
Sat, 09 Mar, 2019

The Importance of the Great Wall of China!

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The Great Wall of China extends thousands of miles, making it one of the longest artificial establishments in the world. Do you know what the reason behind creating it was? I was also curious to know the same, so let me help you get information and facts about the ancient Great Wall of China.

It was created because China wanted to defend itself from northern nomadic tribes, plus it also wanted to increase the trade between the two sides. The good thing is that now there is no more military set up there, but it has become one of the most visited tourist places in China and a symbol of the Chinese nation.

History of the Great Wall of China

Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China started to be built in 220 B.C. under Qin Shi Huang, the First Emperor. His mastermind created this wall by uniting the existing walls into one. The Great Wall of China was created mainly by mixing rammed earth and wood. However, there were a few places where bricks were created, and marble blocks and quarried granite were also used in a few places.

Every emperor followed the same procedure and continued to create the wall as everyone had the same aim in mind, which was China’s protection.

It was created to initiate a defence system against any attacks from the North. It was so huge that its construction continued until the Ming dynasty, around 1368 to 1644. This vast wall became the most extensive military structure completed in the 17th century A.D.

The Manchu Emperors extended the wall in the 17th century; they grew the Chinese rule into Inner Mongolia, making the wall relatively less critical for defence. However, it is still a vital and historical part of China, where countless visitors go every year, and it is also considered a symbol of Chinese identity and culture.

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About The Great Wall Of China

Great Wall of China

The total length of the wall is around 20,000 kms; it begins in the east at Shanhaiguan in Hebei province and ends at Jiayuguan in Gansu province to the west. The Great Wall of China's main body comprises horse tracks, walls, shelters on the wall, and watchtowers.

The Hongwu Emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang, took power in 1368 C.E. He was the one who founded the Ming dynasty, which is famous for its achievements in ceramics and paintings. Most of the images on the wall show the construction from the Ming-era in stone.

This wall was also used for trade between agricultural and nomadic civilizations in ancient times. The Great Wall of China is considered a World Heritage Site today, and it is also a physical and psychological symbol of the power and independence of China.

Design Of The Wall

It comprises majorly three factors: walls, passes, and signal towers.

Passes- They were created at such points to make the trade quickly. There were access ramps for horses and ladders for soldiers in every pass, so that community of products and other things became facile.

Signal towers- Also known as beacons, mounds, or kiosks, these stations were used for military communication. For example, smoke signals during the day, firing guns, etc., were used for providing signals. The signal towers were created on the hilltop for more visibility, and the towers built on the lower level were used as storage areas, rooms for soldiers, etc.

Walls- They were the central part of the defensive system.

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  1. What are the significant benefits of building the wall?

The significant benefits are protection, showing strength, and being a symbol of national Unity.

  1. What is the unique thing about The Great Wall of China?

The remarkable thing about it is that in December 1987, it became a UNESCO World Heritage site. Its total length is 21196.8 km, making it the most extended artificial structure globally. It took around 100 years to create the wall. It was built by 6 Chinese dynasties and is now more than 2700 years old.

  1. What are the facts about the wall?

Many people think that it is one single wall, but the truth is that several shorter structures have been joined together. More than one million people died creating this wall; this is one fact that most people are unaware of.

  1. In this history, was the Great Wall of China attacked?

In its 2700-year-old history, only the founder of the Mongol Empire, Genghis Khan, was the one who was able to breach the wall.

  1. How did the military communicate with each other?

They used to communicate through the signal towers by passing signals such as raising banners, lighting a fire during the night, etc.

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