Sharad saini's Diagnostic Report and Certificate of Merit at PlanetSpark
Dear Sharad saini,
Thank you for joining us in the Public Speaking Trial assessment for Sharad saini
PlanetSpark Assessment Session is a skill-based assessment that measures a students' conceptual understanding in Public Speaking & Creative Writing & new age skills and benchmarks the students' performance among 1 Lac+ students across the globe with actionable insights through an easy-to-understand report.
We would like to congratulate you that Sharad saini is a rare mix of curiosity and creativity and is headed to a great future. We found Sharad saini’s performance is amongst Top 10% students to successfully complete Level 1 of Public Speaking Trial with a score of 85 points out of 100.
Please find attached Sharad saini’s Diagnostic Report and Certificate of Merit with this letter.