
Mon, 12 Jul, 2021

Why Do Advertisements Exist?

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Advertisements, also known as ‘ads,’ are a form of media that are created for two primary purposes. These purposes are publicity (brand awareness) and convincing (brand promotion). Some of the secondary objectives of advertisement creation are: enhancing brand image and establishing the need and relevance of that brand (or its products). Companies, corporates, organizations, and even individuals create ads to drive and attract customers to their products. They bolster better sales and encourage brand loyalty among customers. They add value to existing products and help improve the market shares of advertisers. Though the exact reason someone creates an advertisement varies, it is essentially created to strengthen the brand’s position among customers and consumers.

Types Of Advertisements

These advertisements may be created in various formats, depending on the medium in which they are propagated. Some of the common forms of media are classified as physical media and virtual media. Physical advertisements are often in posters, newspapers, magazines, banners, and other tangible mediums. Virtual advertisements are radio ads and video ads displayed on TV, the Internet, Mobile, and other devices. Though the individual advertisement strategies for each medium may vary, they are essential, relevant, and effective in their unique ways.

Why Do Advertisements Exist?

Advertisements serve multiple purposes, but the primary one would be to promote sales. The majority of the companies that we see within various sectors would not succeed without the marketing that advertisements offer. These marketing efforts essentially boost sales by attracting more customers to the brand. When people that aren’t necessarily facing a requirement for a certain product will still remember the brand due to their advertisements. Ads get the message across to the masses, even beyond sales. They even convey innovation by introducing products that didn’t exist before. By educating people about how a particular ‘thing’ can make their life easy, advertisements ensure that others can benefit from using that ‘thing.’ Often considered misleading, at its core, advertisements are responsible for ‘persuasion.’

In short, advertisements are created to -

  1. Inform - Create awareness about something

  2. Persuade - Convincing you to purchase or engage with that thing

  3. Remind - Help you remember that you may need/benefit from something

What do advertisements sell?

Ads are resourceful in terms of their ability to facilitate selling. Advertisements can be beneficial for selling and promoting products, services, and ideas.

  1. Products: Any product that can be tangible or intangible can be sold with the help of advertisements. Manufactured products, processed items, and even software products are up for purchase.

  2. Services: Any service can be marketed and sold with advertising. Work done/offered by professionals or organizations is provided for people for a small charge.

  3. Ideas: Concepts, ideas, and other intangible things like beliefs, duties, ideal behaviors, and values can be promoted through advertisements.


Advertisements will continue to define how we continue to be involved in commerce and trade as a civilization. For this reason, advertisement creation will be significant and relevant to us for years to follow.


  • What is an advertisement?

Advertisement or ‘ad’ is a message sent across mass media channels to spread awareness or promote a product or a service.

  • What is meant by advertisement creation?

Drafting, writing, designing, and presenting an ‘ad’ to match the syntax of the medium used for sending the promotional message is called ‘advertisement creation.’

  • How are advertisements created?

Advertisements are created by selecting and highlighting the USP (Ultimate selling point) and modifying the message to fit the medium appropriately.

  • Why are advertisements created?

Advertisements are created to publicize, promote, sell, and persuade people to buy products and services.

  • Who creates advertisements?

Brand managers and marketing professionals employed at organizations create advertisements for various purposes.

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