relationships: Whether it is building strong personal relations, social relationships, or professional relationships, having strong communication skills is the key to excelling. Individuals, whatever their age may be, who can communicate their feelings can build stronger bonds with others. This reason affects their whole lives and makes it important for young children to learn these skills as they are more acceptable to change. Adults are often set in their ways and find it very difficult to make changes in their communication style. 


  • Builds language skills: The English communication skill Course for early years kids is extremely helpful in building English Language skills in children. Since this course covers many aspects of the English Language, it goes a long way in teaching these skills to children, but the various activities also allow children to polish their skills through practice. The fluency that comes from mastering all these elements directly affects their confidence. 

PlanetSpark Public Speaking Course Testimonials

"I enrolled my Noah in PlanetSpark Public Speaking classes; their teaching staff is really good; they make every session fun, they always come up with new activities.

Noah had been enjoying the PlanetSpark events."






"The English classes were really helpful to my child, Moksh. He describes PlanetSpark classes as 'cool' and as his teacher very much.

Kudos! We're just so happy to see Moksh learn with such joy."







How do you teach my early year child English communication skill?

Communication skills for early year children are taught by various means; engaging in conversation with them is the most commonly used method. Teachers often opt for the method of asking children questions that they can easily answer to motivate them to speak more. 


How can I choose an English communication class for my child from advanced to an early year and accelerate the course?

At PlanetSpark, the class assigned to a child is primarily based on their age. However, if the children display a higher skill level than their age, they can be assigned to a different class. Similarly, if a child displays a lower skill level than their age, they could be assigned a different class. This decision is made after the demo is conducted. 


Why should my early year child join PlanetSpark for English communication skill?

Communication skills are extremely important and the sooner a child learns how to communicate, the better it is for them. Children in the early years are learning how to speak, which makes it a great time to enroll them in these classes.