The art of Public Speaking

Mon, 19 Oct, 2020

Why PlanetSpark’s Online Storytelling Course for Intermediate Kids is important!

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We all have been fascinated by stories, right from our childhood. Stories used to be the only pastimes in our cultures when we did not have the internet, theatres, or any other avenues of entertainment. For most kids, the printed page looks boring to them in comparison to the gadgetry and mobile screens. Storytelling training for intermediate kids develops a love for storytelling, and at the same time, teaches the importance and benefits of storytelling. Oral storytelling is a wonderful approach to enhancing children's oral fluency and helping them learn language and literature topics. To make them aware and knowledgeable, the online storytelling classes for intermediate kids are an eye-opener for them.

Aside from enhancing observation and imagination, one of the key goals of online storytelling classes for 8 and 9-year-old children is to improve language abilities. Children in the age group of 8 to 9 years are confident in their ability to use technology on their own. Simple storytelling, even when combined with cutting-edge technology, may not be enough to pique children's interest in learning English. 8 or 9 years old are very comfortable using the technology on their own nowadays. It boosts children's enthusiasm for learning English. The usage of technology can occasionally provide enjoyable breaks that help kids stay motivated while learning. 

While this holds for children, it is also important that parents take an active part in acquainting children with the skill of storytelling. However, we understand the repercussions of living in a rapidly-moving world. It is often difficult for parents to save sufficient time and energy to conduct storytelling sessions with their kids. That is why we have curated an online storytelling course for intermediate children.

Book a FREE class NOW! 

Importance of Storytelling Course for Intermediate Kids  

Storytelling is a powerful tool. It motivates and inspires people, teaches children, and helps pass down our history from one generation to another. While it may seem an easy skill but it needs proper expertise to be a good storyteller. Storytelling Course for Intermediate kids helps a child in the age group of 8 -10 years, become skilled in this art form. The child will be able to master the step-by-step approach of storytelling from the expert teachers.

Storytelling training for intermediate kids empowers the children to find and share their stories and to learn through the art of narrating their own stories. Storytelling Classes for 9-year- old kids can help your child to communicate meaningfully about their project or any assignment of their ideas more effectively when they go in for higher studies, or college interviews. By imparting the skills like reading, writing, and speaking, PlanetSpark brings out the storyteller in every child.

In terms of literacy, comprehension and spoken language are the foundations for development and listening skill is beneficial. By the age of 8, kids need to start learning oral language skills in addition to reading and writing. Storytelling course for intermediate Children is an effective approach for furthering the development of speaking and listening skills in intermediate grades, hence improving children’s reading and writing abilities.

Registration for our courses can be done in one simple step. You just need to click here to register and book a FREE trial for our course.

Benefits Of  Storytelling Course For Intermediate Kids 

There are plenty of benefits for an intermediate student to learn the art of storytelling

  • Gives English-language learners a compelling motivation to speak and write in the language.

  • Encourages Reading habit

  • Builds Creative Writing skills

  • Development of Listening and Speaking skills

  • Improves Fluency 

  • Helps in getting valuable cultural inputs 

  • Builds Public Speaking

  • A wide range of courses to choose from.

  • Helps in the school curriculum 

  • Student Centric Approach.

  • Active learning. 

Teacher's Profile

All our teachers are experienced professionals, who have been trained and certified by PlanetSpark. They have been active trainers, writers, and public speakers. 

The teachers are professionally trained and hold qualifications in the relevant course they teach and take PSAT( PlanetSpark Aptitude test) and are significantly previously experienced. The teachers are highly evaluated and undergo intense training that is certified to achieve consistent results.

You know, storytelling skills help in developing your child’s imagination skills? So, what are you waiting for, book a FREE class NOW in our storytelling courses!

Curriculum Details for Storytelling Course for Intermediate Kids

The curriculum for storytelling course for intermediate kids covers the fundamentals of storytelling and ultimately shares techniques and principles to help your child to become an expert storyteller. 

  • The children are encouraged to work on pre-script, editing, and post-script, to write and read their stories. 

  • Activities that build the passion for reading and listening are included, which will enable the child to become an effective storyteller. 

  • Vocabulary; Vocabulary plays an important part in learning to read. Children are familiarised with the words that they will use in speaking or comprehending in listening. 

  • Language functions  - Expressing ability, how a child will describe, what he or she is reading.

  • Grammar structures - How to conclude a sentence with a period, a question mark, an exclamation mark, or quote marks.

The curriculum is designed for the students to teach them 21st century new skills. The way they will learn has been designed for creative learning in a digital age.  As the child progresses in the course, they are also given constant feedback by the teachers.

Storytelling class for intermediate kids teaches ways to use stories, how to tell a story, the process of storytelling and getting the audience interested in your story. All types of stories are explored, it can be personal stories, stories children have heard from grandparents or parents, their folktales, and all the stories they write, are used. The 4 C’s of storytelling are also highlighted during the class, which are as follows :

  • Character: The children need to come up with the characters for their stories, a character to love or one they can love to hate. 

  • Context: In what context is the story written, What Scene Setting of the story.

  • Conflict: Children need to delve into the heart of the story, whether it is a conflict of ideas, or it can be a conflict between the characters or the main character can be experiencing some conflict.The reason for the story.

  • Conclusion: It is the coming together of the story for the resolution of conflict. It is the final act in the story. 

PlanetSpark offers the best storytelling courses for your child. Book a FREE class NOW and make your child develop storytelling skills!

Online Storytelling Activities & worksheets for Intermediate Children

Students can express themselves freely and brilliantly in an honest and real way by contributing to storytelling activities by the time they are 8 or 9 years of age. With the transition, intermediate children need to place a greater emphasis on spelling and expand their reading and writing to include new genres and styles. In our Storytelling training for intermediate kids, the child will be spending more time learning grammar and punctuation. Our worksheets and activities are created with a strong focus to practice these English Language requirements at that age and also develop  Creative Writing, Storytelling, Reading, and other skills,  

The worksheets also allow the children to practice and study new grammatical aspects such as modal verbs, as well as punctuation elements such as hyphens and colons. Some of the  activities in our storytelling classes are given below:

  • Vocabulary Building: These activities are simple yet effective, and help in a child’s listening and speaking as well. In this activity, the teacher shares a few nouns on the board along with a few verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Children will create a short story using all of the nouns and other words,  given on the board. As and when they use a particular word, they keep striking that till they use all the words. To increase the level of this activity, the teacher can give a context also, depending on the age group. Finally, students present their stories to the entire class.

  • The Story Game: This is a brilliant game for reading out stories in teams. The objective of the activity is for everyone to work together to create a full story. Each child will contribute one line to the story. The teacher starts the storytelling with the story prompt, and then the children will take turns to continue the story one by one. The last child in the class will say the final sentence as the story nears completion.  These complete story prompts are an excellent source of inspiration to children, whether it's due to laziness or a lack of creativity. This is an excellent writing game to increase your child's creativity, teamwork, communication, and writing abilities when utilized in the classroom. This makes it an interesting activity for children between the age of 8 and 10.

  • Telephone Pictionary Game: The game's basic concept is that children make drawings from sentences and pass the story around. The first child begins by simply writing a statement, such as "I got presents on my birthday," and then showing it to the other children. The next child will then draw a picture describing this statement, and then hide the first statement written by the first student and only show the picture he or she has drawn, and so on. The third child will then write a statement based on the drawing of the second child, and so on. The original message is lost in the end. It's a novel way to come up with ideas and develop characters.

Each of the activities is followed by a short quiz or a fun test, to understand their grasp of the topics. Most of the questions are open-ended and focus on comprehension skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills such as making inferences or drawing an outcome, or understanding consequences. The worksheets are a great supplement to the topics on various contents from the curriculum 

As the child keeps learning and practising the language, their storytelling will improve. It’ll be easier to work out who your child is talking about when they’re telling a story, and how the events in their stories fit together.

So, what are you waiting for? Try our FREE trial for the online storytelling class for intermediate children today!

Storytelling Online Classes for Intermediate Kids 

Storytelling classes for age 8 kids have an impact on a child’s overall confidence. It plays a vital role in learning the English language. The selection of the stories depends on children's age and the grades they are in. This skill also helps to boost the interest of 8 year old’s to learn English.

Storytelling classes for intermediate kids explain the importance of storytelling and why intermediate kids need to learn this craft. Our instructors teach how to develop a compelling story and narrate it comprehensively. Children are taught storytelling techniques, and the modelling of storytelling helps with the examples of self-evaluation and story mapping and provides maximum support for intermediate storytellers. During storytelling sessions, topics such as narrative, story structure, and the characteristics of various genres are all explored.

The children in the age group of  8 to 9 years are exposed to reading longer stories. There is a need to develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. As storytellers, children become active participants in learning the language. By listening to stories and telling stories, they learn both critical listening skills and effective oral expression. In developing a sense of story structure, they improve their comprehension. Storytelling course for intermediate children is an effective approach in the intermediate grades for furthering the development of storytelling skills, thus strengthening children reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills by the time they reach high school.

In our online storytelling training course, the child is taught the learning skills to shape their ideas into a story by creating a story brief, evolving their story, and taking feedback from teachers till it is perfect and polished. They will also learn how to find intention and use their voice and body language to be an effective and strong storyteller. 

Storytelling skills in  8 and 9-year-old children affect their overall improved skills in both reading and writing, story sequencing abilities, cognitive skills, and critical thinking. It helps them learn new vocabulary and also an understanding of what it means to tell a story orally.

During the online skill training for storytelling, children are exposed to other important skills including life skills, soft skills, public speaking, and communication skills. The classes are a lot of fun and children are given a free hand for plenty of adaptation. It allows students to be creative thinkers and develop a story, while also ensuring that students are encouraged to listen to each other. 

To become a great storyteller, the child needs to take an effort and be interested in this field. This is a career opportunity that has evolved immensely during the last few years. Storytelling is an essential part of many fields and one can share captivating stories in this field. The child can certainly surprise himself or herself and his peers by telling stories, they can be running story clubs, capturing the attention of the school assembly, participating in events, contributing to debates and so much more.

For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. How do I book a free trial class?

You can register your child and get a FREE trial by visiting PlanetSpark and clicking on ‘book your free trial’ in the upper right corner. 

  1. What is storytelling?

Storytelling is just telling stories but in a more expressive and captivating manner. It is about using stories to engage your audience or to make something clear and interesting.  Storytelling is an art where the use of interactive actions and words are used to explain the imagination of a speaker visually. 

  1. What can my child learn from your Storytelling class for intermediate kids?

Our storytelling course is aimed to help children to learn the art of good storytelling. They learn how to listen actively which further helps them to be involved in the story narration.  

  1. Why is storytelling so important?

Telling stories is one of the most powerful ways for individuals to influence, inspire, and inspire others. To begin, the story establishes connections between persons as well as between people and ideas. People can better recognize their shared culture, history, and beliefs through stories.

  1. What are the 4 Ps of storytelling?

The essential 4P’s of storytelling are People, Place, Purpose, and Plot. The story dwells around these parameters.

  1. How can my child be a good storyteller?

Once children become at ease with storytelling, they begin to learn that good stories have a purpose, interesting characters, and other elements and once this is understood by the child, he or she just needs to have fun. They can practice by reading aloud confidently from the books they are interested in. Get into a habit of practising.

  1. What are storytelling techniques?

One simple technique is just keeping a bigger picture in mind, identifying the audience to whom you are narrating the story, and what you as a speaker of the story want to achieve at the end.

  1. What are some ways that storytelling would help students learn more effectively?

Students who learn by telling and analyzing their stories develop competencies that allow them to connect theoretical and practical perspectives, understand the dynamics of experience, and make thoughtful changes to themselves and their practices as a student, to help them learn effectively.

  1. What are the skills that a child can develop through storytelling?

All critical 21st-century skills are primarily developed. To mention a few, it increases listening skills, imagination, cultural understanding, communication skills, and social abilities.

  1. What is the difference between storytelling and reading?

While reading involves spoken language where a written text is also present and both oral and written language is available to the reader during story reading. Storytelling, on the other hand, does not necessitate the existence of a printed text, they need to present the story on their own.

  1. What do children learn in your online course for storytelling?

Storytelling is a unique way for students to develop an understanding, respect, and appreciation for other cultures, and can promote a positive attitude toward people from different lands, races, and religions. There are several ways in which storytelling can enhance intercultural understanding and communication.

You can apply now and get a FREE TRIAL for our online conversation expert class.

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