About Public Speaking Course For Children

  • Good communication and public speaking skills are the keys to connecting with others. Ironically, in a world that thrives on communication, we are slowly losing the skills to communicate effectively. As our time on digital devices increases, our ability to exchange ideas, feelings, and emotions take a back seat. 


    The communication crisis has affected our children too. However, speaking with confidence is an essential life skill that your child needs to succeed in academics and almost all aspects of their adult life. The online public speaking course for kids will help your child learn public speaking online, boost their self-confidence, and enhance leadership skills.


    Public speaking skill is a mandatory aspect of an individual’s communication abilities. Although the thought of public oratory can give cold feet to many adults, children can overcome the fear if given the proper public speaking skills training to a child at an early age. Visit our website to know more about the course. 


    Public Speaking Course For Kids for Confident Communication

    An English public speaking course online is the best way to help your kids master this crucial life skill and prepare them for the future.


    Our virtual public speaking classes will help your child hone their public speaking skills and make them future-ready.


    The English public speaking course at PlanetSpark has been designed keeping in mind children's cognitive and emotional abilities. Since all kids are not born orators, we understand that some need the right platform and guidance. 


    Speaking with confidence is an art that can be learned. The English public speaking course at PlanetSpark combines engaging teaching content, expert teachers, and powerful technology to offer several learning benefits, including -

    Benefits of PlanetSpark Public Speaking Classes For Kids

    Live 1:1 online public speaking class


    Personal guidance and training have no alternative. Out 1:1 online public speaking classes for kids deliver personalised and practical learning experiences to transform the learner’s overall personality.

    Programs curated by experts


    Specialists from Harvard and XLRI design the public speaking course for kids at PlanetSpark. Every certification program is unique and packed with public speaking and other communication skill concepts that have helped experts in their personal and professional lives.

    Qualified and dedicated trainers


    Public speaking course teachers at PlanetSpark are trained professionals with mastery of English. Our online public speaking class teachers are PlanetSpark Aptitude Test (PSAT)-qualified.

    Comprehensive course content


    The public speaking course module at PlanetSpark is designed to help learners build confidence, improve fluency, and overcome the fear of public speaking. Our unique public speaking class ensures the improvement of children’s interpersonal skills while enhancing their overall personalities.

    Engaging and innovative activities


    Our public speaking course for kids is exciting, innovative, and engaging. We have a host of educative and entertaining projects, including ‘Master Debaters,’ ‘Learning to give a TED talk,’ and ‘Creating your own podcast channels’ to keep children learning in a fun way.


    Book your free trial today and discover how our English public speaking course creates confident communicators!

    Public Speaking Course For Kids Curriculum Details


    The English public speaking course at PlanetSparks is part of the comprehensive Communication Skills Program. It aims to develop strong communication skills through an activity-centric pedagogy coupled with short learning projects. 

    Curriculum details

  • Daily conversation skills

  • Good Manners

  • Going Out in Public Places

  • Social Interaction

  • Shopping

  • Seeing a Doctor

  • Eating at a Restaurant

  • Air Travel and Staying at a Hotel

  • Telephone Etiquettes

  • Solving Problems and Reporting Emergencies

  • Voice modulation

  • Emphasis and subordination

  • Change of pitch

  • Change of pace

  • Pause and power

  • Inflexion

  • Body language

  • Body movements and personal space

  • Facial expressions

  • Eye contact

  • Hand and feet movements

  • Words for effective communication

  • Mispronounced words

  • Common phrasal verbs

  • Public speaking

  • Speech

  • Group discussion

  • Debate

  • Presentation

  • Extempore

  • Active listening

  • Storytelling


    Online certification details


    Advanced Certification (30 Classes)

  • Curriculum: Communication basics, contextual response, and body language.

  • Activities: Communication exercises (Facial expressions, hand gestures, eye contact) and listening exercises.

  • Achievements: PlanetSpark Certificate


    Pro-Grad Certification (60 Classes)

  • Curriculum: Communication basics, contextual response, speech delivery, public speaking, active listening, and project work.

  • Activities: Situation-based conversations, sharing narratives, debate, extempore, vlogging, and using emotions to communicate differently.

  • Achievements: Pro-Grad Certificate and Course Marksheet.


    Merit Certification (165 Classes)

  • Curriculum: Communication basics, voice modulation, speech delivery, public speaking, the art of storytelling, body language, and project work.

  • Activities: Varying pitch and pace, storytelling using story elements, intonation, presenting to an audience, debate, extempore, and vlogging.

  • Achievements: Certificate of Merit, Course Marksheet, Child’s Own Live Project, and Online Grad Ceremony.


    Public Speaking Training Activities and Worksheets For Kids


    Public speaking training is a critical aspect of personality development that teaches children to express themselves effectively and remain collected while speaking to the audience. However, a public speaking class need not be boring. Here’s a list of fun and practical activities that children can engage in while they learn public speaking:


    Public speaking games

  • Gather a group of children and ask them to select three nouns. Now, pick a speaker and give them one minute to tell a story or make a speech connecting the three nouns.

  • When walking or driving, ask your child to describe their surroundings in English within one minute. It is a great way to sharpen children’s observation power and help them articulate sentences.

  • Help kids think out-of-the-box by picking a random object in the room and asking them to tell a story on how the object got its name.

  • Ask your child to come up with an alternative ending to a TV show or movie they are familiar with.

  • You can enhance children’s elocution skills through the cooperation game. For this, you gather a group of 3-4 kids and have each say a sentence to build a story with a pre-determined ending.

  • Transitioning with story cards 


    In this fun public speaking training activity, children are given cards with two words, and they have to tell a story connecting the words within a stipulated time.

    Enacting advertisements


    An entertaining and enriching public speaking training activity is to ask children to create their own advertisements. Make chits with quirky product names, ask children to pick a product, and enact a short ad around it. Through this activity, children learn public speaking and acting while actively using their imagination.



    Since presentations become an indispensable part of almost every person’s professional life, teaching the skill in children early in their lives will help them learn better. You can ask your child to deliver a short presentation on a topic that interests them and include a reward to laud their efforts.


    Importance of Public Speaking Skills Training for Kids


    Public speaking is defined as the process of communicating information and ideas to a live audience. Often termed as oration or oratory, public speeches can be given on various topics and in different settings, including a business meeting, in an educational setup, or any public arena. The primary goal of public speaking is to inform, educate, influence, or entertain the listeners. You can support your speech with an electronic slide show to make your presentation more interesting and engaging. 


    Public speaking training is one of the most important exercises your child can engage in during their formative years. Hence, a public speaking course that covers all aspects of the communication toolkit can be highly beneficial in helping children develop public speaking skills.


    As a parent, you need to encourage your child to learn public speaking for the following reasons:

    A vital life skill


    Public speaking is something that almost every individual has to deal with at some point in their life, either in a formal or informal setting. A public speaking course from a young age helps kids master this crucial life skill and prepare to face the crowd without fear.

    Improves communication abilities


    Public speaking skill helps individuals connect effectively in interpersonal relationships, professional settings, and other social interactions. Public speaking training teaches children to put forth their ideas coherently while calmly defending their views when needed.

    Teaches persuasive skills


    Public speaking training in kids improves their power of persuasion, a vital skill to convince listeners, and it teaches them to convey information clearly and effectively while positively influencing people.

    Boosts confidence


    Stage fright and a lack of confidence often deter people from freely expressing their views and opinions in front of a live audience. A public speaking course for kids inculcates confidence and makes children more comfortable interacting with people.

    Develops leadership skills


    Public speaking skill is one of the hallmarks of a good leader. Imparting public speaking training early in life moulds your child to become a future leader and helps them shed inhibitions and overcome fear at an early age.

    Improves academic performance


    Through a public speaking course, children learn various communication skills, presentation skills, listening skills, critical thinking skills, etc. These faculties positively and significantly impact a child’s academic performance.

    PlanetSpark Public Speaking Course Testimonials


    “I enrolled my Noah in Planetspark Public Speaking classes, their teaching staff is really good, they make every session fun, they always come up with new activities.

    Noah had been really enjoying the Planetspark events.”






    “The English classes were really helpful to my child, Moksh. He describes PlanetSpark classes as 'cool' and like his teacher very much.

    Kudos! We're just so happy to see Moksh learn with such joy.”






    “We enrolled our son Liam into the communication skills program to improve his speaking skills. Within just a few week we are already seeing an improvement in him. As parents, we are very satisfied with the PlanetSpark classes.”






    FAQs on Public Speaking Skills Training


    1. What are the top 5 skills for public speaking?


    The top 5 public speaking skills include confidence, clear articulation, presentation style, empathy, and stamina. 


    2. How do you gain confidence in public speaking?


    Here are some tips to gain confidence while you learn public speaking:

  • Use assertive body language

  • Make optimum eye contact

  • Don’t get hung up on mistakes

  • Rehearse in front of friends and family

  • Take a public speaking course


    Benefits of public speaking include:

  • Boosts confidence

  • Improves communication

  • Improves critical thinking

  • Personality development

  • Improves networking

  • Improves persuasion skills

  • Builds leadership skills


    4. What is the art of public speaking called?


    The art of public speaking was known as rhetoric by the ancient Greeks. It is also termed as oratory or oration. 


    5. What are the 4 types of public speaking?


    Public speaking can be of different types, including demonstrative speaking, ceremonial speaking, persuasive speaking, and informative speaking.


    6. Is public speaking skill or a talent?


    Public speaking is not a talent. It is a skill that an individual can learn and develop over time. Even children can learn public speaking from their pre-teen years.


    7. What are the three elements of public speaking?


    The three main elements of public speaking are introduction, body, and conclusion. Body language, voice, and vocabulary are equally critical for effective public speaking.


    8. What is PlanetSpark?


    PlanetSpark is India’s best English public speaking and creative writing learning platform for children between Grades 1-10. The public speaking course for kids is a scientifically designed program aligned with the school curriculum.


    9. What is PlanetSpark learning methodology?


    PlanetSpark uses its own research-based STEPS approach to ensure superior academic performance and conceptual proficiency. The methodology includes game-based learning, inquiry-based learning, spaced repetition techniques, and child cognitive psychology.


     10. What is the age bracket for a child to get enrolled in PlanetSpark?


    The online public speaking course and other courses at PlanetSpark are for children aged 4-14 years.

    3. What are the 7 benefits of public speaking?