
Mon, 09 Mar, 2020

The Art and Science of Hitting a HomeRun in Baseball!

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Player hitting a home run

Home Run is the term used in baseball, where the batter hits the ball so far that he can easily cover all the bases and return home safely in one shot. Nowadays, when the game has changed a lot, one can reach the home run by hitting the ball in the outfield fence, which is in between the foul poles. Remember the ball should not touch the ground in this case; if this feat is achieved, it will automatically result in a Home Run.

Another type of Homerun is the 'inside-the-park' home run, in which the batter completes the home run while the baseball is still inside the playfield.

For hitting the home run, the batter gets a hit and a run scored, and a run batted in for each player, including himself. At the same time, the pitcher is credited for giving a hit and a run and an extra run for each runner, other than the batter.

Home Runs are like the boundaries of cricket, the most interesting part of baseball. A player who hits more home runs is famous among the fans, they love watching their favorite player hitting a home run. Home run hitters are also paid the highest money by their franchises.

"Home run hitters drive Cadillacs, and singles hitters drive Fords", is an old saying among baseball players.

Types of Home Run

Player hitting a home run

  1. Out Of The Park Home Run.

An out-of-the-park home run is scored when the ball hits the outfield before hitting the ground and without being caught. A home run is also scored if the ball hits the foul pole, which is like territory for the game. A fielder can try to catch the ball from the outfield by jumping, but his legs and body should be inside the field.

No fielder is allowed to throw any object in the path of the ball for the purpose of stopping it. This is against the rules of baseball.

A home run that is achieved by any of the above-mentioned processes will be considered an automatic home run.

  1. Inside The Park Home:

An onside-The-Park Home Run is scored when the batter hits the ball in the playfield and completes all the bases along with the runners. This situation can only be when the ball is indeed in the park.

How To Hit A HomeRun?

A home run being hit by a player

Hitting a home run is not an easy task; it requires a lot of hard work and practice, but we have mentioned some tips that will help you score a Homerun-

  1. Get A Grip:

The first and foremost important thing is to hold the bat tightly. Grip the bat by wrapping your finger around the base. Align the middle knuckles of your top hand between the middle and lower knuckles of your bottom hand. You can choke up on the bat for speed. Most people choke up, leaving an inch from the bottom of the handle.

  1. In The Zone:

You have to bend your knee to be a little closer to the striking zone. The strike zone is the area from where the ball pass to be called a strike by the empire when the pitcher throws it. The strike zone is the width of the keeper and extends from the batter's kneecap to the upper torso.

Hold the bat at least 5 to 7 inches away from your torso, from where you can swing it comfortably. Hold your hands up at shoulder level to make a perfect swing.

  1. Swinger:

This is the most crucial step to hitting a home run. As the pitcher is going through the wind-up before the release, your focus should be on the pitcher's release point, which is the wrist holding the ball.

As soon as you see the ball, you have to start your strike with the movement of your forward leg.

Keep your arms and hands at the same level as you begin your swing. Always focus on the ball, as you uncurl your body and pivot your hips, and pull the bat around as your top hand is guided towards the ball until you hit the ball in front and the force should send the bat behind your back.

Now you know all about how to score a home run. Go out there and give it your best shot! Book a FREE class NOW to know more!


  1. Who is the winner of the ESPY baseball award 2021?

Ans. Shohei Purani

  1. Who is the record holder for most home runs?

Ans. Barry Bonds

  1. What is the highest number of home runs hit to date?

Ans. 762

  1. Which team has won the most world series title?

Ans. Yankees

  1. What is the standard size of a baseball bat?

Ans. 24 to 34 inches.

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