
Mon, 18 Nov, 2019

The COVID-19 Pandemic and What Society at Large Has Understood!

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Key Learnings From The Covid-19 Pandemic

covid still life with vaccine

  1. Trust in science: At the beginning of the pandemic, people thought that the pandemic would pass within a year. However, it only grew worse. After a while, the Covid-19 vaccines were introduced, and things started looking better. 

Even after several waves and variations of the virus, the vaccines have made it possible for us to contain and limit the spread of the virus. Doctors across the world also recommended the use of the mask–a tool that was very effective in lowering the rate at which the virus was transmitted.

  1. Mental health cannot be ignored: Throughout the pandemic, many people were isolated, and the stress of a work-from-home environment weighed heavy on us. Millions of people across the world were depressed and had to deal with the anxiety of an uncertain future. 

We also faced loss in the form of our relatives and friends who passed away from the virus. More and more people were opting for online therapists to share and process their experiences. Mental health could no longer be ignored and had to be made part of mainstream conversation.

  1. Humans are resilient: While the pandemic was difficult for everyone, people adapted to the situation to the best of their ability. New communities were formed–a lot of them online–and we found activities to occupy ourselves within the walls of our own homes. 

Staying at home with little to no human interaction was tiring and stressful. Two years later, we have learned to make the best of a terrible situation and continue to grow as people.


person putting a medical mask on earth

Everyone’s experience during the pandemic varied; however, we are all connected by the very fact that each of us had to go through it. Our society learned a lot from the pandemic. Even with the everlasting effects of the pandemic, we have learned to find the silver linings and adapt to any situation.

PlanetSpark recognizes that children need innovative ways to learn during this pandemic. We encourage our students to learn communication and creative thinking skills to help them socialize better in the post-pandemic period.

For more information, book a FREE class and talk to our experts NOW!


  1. How did the pandemic affect us?

The pandemic isolated everyone in the world and taught us the value of human companionship. The pandemic impacted businesses and people from all walks of life. There was an unusual sense of uncertainty that everyone felt.

  1. How was the pandemic different for everyone?

The pandemic showed us that healthcare policies are often discriminatory and do not favor everyone equally.

  1. What was one of the major effects of the pandemic that wasn’t as visible as the other effects?

Mental well-being was one of the major effects of the pandemic. Millions of people across the world were depressed and had to deal with the anxiety of an uncertain future.

  1. Is there more to learn from the pandemic?

Yes, there is yet a great deal to learn. The pandemic is not yet over, and we should be cautious. Medical and science professionals are learning new things every day.

  1. Will things ever go back to normal?

Some of our learnings and new habits are likely to stay for the foreseeable future. Having said that, yes, things will go back to what we consider normal once the pandemic is over.

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