
Mon, 15 Feb, 2021

What are the Best Ways to Stop Bullying?

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Bullying is a major issue, especially among developing children. This article from PlanetSpark highlights the most effective ways of dealing with the problem of bullying

Bullying has been a problem among the youth for many generations. Bullies can cause physical and/or emotional damage that lasts a lifetime. Bullies pressure others into doing or saying things that they don’t want to. They threaten them with some sort of punishment if they don’t. This is cruel behavior and must be dealt with in the early stages to avoid permanent damage.

The Truth About Bullies

kids laughing at their classmate

Bullies are often the victims of bullying themselves. They do not know how to deal with all the pent-up anger, sadness, and feelings of helplessness. That is why they lash out at people they think will not stand up for themselves.

Ways To Stop Bullying

children violence at school

  1. Educate Children

To tackle such a complex issue, we need to use the power of education. We can teach children to know what a bully’s behavior looks like and how they can stand up for themselves. We need to help children understand that getting bullied is not a sign of something being wrong with them.

  1. Teach Them to Communicate

Children that get bullied can find it hard to tell an adult about their problems. To make them feel comfortable opening up, we need to establish clear lines of communication. Be open to them, listen to them, and encourage them to stand up for themselves.

  1. Practice Kindness

What a bully really needs is kindness. When we notice that someone is bullying us, or someone we care about, we may want to get angry and get revenge. This will not tackle the problem at its root. We must show bullies that kindness and love are for EVERYONE. If we give them a loving environment, they will understand that they can be loving too.

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  1. What is bullying?

Bullies pressure others into doing or saying things that they don’t want to. They threaten them with some sort of punishment if they don’t.

  1. Why do people bully one another?

Bullies are often the victims of bullying themselves. They do not know how to deal with all the pent-up anger, sadness, and feelings of helplessness. That is why they lash out at people they think will not stand up for themselves.

  1. What are the impacts of bullying?

Bullies can do physical and/or emotional damage that lasts a lifetime.

  1. How can education solve the problem of bullying?

We can teach children to know what a bully’s behavior looks like and how they can stand up for themselves. We need to help children understand that getting bullied is not a sign of something being wrong with them.

  1. Why should we be kind to bullies?

We must show bullies that kindness and love are for EVERYONE. Bullies usually act out what they see in their daily lives. If we give them a loving environment, they will understand that they can be loving too.

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