What does a Teacher do at PlanetSpark?

Well, Let’s help you understand the exciting and fulfilling role of a PlanetSpark Teacher Partner.

A Typical PlanetSpark Teacher is a Smart and Well Qualified Teaching Expert with Great Personality, Communication Skills and a Passion for Teaching children. In PlanetSpark Programme, she gets Trained and Certified by PlanetSpark and starts her own Learning Center from her home!

She plays 3 Important Roles as a PlanetSpark Teacher Partner. These are that of a:

A Mentor, A Learner, and an Entrepreneur

Let us take a closer look at each of these three roles starting with the role of a Mentor.

As a Mentor

-    She teaches Maths and English to Children in an engaging and exciting way
-    While she does that she ensures and brings about great learning outcomes for the children
-    Students see her as a Coach who makes them become self-directed learners
-    She provides constant feedback to PlanetSpark on the Progress of the Students
-    And finally, She understands and uses PlanetSpark Technology to ensure Student Assessments and other operations

Overall, in this role, she is like a true Mentor for the children and helps to develop and shaping up young minds. Now, let's move on to the second role that she plays. PlanetSpark teachers are also Learners themselves. They undergo PlanetSpark’s training programs and builds her own capability.


In the Role of a Learner,

-    She undergoes PlanetSpark Inspirational Teacher Programme, The ITP. This is an induction program designed to give her a Flying Start to her PlanetSpark Journey
-    She learns and gets trained on PlanetSpark Teaching Methodology, The STEPS Methodology
-    She gets fully immersed into PlanetSpark Mission, Vision and Value System
-    She attends Online Training Webinars planned by PlanetSpark for her development
-    She spends time learning and fully adopting PlanetSpark Technology
-    And finally, she is always open to learn and change or improve her teaching style

Overall, as a true Learner, she puts in a lot of preparation time on her own development to teach children effectively and impact fully


Moving on, Last but not the Least, She plays the role of an Entrepreneur.

As an Entrepreneur,

-    She takes Initiative and is fully involved in Marketing her Learning Planet. She doesn’t hesitate to reach out to parents.
-    She regularly engages with her PlanetSpark Account Manager. The Account Manager is dedicated to working very closely with her to help her grow her center
-    She spreading the word in her local networks and circles
-    She coordinates and Liaisons with her enrolled Parents as a PlanetSpark representative
-    Run your PlanetSpark center with full accountability

Overall in this role, she works like a true Entrepreneur and seeks to actively grow her learning Planet.

Please take a closer look at these three roles again!

To summarize, 

A PlanetSpark Teacher Partner is a Mentor, Learner and an Entrepreneur Rolled into one. With 24x7 PlanetSpark support on Teaching Content, Marketing, Training, and Technology, she weaves MAGIC and transforms herself into a True MOMPRENEUR, ready to change the education landscape around her!

If this is something which excites you and inspires you, become a teacher partner with us.

Kunal Malik
Co-Founder, PlanetSpark

Check out our careers page for more work-from-home and part-time job opportunities.

We offer a FREE TRIAL class if you are a parent looking for an after school learning program for your child.

No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


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