Grammar Fanatic

Mon, 15 May, 2017

Why should your kids learn phrasal verbs?

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English is the world's language, and there is no doubt your children must master it. The best way is to start young to become highly proficient in it before they leave school. We offer the best online common phrasal verbs training for kids in the most interesting and fun way. This will make it easy for the kids to learn these phrases without ever feeling that they are learning something. As the course is taught online, your kids need not disturb their regular school studies. They can learn this from the comforts of their home.

Parents may find that teaching these to their kids at home is not easy. That is why this course is essential. When they learn the English common phrasal verbs skill, they will sound smart. But you will find that you cannot teach them how to use these phrases in the right way without joining the course. That is why you need to enroll the kids in our course and allow them to become expert English speakers. It will help them greatly when they pursue higher studies and jobs. You can BOOK a FREE class with our Expert to start your journey today!

Understanding Phrasal Verbs With Common Phrasal Verbs Training Online

Phrasal verbs are a set of words used in place of a single word. These phrases are used only in conversation or casual English. They are never used in formal written pieces. When your kids acquire common phrasal verbs skills for students, they will understand that these are combinations of words replacing single words to make the sentence more interesting and casual. These sets of words contain a verb and an adverb or a proposition. There are also phrasal verbs consisting of a verb, adverb, and preposition. Your children will learn all these in our course.

What is most interesting to note is that the verbs in the phrase have an entirely different meaning when used alone. This can be slightly confusing for students, which is why enrolling them in our course can make them experts in using these phrases. We will teach them phrasal verbs with examples in our course so that they will understand the different meanings of the same verb. Yet another challenge that kids will face when learning these sets of words is that the same phrase will have different meanings when used in different situations.

Learning The Difference With Examples

It is good to know how the verbs have different meanings when used alone and in a phrasal verb. While we will give you the common phrasal verbs list with meanings in our course, we take a few examples to understand how verbs differ.

Using "hang" in two ways

  • Children of the colony hang out near the playground

  • He was looking for the best place to hang his father's photo

The word "pass" has different meanings

  • She passed out when she knew of her brother's death

  • The police didn't allow anyone to pass through the street till the minister arrived.

The verb "put" is also used commonly in phrasal verbs

  • The headmaster doesn't put up with the unruly behavior of students

  • The fire was put out swiftly by the firemen

  • My brother put a lot of salt in the soup

There are also phrasal verbs that mean differently and are used in different contexts. It is worth looking at some examples though you will learn the phrasal verbs A to Z with meanings and sentences on the course.

  • It is easy to look up meanings in the dictionary if you know how to use it.

  • Things are starting to look up for my brother's business.

  • You can take off your coat if you feel warm

  • The plane is likely to take off in another ten minutes

These phrases are also used with a similar meaning but in different situations and contexts. One such example is the phrase broke down.

  • Our car broke down when we were traveling to my sister's house

  • The talks between the two countries broke down as they could not reach a consensus on many matters

  • The little girl broke down when she heard the news of her father's death

In the above sentence, you can see that the phrase's meaning is similar in all the sentences. It means that the person, action, or thing was not functioning as it should have. The phrase broadly indicates failure in all the sentences.

Learning The Types Of Phrasal Verbs For Kids

When doing phrasal verbs exercises for kids, it is good to know the different types of phrasal and how they are used. Our course teaches about this in detail so that the children can understand and use these words perfectly. There are four types of phrasal verbs that are commonly in use

  • Transitive Phrasal Verbs

  • Intransitive Phrasal Verbs

  • Separable Phrasal Verbs

  • Inseparable Phrasal Verbs

Transitive Phrasal Verbs

When your kids learn the 50 phrasal verbs in our course, they will come across many transitive phrasal verbs. It is good to understand what they are and how they differ from the others. A transitive phrasal verb requires an object to give a meaningful sentence. It will be good to see a few examples of these phrases to understand them completely. In the below examples, the words in italics are the phrasal verbs, and those in bold letters are the objectives. Reading them carefully will give you an idea about what transitive phrasal verbs are.

  • The nanny looks after the children very well

  • The workers carried on their work despite being tired

Intransitive Phrasal Verbs

While learning the essential phrasal verbs for everyday life, the children may hear many intransitive phrasal verbs. As you might have guessed correctly, these are opposites of the transitive type. There is no need for an object to make sentences with these phrases meaningful. When you read them, you will understand that these are very commonly used in our daily lives. Here again, we are giving some examples so that you can understand them and know where to use them. Our course will teach these verbs in detail so that kids become experts in using them.

  • My car broke down

  • The patient who was serious passed away

Separable Phrasal Verbs

Among the common phrasal verbs for kids, you can find that there are some that can be used in different ways. Both the verb and the preposition are used together in most cases. However, there are instances where you can either use them together or separate them by other words in the sentences. Such phrasal verbs are called separable. It is because you can separate the two elements of the phrase and still make meaningful sentences. Here are a few examples where the two parts of the phrases are italicized.

  • Please turn on the heater before you go

  • Please turn the heater on before you go

  • He was trying hard to cut down his spending and save money

  • He was trying hard to cut his spending down and save money

Inseparable Phrasal Verbs

As most of you must have guessed already, you cannot separate the verb and the preposition in this type of phrasal verb. They must stay together if the sentence must make sense, and the phrasal verbs must have the correct meaning. It is useful to understand a little about them so that you can relate to what your kids tell you after attending the course online.

  • The nurse looked after the patient very well despite his complaints against her

  • A thief broke into the stores and took many valuables and money.

Why Is Learning Verbal Phrases Important?

Using verbal phrases in everyday conversation makes one sound smart. This will help immensely when the children go for higher studies in English-speaking countries. It will also help them understand what their classmates and teachers are talking about. Your children will not feel out of place anywhere in the world if they are proficient in speaking English. For more information, BOOK a FREE Class with our language Expert!

Frequently Asked Questions About Phrasal Verbs

  • How will you describe a phrasal verb?

Phrasal verbs are a group of words having necessarily a verb and a preposition to act as a one-word verb. They make spoken English more interesting.

  • What are the phrasal verbs that are most commonly used?

Phrases such as get up, break down, catch up, close down, hang out, put up, etc., are commonly used in everyday English conversation.

  • Why is it important for children to learn phrasal verbs?

Phrasal verbs make speech more interesting. Your children can use different words instead of the same ones when speaking. It will also make them sound more proficient in the language.

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No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


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