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Wed, 13 Oct, 2021

Which is Your Favourite Pet Animal and Why? A Comprehensive Overview


Which is Your Favourite Pet Animal and Why?

I have been fond of dogs since I was little. While most children chased the street dogs, I would try to be friends with them. I would even bring stray puppies home and feed them. I always loved their loving eyes and friendly gestures, like the wagging tails. 

As I grew up, I realised that they are called humans’ best friends for a reason. They are friendly, loyal, and protective of us.

I have a pet dog named Chubby. It is a bit of an irony because Chubby is leaner than most dogs and is also quite active. He is a male German Spitz and loves to sprint around the house. 

My sister suggested the name ‘Snowy’ since the pup was white as snow. But I named him Chubby because of its round belly, especially after it had milk, which made me think of it as a chubby little creature.

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The story of how I got to have Chubby explains why I would not have any other pet. He was brought to us by my aunt from Shimla as a gift. My mother did not want to keep him because a dog is a full-time responsibility. 

The child in me did not understand her disapproval. When my cousin offered to take the pup, I threw tantrums, refused to eat, and cried several times a day. My mother finally gave in and allowed us to keep the puppy.

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I prefer having a dog as a pet because they are friendly. If you don’t have siblings, you can spend time playing with your dog. Even if you have siblings, a dog is always a good companion! When I feel lonely or sad, Chubby sits quietly beside me as if he can read my emotions.

Which is Your Favourite Pet Animal and Why?

 Even my mother is now fond of our dog. He follows her around the house and waits outside the puja room as she finishes her daily prayers. We take him for a walk twice a day and get our share of exercise. 

Chubby has also got me some new friends. When we are out for a walk, children ask me if they can pet him or play with him. He’s very friendly, so this is never a problem. He guards our home, sitting on the lawn. If a stranger tries to come inside the house, he alerts us immediately. 

Not only that, he continues to bark loudly until my father tells him it is okay to let the visitor in.

I keep a dog as a pet because it is social, friendly, and a stress-buster.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why do dogs make the best pets?

It is evident from the fact that dogs are used for therapy. They are sociable and friendly. They also help relieve anxiety. That makes them the best pets to have around.

  1. How can a dog keep you healthy?

Dogs help us stay active, reduce our stress levels and help us deal with loneliness.

  1. Why does a dog make me happy?

Being around a dog can make your brain release oxytocin, the feel-good hormone.

  1. Do dogs guard us?

Yes, it is a dog’s instinct to guard us. If there is a new member in a family (like a baby), dogs will protect the child too.

  1. Can a dog sense our emotions?

No other animal can understand humans as well as dogs. They not only communicate with us, but they can also read our expressions and follow our gestures.  A dog will also know when its owner is distressed.

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