The art of Public Speaking

Sun, 27 Jun, 2021

Tips to Master the Art of the English Accent, With Confidence and Clarity!

Linked Table of Contents:

  1. Developing English Communication Skills In Young Kids

  2. Personality Development for Kids

  3. Ways to Develop Personality in Kids

  4. Benefits of Online English Accent Course

The early formative years of studying a non-native language are critical, given that the chances of proficiently learning it are higher at a young age. When children begin conversing in English in their formative days, they acquire strong communication skills, allowing them to be more proficient as they grow up. English accent course for kids helps to acquire the correct English accent for children.

Additionally, personality development is also essential for the life ahead. Communication skills are at the core of a strong personality. Children with impressive communication skills and the proper accent turn out to be powerful orators.

Therefore, polishing the children’s English communication skills becomes a crucial aspect of their personality development. To convey one’s ideas in English through speech and writing is important in today’s competitive world.  During the early years of learning, kids can be taught the correct pronunciation and accent to follow through an English accent course for kids. Accents make a big difference in English communication. 

Nowadays, kids can learn English accents online and improve their communication skills.  It has already been proven that kids who learn a language at an early age have a significantly greater likelihood of speaking another language without a foreign accent. 

According to research focusing on children's speech perception, it becomes more challenging to learn more languages with a native-like accent as we become older. Thus, one strong incentive to begin teaching children a second language early is to provide them with the correct English accent course for kids.

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Developing English Communication Skills In Young Kids

One of the sure-shot ways of developing language skills is continuous practice. Practising the language daily can help improve your child's speaking abilities tremendously. You can help to build an English accent online for students through accent courses by PlanetSpark. At PlanetSpartk, we explore various methods to assist you in developing your child's English-speaking abilities.

Let's look at a few methods that may help your kids enhance their English-speaking abilities: 

  1. Create a Reading Habit

Instilling the healthy habit of reading can help your child get started. You might accomplish this by purchasing books around your child's preferences. If your kid enjoys keeping up with current events and news, ensure that they have access to newspapers and publications. Set some time to read with your child. An English accent course for kids also includes reading activities for learners. 

Reading bedtime stories to your child might also benefit language development. Every other page, coloured with pictures and primary language, will aid in vocabulary development. It's a great alternative to listening to audio tales, encouraging your children to read, or even pushing them to read a passage to you.

  1. Allow Your Kids to Watch English Animated films

We can change the language of the programs that we watch on television these days. Because children like watching cartoons, you may opt to view them in English. Chances are that the kids will not be comfortable with it at first. However, they will eventually grow into it and find it fascinating. Hearing simple sentences in English will improve their communication abilities.

  1. Enrol In An English accent course for kids

The best way for non-native speakers of English to learn the correct accent and reduce the local accent is through dedicated classes in English accent courses for kids. PlanetSpark is an online portal for children to learn communication skills and enhance their writing abilities. 

The portal offers speaking accent classes for children. The platform provides live 1:1 interactive classes for public speaking and creative writing to help improve your kid's pronunciations, confidence, and overall personality.

  1. Motivate your children to use English at home.

Children interact the most with their families. Much of their daily communication is with the members of their families. This is a great opportunity to start conversing with them in English. 

This encourages them to respond in the same language. Simple English sentences and essential conversation skills practised at home can help students build confidence in speaking the language in public. This is also a good practice for the skills learned in the English accent course for kids. 

Personality Development For Kids

English Speaking Accent

A personality is a set of characteristics that distinguishes one individual from another. Personality development refers to the development of such attributes. The best approach is to focus on academics and extracurricular activities to improve their thinking abilities, which in turn builds their personalities. 

Good communication skills account for a great personality. The proper accent can improve a child's communication and representational abilities. English accent courses for kids can help to acquire communication and language skills.

Help Your Child Speak with Confidence: Join Our Accent Mastery Program NOW!

According to experts, personality development begins at an early age. Apart from instructors, elders, family, friends, and surroundings, parents play an essential role in developing a child's personality. An English accent course for kids is an effective resource for personality development.

Preparing the child to speak confidently and correctly is a great way to teach them communication skills and improve their confidence to speak in public. Speaking accent classes for children help sharpen public speaking for kids.

Learning English is an asset in the current times. English speakers frequently earn more, have exposure to better colleges, and can explore innumerable opportunities more easily. Speaking accent classes for children offer similar opportunities to non-native speakers. 

Studying English as a kid prepares you for subsequent success in life. Online lessons through an English accent course for kids is an excellent option to assist your child in learning English as a second language (ESL) without incurring excessive costs or stressing over logistics.

Ways To Develop Personality In Kids

English Speaking Accent

A child's personality has various elements, ranging from their confidence and willpower to how they regard and value others. You can notice your kid's personality emerging in their early years. This is the ideal period to instil in their ideas and practices which can help them grow into productive individuals. 

The most extraordinary technique to instil confidence in children is to promote good personality qualities in everyday acts. Here are a few ways to develop your child's personality:

  1. Keep Labelling to a Minimum

When you, as parents, decide to label your child for a particular behaviour, you unknowingly make the youngster think that they are actually like that. Labelling the youngster also limits their ability to fix themselves. This can result in low self-confidence, and the kid may repeat this conduct in front of others. Be careful with your remarks, particularly when addressing your child's errors.

  1. Being a good listener is essential

Young children are always craving attention. As children get older, they become increasingly self-sufficient. Preschoolers and toddlers prefer to convey themselves more verbally, particularly as their language abilities grow. As parents, you should carefully listen to their experiences to help children feel confident and safe in your presence. This creates a fantastic example for children to follow and builds their confidence.

  1. Be understanding of their shortcomings

Many parents want their children to achieve in all aspects of their lives. When children fail to meet parental expectations, parents express their dissatisfaction in various ways, including blaming them for not being academically capable. Each child has an exceptional talent that parents must recognize and nurture. 

You can gently aid the kid in improving their weaknesses without undermining their self-esteem. If your child lacks communication skills, you can enrol them in speaking accent classes for children to help them learn English accent online. 

  1. Avoid Making Comparisons

Measuring your kid against their friends or other children in the family and neighbourhood harms their personality. When children are constantly compared to someone else, they think they are not smart enough. Kids become confused about their individuality and begin to imitate others. Honouring the child's uniqueness is probably the first and most crucial step in developing their confidence and instilling self-belief.

  1. Exemplify the Correct Behaviour

Kids learn more from what they observe than what they are told to do. As a result, putting your ideas into action will create a lasting effect on them. Children mimic what you do, from simple things like rearranging books on the shelf to being friendly to guests. Children catch up on deceit or contradiction in their conduct very fast. As a result, it is critical to exercise what you teach and lead by action rather than words.

  1. Make way for play activities

Due to various factors, free play has declined dramatically among this generation's youngsters. Nothing teaches qualities of cooperation, compassion, teamwork, and perseverance like sports. Sports and games are the ideal activities for children to develop their personalities. Unfortunately, many parents nowadays hide their kids from outdoor play and even forbid them from participating in any sport. 

You must actively include your child in an activity for his physical and mental development. It is also beneficial for kids to unwind from the burden of studies and remain joyful.

  1. Minimise their time on screen

Addiction to electronic devices is an issue that plagues many families. Studies suggest that excessive screen time influences children's academic and interpersonal development. Playing video games on mobile devices leads to addiction and, as a result, less time for social connection. 

Speaking accent classes for children provides effective online learning in less time for students to minimise their screen time. Devote considerable time to your kids to play with them. Keep them away from devices or limit their screen times, and provide them with a hands-on experience with the world around them. Encourage your child to prioritise his environment and people above the virtual objects they encounter.

  1. Set the Ground Rules

Clarifying children's duties is critical for interpretation. When parents fail to express what they want from their children, they may blame them for misbehaving. When the boundaries are clear, the kid learns to match his actions to the expectations. It may take some time for kids to adjust to a new set of rules, but a consistent commitment to a standard of conduct ultimately makes it a behaviour.

  1. Encourage Individualism

Parents of toddlers typically help their children with most of their tasks to the point where they no longer encourage uniqueness or an independent approach. Although it is necessary to be supportive and compassionate, gradually educating children to handle their basic tasks is also essential. You may teach your kids self-reliance by assigning them tasks like packing their school bag, cleaning their teeth, and schoolwork. This teaches children essential life skills and instils in them a feeling of responsibility.

  1. You should practise friendly Parenting

Physically disciplining or shouting at your kids for their faults will only worsen matters for you and the children. Often, kids take the shouting personally and fail to recognize the remedial action demanded of them. Calmly explaining the repercussions of their misconduct is an efficient technique of instilling the necessary change in their minds. Communicating, or even having them confront the consequences of their actions, helps understand the cause-and-effect link.

Unlock Your Child's Potential: Start Improving Their Accent with Us!

Benefits Of Online English Accent Course

English speaking accent

Here are some of the benefits of an online English accent course:

  1. Interesting and entertaining

Practising English whilst having fun makes learning so much simpler for young kids. English accent courses for kids can help them explore by learning through games, music, tales, or crafts while they are young. A variety of tools are employed to make online lessons enjoyable and exciting, ensuring that the children are constantly ready for another class. Accent training online is engaging and interesting for kids.

  1. Everywhere, at any moment

Structured learning institutions typically have set schedules. Online speaking accent class for children allows parents to schedule sessions at the most convenient times for them. English accent course for kids is accessible from any location with internet access across the globe.

  1. Communication skill enhancement

The primary goal of having online classrooms is to connect with professors by having conversations. Children are more likely to listen to what the teacher says when they are in a class with a skilled English instructor. English accent course for kids improves their listening and speaking abilities in the foreign language because they will acquire a native accent from the start and specific phonics of the language.

  1. A secure environment

Attending an institution isn't always simple, mainly if your kid is timid or too young. Guardians may watch online classes of English accent courses for kids during the session, so it is simpler for guardians to know their kids' progress during the lectures.

English may be learned online by children as young as two or three years old. Many parents believe that children should begin taking English courses as soon as they enter school. However, throughout early childhood, children are at an ideal age to begin learning the fundamental abilities required to grasp a new language. Learning through an English accent course for kids comes easy during this period.

Another important consideration is that children do not need much prior knowledge to begin lessons. So, if your child has never taken English courses, you may prepare them for the online sessions by having them practise some basic concepts with online English accent training demos or trial classes. English accent course for kids helps develop communication skills and improve their accent, thus creating confident public speakers.

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No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


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