
Mon, 07 Dec, 2020

The Vital Role of Animal Testing in Medical Advancements: A Necessary Ethical Dilemma!

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Medical research

Today our medical institution is developing astonishingly, as, in the last few years, we have seen that an undiscovered disease has shaken the world. But at the same time, we hope from medical institutions for medicines, cures and vaccines.

All of this happens because we haven't restricted institutions for the experiment conducted on animals with every possible precaution not to endanger their lives. But many people criticise experiments on animals as being unethical, immoral and violating animal rights.

But clinical trials on animals are crucial for scientists to find cures. And only if they get success with animals, they proceed with the trial.

Is it a right to experiment on animals, or should it be banned? For centuries long, it's been a heated subject. Is an animal experiment a sole option, or can there be an alternate option for the scientist?

Statistical Support

scientist holding rat

Every year more than nine lakhs of animals are used for the experiment according to the Animal Welfare Act (AWA).

These animals have to suffer a lot of pain and misery during the experiments to get scientists to confident conclusions. Animals are used in the laboratory for research purposes, experiments and observations, including unnecessary experiments like growing additional body parts.

According to AWA, 22% of all lab animals are pigs. Other most used animals in research and testing are rabbits and hamsters. These animals are used very frequently to conduct experiments.

Beneficial To The Area Of Research

Every year, many human lives get saved from experiments on animals. As a result, many deadly diseases have been eradicated, including Malaria and Smallpox.

The animal experiment has been used for many centuries. Animals such as pig fat are used as a massage cream for muscular pain, and peacock legs are used for ear infections, just to name a few. This is considered Ayurveda that doesn't show any side effects for humans. Instead, it saves human life.

In today's time, most of the experiments conducted on animals are regulated and monitored by a computer model. The computer model comes with a system with which the survival rate of animals is higher. Medical institutions have evolved in this region during the past few years.

Many individuals criticise the experiment on the animal. But from where do we get vaccines? The dilemma is that the medical institutions are on edge. People start criticising medical institutions when they fail to deliver a solution for a disease.

Vivisection Experiment  

Vivisection experiments are considered crucial experiments on animals for medical purposes. Scientists try to understand animals' body functions and try to relate them to the human body.

We can take this type of example in neurology, in which many times scientists implant chips on animals to understand the better functioning of their brains. Unfortunately, humans have still failed to do so after forcing so much cruelty on animals.

The testing of chemicals on an animal to find effects still lead to lethal results. However, in the late 19th century, its scope was broadened, and the prevention of cruelty to animals was identified. This initiative later gave rise to the animal rights movement.


The experiment on animals can't be banned because humans will always need more powerful medicines. But it has been found that applying the rule of Three Rs, i.e. Reduce, Replace and Refine, helps. Therefore, medical institutions must take all the precautions necessary before such trials so that human needs do not continue to punish animals.

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  1. Why do medical institutions use animals? 

Animals are used for medical research to make medicines and find solutions for diseases. Medical scientists have practised this method for years. The first stage of the clinical trial is performed on animals.

  1. Which animals are used for clinical trials?

The animals whose organs are similar to humans are used for clinical trials.

  1. What is the Animal Welfare Act?

The animal welfare act is enacted to prevent unnecessary cruelty to animals. This act safeguards and protects the animals from cruelty.

  1. How many animals are used for medical research every year?

The figure is quite shocking and disappointing. Around nine lakhs animals are used for medical research every year.

  1. Is every research a success?

Every medical research and every clinical trial is not a success. We can say that the experiments on animals are fair, but animals are treated very poorly and even killed. But this is considered important as a part of research and experiment.

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