
Mon, 07 Jun, 2021

Write About a Quality Your Best Friend Has that You Admire!

We all have that one friend who is more special to us than the others, and we call this special friend our best friend. They are literally the only person who knows you inside and out and still accepts you the way you are. Having someone as crazy as you are is definitely a blessing!

Two best friends

I guess, except for our teachers and parents, best friends are the ones who teach us how to live our lives and get the best out of them. Even though it is a small part, they play an important role in building our character. We tend to copy others and replicate their behavior. This is why it is necessary to have good company. People give that advice a lot, but in reality, our heart decides what is good for us or what's not.

Like everyone else, I have a best friend as well, and they have a lot of qualities that I admire. We do not really open our hearts that much and express our love for them. We keep on teasing and insulting them for fun, and compliments are literally out of the picture; just kidding! 

However, this one quality of my best friend has completely changed my life, and that is their love for themselves. My best friend is completely and utterly in love with himself, and I guess that's the hardest thing a person can do. We all spend our lives trying to be like someone else or comparing ourselves with others. We criticise ourselves for not being good enough, start hating ourselves, and eventually develop insecurities.

Loving someone else is quite simple; you just start admiring one quality, and one thing follows the other. The real deal is when you love yourself wholeheartedly and accept yourself the way you are. I guess the most critical thing we all need to learn is to accept ourselves and love ourselves. This is the quality I admire the most about my best friend, as he has achieved something many of us fail to do.

When I asked him why he loves himself so much and why he doesn't have any insecurities, he answered that he does have a lot of insecurities, and sometimes he hates himself as well. Still, instead of worrying about your flaws, you should start accepting them. Accept every part of you, every mistake you made, every flaw you have, and everything that you hate about yourself, as no one will love you the way you want. The craving and longing for love will never be satisfied until you start loving yourself. 

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To fall in love with yourself and accept yourself the way you are is definitely the purest form of love you will ever experience in your life. So, whoever you are, just accept yourself and learn how to love yourself entirely, even with your flaws. It will be the most important and most challenging battle of your life.

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