
Sun, 20 Jun, 2021

Write About a Trick You Would Like to Play On Your Mom!

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daughter and her mother playing

Pranks and tricks have become popular to make fun of others through any practical joke. People like to prank their family members, friends, and even strangers. Tricks have reactions, and facial expressions are exceptional and must be captured in a video. One person who is most likely to fall for a joke is the mother.

I will plan a trick on my mother, which is dangerous and could make her angry. My mom's reaction to my chopped finger would be funny and deadly. She would be ready to call an ambulance, and at the same time, she would get furious with me. These pranks and tricks can be fun and exciting to play.

  1. Materials Required

  • Red paint

  • Fake knife

  • A piece of carrot/ small plastic piece

  1. Beginning of the trick

I would create a scene where it looks like I chopped my finger off my hand. I will have to arrange a big knife or a fake one. Placing a phoney knife will not be a big problem. The main obstacle on my path would be how to make the paint look so real, like blood. 

I would have to arrange a darker colour of red for the colour. I could even get the pig's blood, but they are not readily available at every chemist. Also, they are expensive and rare. A piece of plastic or carrot-shaped finger needs to look like my chopped finger.

  1. Action

Firstly, I will dilute some paint and spill it in the kitchen, maybe on a chopping board. Then, I will keep the fake finger near my hand and fold the index finger to look like a finger cut. Then I will call my mother and say that I'm cutting some fruits. As soon as she arrives, she will see the blood and my little fake acting of crying and shouting while showing my chopped-off finger.

  1. Expected reaction

My expected reaction would be her shocking face and some horrified wails. She would probably come as fast as possible and then hold my hand. Then suddenly, she will notice that it is all a prank. She would be lost for a second and then angry about my trick.


This trick is very effective if you play it on your mother. The memory and experience of this prank will be unforgettable. A chopped finger randomly near my mother would have the same effect or an even better reaction. 

What makes this trick more compelling is the blood. The fake blood will look as accurate as the human blood and complete everything in this not perfect prank. This is one ideal trick that I would like to play on my mother to see her reaction and then tell her that it was fake.

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  1. What can be the alternative for red paint?

Red food colouring with cocoa powder can be used as an alternative to red paint.     

  1. How can a fake scar be made on the hand for a realistic cut look?

An easy method to fake a scar on the hand can be applying some glue on the hand and letting it dry out. Later on, red paint can be applied to the dried glue for a realistic look.

  1. Is it necessary to use a knife for this trick?

No, screwdrivers and other tools can be as effective as a knife.

  1. What materials are required to make a fake realistic cut on the finger?

skin tone makeup, knife, piece of bubble gum and red, blue, black makeup

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