
Mon, 07 Jan, 2019

What if You Could Travel to the Time of Dinosaurs? How Would You Feel? What Would You Do There?

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The one place which would be visited the most if time travel were possible would be the era of dinosaurs. It would be so fun and adventurous if today it were possible to see what a fossil looked like before it became one. 

Not only this, you would see how the air was different, pure and rich in oxygen - with no industries and chimneys causing pollution in the sky. All species of plants and trees which are extinct today could be seen and touched. It would be exciting to see different kinds of dinosaurs, from their different colours to sizes and the kinds of sounds they would produce.


A cartoon dinosaur

It would be both scary and exciting to see different kinds of dinosaurs. You would probably think the small ones are not a threat, and the bigger ones would probably eat you. Writing down all your visuals in a notebook would be a good idea. If you could travel to the time of dinosaurs, then you would never forget to take photographs. 

You would compare the size of fossils to their actual bodies. If you are lucky, you could also witness the fights between dinosaurs and how the bigger ones attack each other. Habitats, eating habits, weather, etc., would all be things you could get to know much better than what is mentioned in the books.

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Once you step foot in the world of dinosaurs, a change in the atmosphere will surely be noticed and felt through time travel. You would see many kinds of rivers, birds, plants, flowers, dinosaurs, etc. That would be all new to you. 

After experiencing all of this, it would be difficult for you to get back to the present time. You could play wherever you wanted freely and even see many stars and other constellations normally not visible in the night sky. Just imagine living in that era, with all the dinosaurs and greenery.


It would be fascinating to live in a world where dinosaurs were alive. This would make it so easy to learn about fossils by seeing their actual versions in a wide range of colours and patterns. You would compare the environment you live in today with the one back then. The difference, changes, positive and negative aspects of things would shock you. The possibilities make it only natural to wish that dinosaurs were still alive today.

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