
Mon, 10 Jan, 2022

The Hidden Perils of Artificial Hormones in Your Meals!

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What are Artificial Hormones?

healthy food vs unhealthy food

Hormones are necessary for proper growth and development in both animals and humans. Artificial growth hormones, which are permitted for use in cattle, poultry, and other animals, are the source of the storm. The food industry injects synthetic hormones to increase milk production, which increases their profit. Along with milk, hormones make their way to our food supply.

Why are Consumers Concerned about Artificial Hormones?

Our bodies create a range of hormones necessary for the normal growth of healthy tissues. The synthetic steroid hormones used as pharmaceutical medications have been discovered to increase cancer risk. Endocrine Disruptor, a term used by scientists, means the substances that harm our hormone system.

History of Artificial Hormones

In the early 1930s, it was discovered that cows injected with material extracted from cow hypothalamus glands generated more milk. The pituitary glands' cow growth hormone (bGH) was later discovered to be the cause of this phenomenon. 

However, the technology to gather enough material for large-scale usage in animals was not available at the time. When pellet implants are used incorrectly in other regions of the animal, larger concentrations of hormone residues can persist in the edible meat.

Artificial Hormones used in Food Production

An orange being injected

Certain hormones cause young animals to gain weight more quickly. They aid in the reduction of the time spent waiting for an animal to be slaughtered and the number of foods consumed by an animal before slaughter in the meat industry. 

Artificial hormones can help the meat and dairy businesses make more money. The humongous  profits generated by using them are the primary reason why the food industry relies on them.

Artificial Hormones and their Effect on Girls

Height, weight, food, activity, and family history are all factors that affect puberty age. In certain studies, artificial hormones in diet were suspected of causing early puberty in girls. Hormone-treated meat or poultry has never been linked to higher than natural amounts of steroid hormones. 

There hasn't been any large epidemiological research to investigate if early puberty in adolescent girls is linked to eating growth hormone-treated foods. The presence of steroid hormones in meat and chicken samples from Puerto Rico was investigated thoroughly. A chicken sample from a marketplace was discovered to contain a higher than usual level of oestrogen in one laboratory.

Avoiding Artificial Hormones in Meat

A tomato being injected

Hormone residues in food have been linked to an increased risk of cancer and other reproductive organs cancers in women. It also promotes the development of prostate cancer in men. Some people believe that hormones are fed to all commercially grown animals, including cows, pigs, sheep, and poultry, as growth promoters. 

In reality, the Department Of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits hormones in the production of hogs, chickens, turkeys, and other poultry. It might be costly to purchase hormone-free animal foods. Try to reduce your family's use of traditional products by substituting different meats and meat alternatives, such as soy meals, as a less expensive option.

Types of Artificial Hormones

Hormones are found in almost all animal products; they are directly injected into animals or mixed into their feed to boost egg, dairy, and meat production. Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone, or rbGH (also known as bovine somatotropin), is a synthetic hormone that is frequently used. 

This hormone is often used to help cows produce more milk. Cows and other animals are also administered with steroid hormones. It includes estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone to help them grow and develop.

Tips to reduce exposure to Artificial Hormones 

Adopting several well-known healthy eating practices can help limit hormone exposure in meat, poultry, and dairy production. Some of which are:

  • Consume a diverse diet high in fruits, grains, and vegetables.

  • Meats should be consumed in moderation and should be nicely cooked but not scorched.

  • Eat less liver and fat and more lean muscle meat.

  • Sleep may be one of the most crucial aspects of hormonal balance. Some hormones might fall and rise throughout the day because of factors like sleep quality.

  • Artificial light avoidance may assist in hormone regulation and the restoration of a normal circadian rhythm.

  • Finding stress-relieving methods is crucial. According to a 2015 study, the simple activity of listening to music lowers tension, especially when the person is trying to relax.

  • The appetite-controlling hormones can be regulated with the help of short workouts.

  • Fibre may help to regulate the hormones such as insulin and could be helpful to intestinal health.


We have now understood many ways to reduce the effect of artificial hormones. Along with learning the history of it. All in all, it is necessary to avoid artificial hormones from our diet. Many types of synthetic hormones are present in our food, whether animal-based products or dairy-based products and it’s best to steer clear of them.

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  1. What effect do Artificial Hormones have on your body?

Ans: It can cause serious illnesses to our body including cancer. It can also cause hormonal imbalance.

  1. How can we reduce the effect of Artificial Hormones?

Ans: We can do this in many ways:

  • Eat more lean muscle meat and less liver and fat.

  • Consume a varied diet that includes plenty of fruits, grains, and vegetables.

  • Meats should be eaten in moderation and cooked to perfection, not scorched.

  • Fiber may aid in the regulation of hormones such as insulin, as well as intestinal health.

  1. What effect do Artificial Hormones cause on girls?

Ans: Girls' early puberty was thought to be caused by artificial hormones in their diet.

  1. What is rBGH?

Ans: rBGH or Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone ​​is a type of synthetic hormone which is commonly used. This hormone is frequently used to aid in the production of more milk by cows.

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