Communication Skill Class For Beginners




Have you heard about this brilliant English Phonics Course for Kids? It is the best way to learn English! There are several benefits of enrolling your child in an English Phonics Course. So, do not waste any time and kick-start your Children's English learning journey with the Phonics course today!


Helping kids with their homework and teaching them how to read correctly can be difficult. I am sure you have often uttered the words, 'but this doesn't sound right', while checking your child's homework. One of the main reasons parents turn to online English Phonics classes for their kids is that it helps them get rid of their kids' reading and writing problems.


What is an English Phonics Course for Kids?


Research suggests that systematic phonics instruction is most effective for teaching children to read. Children who do not receive this instruction might experience serious reading problems. These problems often get attributed to a lack of systematic phonics instruction. Let us examine the importance of the English Phonics Course for Kids in detail.


During the Phonics course, students learn what sound each letter makes (for example, the letter 'c' represents the 'k' sound) and how to blend these sounds to form a single word (for example, combining the sounds k, a, and t to create CAT). This method of phonics instruction is sometimes referred to as Synthetic Phonics.


In this English Phonics course, children learn to decode letters into their sounds through phonics instruction. It prepares them for reading unfamiliar words by themselves.


Young readers are often unfamiliar with words in print, even if they understand the spoken word. A child who understands how certain letter sounds are pronounced connects better with unfamiliar words in print and spoken language.


The decoding process goes unmentioned often.


When you read words, you are most likely to use the letter-sound knowledge, which includes two steps:


1) Even if you were unfamiliar with the printed word, it had the right sound. The object must also have come to mind because of the pronunciation.


2) You were captivated by the details and the letters in this catchy word.


These two steps serve as learning mechanisms, making it easier to recognize the newly learned word when you read it the next time.


Reading by sight consists of transitioning from slowly phoning out a word to recognizing it quickly. Everyone seeking to be an excellent reader must achieve this.


The letter-sound correspondence of English words does not apply in many cases, such as yacht and island. It may seem impossible, but research has shown that children can master these words faster if they decode parts of the words (y and t for yacht) using spoken vocabulary knowledge as a guide.


The goal of Phonics is not only to teach children how to read but also to create a solid print dictionary that they can refer to at any time.


This makes English Phonics an essential tool for kids in their learning process, especially for those learning English as a second language.


It is crucial to develop phonemic (sounds) awareness before learning to read and write. The entire purpose of phonemic awareness is to teach correspondences between phonemes and graphemes (the spelling patterns) that represent them.


By connecting printed letters to phonemes of spoken English, English Phonics helps students learn to read.


The English Phonics course will teach you how you can help develop a child's brain at a young age. Participating in the course will help your children with everything they need to know before entering school. Your child will gain confidence by participating in activities like rhyming words, building words, storytelling, and word games.


Using Phonics instead of memorizing spelling rules, you will master English faster since you will not have to remember all the complicated spelling rules.


The primary goals of phonics education are writing and reading. A phonogram is a graphic representation of a sound. Each sound in a word is matched with its corresponding symbol to learn how to read. Alphabetically coded Phonics are most commonly used for phonics instruction. This process makes children understand that the written word corresponds with the sound produced.


Curriculum for Preschool Phonics


Build the Basics


Level 1: Sound covered: -a, -s, -t, -l, -p, -n

Level 2: Sound covered: -c/k, -e, -h, -r, -m, -d

Level 3: Sound covered: -g, -o, -u, -l, -f, -b

Level 4: Sound covered: -ai, -j/g, -oa, -ie, -ee, -or

Level 5: Sound covered: -z, -w, -ng, -v, -short oo, -long oo

Level 6: Sound covered: -y, -x, -ch, -sh, -th

Level 7: Sound covered: -qu, -ou, -oi, -ue, -er, -ar


Benefits of English Phonics Classes Online


Learning to read is an essential requirement for future learning. The classic phonic method emphasizes understanding the sounds of all the letters and then learning how to form meaningful sentences as they add more words to their vocabulary. Using Phonics is proven to be the most effective method for teaching students to read.


Here are five reasons why your child should take a phonics course.


1. Students decode unknown words:


Today, many classrooms teach short and long vowel sounds, but they should also teach the sound that every letter and an alphabetical group make. As a result, students need not memorize the words they see, and they gain a deeper understanding of how words are formed. In online phonetics classes, students master phonograms, helping them decode any word they encounter. By learning how to decode unfamiliar words, students will develop a wide range of vocabulary. They will experience academic success as they become more comfortable with the terms and their usage in sentences.


2. English language rules are taught to children:


After learning phonograms, students will take an online phonetics course to have insights into all the English language rules. Kids can examine a word's origin to understand better why it doesn't follow the rules.


3. Acquire better spell-check skills:


When children have mastered the art of decoding phonograms, they can break down words into individual sounds and figure out how to spell them. The student who understands the pronunciation and rules of the language can choose the appropriate phonogram from a list of possible phonograms. Through online phonics classes, children can eventually learn to focus solely on the content of their writing rather than on spelling mistakes.


4. Students who learn Phonics become better readers:


Decoding words will enable students to read faster when they gain more confidence and proficiency. Reading books with more complex words becomes easier for students who are skilled in reading difficult words.


5. Facilitates better understanding of the material:


Once kids become accustomed to decoding words, they can enhance their comprehension power. Students can discover the meanings and interpret the author's message with ease when working with solid fluency. The classroom must be a place where students are motivated to learn to read and develop their reading skills. All institutions must integrate systematic Phonics into early education since it will help students become successful readers, regardless of how challenging reading was for them previously.


Why Choose PlanetSpark to Learn Phonics Online?


Using a blended learning approach, PlanetSpark aims to disrupt the unorganized tutoring market in India. The last few years have seen several edtech startups springing up in India. Some of them offer mobile learning tools that address conventional needs, such as digital classrooms with innovative products like learning apps and games.


PlanetSpark offers games and educational animation, among other gamified learning options, for pre-teens. Apart from providing teachers with teaching materials and methods, the classes feature a mobile application that combines different aspects of learning.


Online phonics teaching is a creative and effective method for instructing students. Online Phonics can be a very beneficial learning tool for kids. There are several advantages of using online learning tools for kids. Here are some of them.


Easy Accessibility


Online English phonics classes have the advantage of being easily accessible. As long as students have computers or mobile devices and Internet connections, they will be able to access the lessons from anywhere. Once logged into their accounts, they can follow the lessons. Children can take online courses at their own pace. This allows kids who learn faster to speed up the classes, while those who are slower at learning can take their time without feeling rushed.




Interaction between students and teachers is enabled through interactive sessions, message boards, and other elements. Students will be able to interact with teachers or other students during this time, leading to a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Additionally, students who live far apart can communicate online with each other and create a sense of camaraderie.




There are several English phonics courses available online. These courses offer tools that are important to have in your child's learning toolbox if they want to read words correctly, easily, and most importantly, pronounce each phoneme in the word. In other words, they will turn a word into a series of sounds using the phonetic alphabet "AEIOU." This is important because English has a lot of homophones (two different words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings).


Listening to phonics stories is a great way to help improve your children's English pronunciation and listening skills. Children learn faster when you read to them in a fun tone, which makes phonics stories even more effective. The best thing about reading these books is that you can use them as many times as you want. Your children can also use these books without your help, or they can follow along with you.




  1. How does Phonics help my child to read?


As the English language is simplified into 44 sounds, Phonics is the most effective way to teach reading. Instead of memorizing 1000s of words individually, children can decode words by dividing them into their sounds.


  1. Is it essential to teach phonemic awareness before introducing letters?


No. While learning synthetic Phonics, children develop a strong sense of phonemic awareness.


  1. Are there any free trials or samples available?

You can visit the PlanetSpark website and book a free demo session for your kids. Click here to proceed.

  1. Which skills are most important for literacy?


Our phonological processor normally operates unconsciously when we listen and speak. The system is designed to analyze the meaning of what is being said, instead of paying close attention to speech sounds. Automated communication in a machine maximizes communication efficiency. Learning metalinguistic speech is difficult, but it is necessary for reading and spelling. Phonological awareness is crucial for learning to read alphabetical writing systems. Moreover, research shows that poor skill development in phoneme awareness and phonological awareness is associated with poorly developed reading and spelling skills.