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There is no doubt that English is a language that all must learn. It is the international language of studies and business. Wherever one goes, if the person knows English, it is easy to go around and get things done. This is why teaching vocabulary words to kids is very important, and you must start the training at a young age. Our course has the best training for this purpose and children will pass out knowing a lot of English words that they can use in daily conversation. We have formulated the course to make it interesting for kids.
One must use the right word if a conversation or an essay has to be meaningful. Knowing more words with the same meaning helps to make writing more interesting. It will improve reading, and people will enjoy going through the piece. Teaching new words to kids can be difficult in households where English is not their mother tongue. Even parents may not be familiar with a lot of words. This is where our course helps the children. We teach children all the appropriate words they will need for everyday conversation and writing.
Speaking good English helps one to progress in their career
All higher education is taught in English, and hence students need to know the language well
Traveling is easier and more comfortable if you know English as it is spoken all over the world
A course is required to improve children’s vocabulary in households with mother tongues other than English.
Understanding Vocabulary And Its Types
One must first know what vocabulary is in English. Vocabulary means the words that are in use in a particular language. Here we are talking about English vocabulary, which means all the words in English. English has a rich vocabulary that has words for almost everything we know of. While indulging in vocabulary building for kids, one will realize that new words are constantly being added. New words are being added by adopting from other languages or making slang words in English official. This is why new dictionaries are being launched every now and then.
We can also use vocabulary to indicate the words that are used in particular contexts. Some terms are specific to certain industries or professions. There are many words that only doctors will use and no others. These are also called jargon. While advancing your toddler’s vocabulary, you may also add some of the words that you think may be useful to them. The term vocabulary also represents a person’s knowledge of English words. You can often hear people say that someone’s vocabulary is very extensive. This means the person knows a lot of English words.
There are many words that one may know but do not use regularly. Sometimes we might have learned the words during our education, but our profession doesn’t require us to use them regularly. While teaching the first 100 words of English vocabulary to kids, we try to teach them words that will be useful for them in daily activities. Such words that we use regularly are known as active vocabulary. The list of words that we know but don’t use regularly is known as passive vocabulary. Our vocabulary will mostly consist of both these types of words.
Why Is It Important To Improve English Vocabulary For Students?
The straightforward answer to why children must improve their vocabulary is that it aids communication. One cannot communicate without words. This is why vocabulary development for kids is significant, and parents must make all efforts to improve it progressively. You must make sure that your children learn new words regularly and use them in their communication. As they continue to acquire more words, their communication will be more precise. English is a language that has many synonyms and knowing all of them will make your conversation more focused and to the point.
Another important reason to learn more words is that it helps in the overall improvement of grades. It has been noticed that children who learn new words regularly are also getting better marks at school. When they learn more words, they are able to read and understand more stuff. It also helps them succeed in comprehension and composition, which are two essential exercises at school. We teach a wide variety of academic vocabulary words for 1st graders that will help them improve their performance at school now and later.
Reading helps in complete mental development. The more children read, the more knowledge they gain. But they must understand everything they read to acquire more knowledge. This is possible only if they know the words in the material they read. This is where improving vocabulary helps children. My first vocabulary for ages 5 - 7 taught in our course contains the words that will empower kids to read more books. In this way, they will gain more knowledge. Parents must also try to teach children more difficult words progressively.
When your children can speak and write in fluent English, their confidence level increases considerably. They know that they can express their ideas very clearly. This gives them the confidence to think more deeply about various subjects. They are also able to express their views in public forums without any fear. This will help them improve their worldly knowledge. The confidence that a strong vocabulary gives them is also beneficial at school. Attending the My First Vocabulary for Kids program helps them learn many words that they can use for public speaking. Want to experience this? BOOK a FREE Class with our Expert today!
Help Your Children Learn Words With Online My First Vocabulary Training For Kids
It is easy for kids to learn English words with our training program. We help them gain the My First Vocabulary skills for students with various educational aids and exercises. Our experts have a clear idea about how many words your children can learn in a period. We will make sure that we teach them as many words as they can learn. It will help them acquire a fairly large-sized vocabulary when they leave the course. We have programs for children of different ages. Visit our website to learn more about our programs.
Parents can also do a lot to teach their children new words. One of the best exercises is to read books with the children. When there are new words, parents can tell the meanings of such words along with how they are pronounced and where they must be used. Once this is done, you must ask the children to use it in their own way. That will help them remember the words and use them in their daily conversation. While we teach the first 100 words in English vocabulary for kids in our program, parents can teach more words.
Talking to your children regularly in English by using new words is another way to improve their vocabulary. This will also encourage them to speak more frequently in English instead of using their mother tongue. As you talk to them, try to introduce new words. If they don’t ask about the meaning of those words, you must find out what they have understood. It is also necessary to train children to refer to the dictionary whenever they see or hear a new word. In these ways, parents can help in the vocabulary development of kids.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can parents introduce words to their children?
Reading books with children is an excellent way to introduce new words to them. You must always choose books that are a little beyond their standard. Choosing books can help children learn new words. Speaking to them regularly in English using new words is another way to improve their word power.
What does one mean by vocabulary for kids?
When we say vocabulary for kids, it means the words that must be taught to kids at a young age to improve their English proficiency. There is a list of words that they must learn quickly to help them speak well at school and ask doubts without feeling any fear. The terms will keep changing as the kid ages and progresses in his education.
How does PlanetSpark help in vocabulary?
PlanetSpark is an institution that gives training for children in various subjects like Spoken English, Creative Writing, Public Speaking, etc. Developing the children’s vocabulary is part of these programs and helps kids speak and write better. Our expert trainers make learning a fun activity for the children so that they don’t feel the burden of studying. Our online classes don’t need the kids to go to any center to attend the classes.
How can parents assess the progress of their children?
When parents constantly speak to kids in English, they can notice if the children use any new words in the conversation. This will tell them how much their kids have progressed.
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