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Wed, 29 Sep, 2021

The Fast-Food Industry's legally Responsibility for Obesity: What You Need to Know

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The Fast-Food Industry's legally Responsibility for Obesity:


The short answer is no. The fast-food industry is not legally accountable for obesity. The logic behind this is that if they were held legally accountable, then tobacco and alcohol companies would be held accountable too.

This could potentially then set a precedent for any consumer goods manufacturer to be held accountable for the irresponsible consumption of their goods. 

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Why Can’t They Be Held Legally Accountable For Obesity?

We choose to consume what they sell to us. Yes, they are convenient, tasty, and may even be addictive. However, we make the choice to consume what they sell.

If we chose to consume a poisonous substance, we would not be able to assign blame to the manufacturer of that substance for its effects on our bodies. 

The same goes for hamburgers, tacos, deep-fried chicken, or any other fast food. 

In fact, in 2019, CBS News published an article stating that Cornell University Food and Brand Lab had found that fast food is not even the leading cause of obesity in America.

The leading cause was bad food habits, more specifically, the quantity and portion of food each individual consumed. That is not to say you can overindulge in fast foods and not expect to gain weight. 

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The Fast-Food Industry's legally Responsibility for Obesity:


There are many factors that contribute to obesity. The condition could even arise owing to illness. Having said that, the best way to control or prevent obesity is to control food and portion intake, eat healthily and exercise.

The fast-food industry may be contributing to making unhealthy foods more accessible, but they are not legally accountable if consumers become obese from eating their food. 

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  1. Can fast food make you gain weight?

Yes, it can. However, you are likely to gain weight from eating fast food regularly, not if you indulge once every so often. 

  1. Are fast foods a new concept?

Considering that street vendors have been selling quick snacks that are prepared in just a few minutes for hundreds of years now, the answer would be no. The concept of fast food franchises is relatively new. 

  1. Which is the oldest fast-food franchise?

KFC is widely considered to be the first fast-food chain and was founded in 1930. However, Whitecasle is older, founded in 1921, but has never been franchised. All their locations are company-owned.  

  1. Can the fast-food industry be legally held accountable for other things?

Yes, if you suffer grievous injury owing to their food or on their premises, they may be legally obligated. You may be able to sue them.  

  1. What exactly is considered fast-food?

 Food that is easy to prepare, processed and served in restaurants, eateries, and bars are considered fast food. Even fish and chips could be considered fast food. 

  1. Is a gourmet burger fast food?

Generally no, gourmet burgers often use fresh ingredients and do not contain processed products. 

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