
Sun, 25 Oct, 2020

Traffic Cameras and Their Impact On Society!

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multi-angle traffic cameras on the street pole

Last week, my mother received a letter from the MVD, and in it was a photo of her car running the red light and mentioning a fine. She was running late to her office and seeing no policemen around, she thought it was ok to violate the signal, just this once. Apparently not!


traffic CCTV camera

Every month, thousands of people die in road accidents. People commit all kinds of traffic violations like speeding, jumping traffic signals, going in the wrong direction on one-way roads, sudden lane cutting, etc. 

The problem with most of us is that we tend to be honest when we know someone is watching – in this instance, the police. But we are less inclined when we know there isn’t anyone around. Of course, it is not possible to deploy traffic police at every signal, near every low-speed zone, or on a one-way road. So, the authorities do the next best thing: install traffic cameras.

Traffic cameras can catch you doing anything wrong – even if you’re talking on the phone or haven’t got your seatbelt on. It depends on the type of camera installed and its settings.

They act as deterrents and force drivers to comply with traffic regulations. However, there are people who mark the exact spots where the cameras are and make sure to reduce speed when they approach those spots. Then, they increase the speed once they are away from the camera's prying eyes.


Traffic cameras were introduced in 1965 to catch drivers jumping red lights at signals, and Israel installed these in 1969. In a few countries worldwide, the usage became commonplace after 1982 after a tragic accident in the US.


The use of traffic cameras to enforce traffic rules has helped reduce the number of fatal accidents. Fewer people receive serious injuries, and personal injury claims and hospital expenses reduce. The government gets more revenue as cameras detect more violations.

While traffic cameras may not be able to prevent accidents altogether, undoubtedly, they are responsible for making our roads much safer.

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  1. What are the main advantages of traffic cameras to society?

Drivers are more careful and tend to follow traffic rules because they are wary of getting photographed and fined.

  1. What is one disadvantage of traffic cameras?

Drivers sometimes drive slower than the ideal speed; they may also suddenly reduce speed because of the camera, and this can cause accidents.

  1. Are speed cameras perfect?

Speed cameras are usually precise. However, if not calibrated correctly, they may record speeds incorrectly.

  1. What is the main argument against traffic cameras?

Many people feel that it violates privacy; some say that cameras are just an excuse to make money. The authorities are not bothered about safety.

  1. How will you know if you’ve been caught speeding?

The only way to know is when you receive a notification by mail.

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