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Mon, 28 Jan, 2019

Strategies to Enhance your Kid’s Reading Skills

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Our brains are always working towards trying to ensure our children acquire spoken language, however teaching them to read is frequently overlooked. English reading skills classes help the children in reading to improve English speaking as well. Learning to read is a difficult skill to master, and it is one of the most challenging tasks we expect our children to do but there are ways of developing reading skills in our online English reading classes and it isn't easy for many children.


As a result, later on, training children to read and write correctly might be a difficult task for parents. There are a variety of elements that influence whether or not children succeed in reading, but what they are taught at home throughout their early years is most important. The importance of learning English reading skills for children cannot be underestimated. These are the years in which children will lay the groundwork for their future reading abilities.

To strengthen reading skills in children, parents may want to try self-paced reading online classes for their children where they are trained to become skilled and enthusiastic readers along with developing other skills. Making younger children sit through online English reading classes is quite challenging but with our expertise in teaching reading skills, when reading instruction is delivered by knowledgeable, and skilled teachers, reading skills in English are automatically developed by these children. 

Instead of guessing and memorizing, the emphasis of the Online English Reading Course for Children is to succeed in reading. Reading is managed by a clear phonics progression. The child is constantly exposed to words and sounds of the English language, whether through conversation or language activities. We employ a phonetic approach to writing and reading in our English reading course. Phonics is a way of teaching reading and writing that focuses on improving children’s ability to hear and recognize English sounds.

To improve English reading skills for elementary students practising early and more often makes all the difference in proficiency. Reading is not just an academic skill but it has a lot of linguistic components involved. By the time children reach elementary school, they are fluent in reading and they pick up this skill right from their preschool years.

Book a FREE class today! 

Benefits Of Planetspark Classes For Reading Skills Course For Kids 

PlanetSpark offers the Best English reading comprehension for Kids which allows the child to push the limits of their ability by gradually increasing the text complexity. In the  Online English reading Skills classes reading and Listening skills normally develop smoothly in children. They often begin to comprehend their writing and their thoughts.

A few of the benefits that the child acquires in the online English reading classes are given below 

  • Fluency in Reading and Writing

  • Making inferences by using logical thinking

  • Appreciation of Textbook Content.

  • Tackling different genres effectively

  • Summarize, Paraphrase and Compare texts.

  • Improved academics.

  • Better Speaking Skills

  • Higher Level Comprehension abilities 

  • Improved word recognition

Curriculum Details For Reading Skills Course For Kids

The Reading Skills course for children focuses on developing practical skills that enable understanding of reading content. Some of the concepts that are covered in the course are as follows:

  • Compare and Contrast

  • Events and Sequencing

  • Cause and Effect

  • Key Events and Sequencing

  • Fact or Opinion

  • Point of View

  • Inferences

The programme is supported by PlanetSpark’s storybooks that feature the journey of our character ‘Captain Spark’ on a planet called ‘Planet Spark’. Other areas which are covered in the classes are vocabulary knowledge, sentence reading for comprehension, and understanding figurative language.

Once children become proficient at word recognition, their further growth as readers tends to revolve more around language comprehension than word reading. Online English reading Skills Classes for middle schooler children focus more on their attention to reading and the meaning of what they are reading. The children can start using reading as a tool for learning the content area subjects like history or social studies.

To get to know more about our reading skills classes for children, you can register your child on this link and get a FREE trial for the class.

Activities & Worksheets For Reading Skills Course For Kids 

Our Online English reading Skills classes include many fun reading activities and worksheets to make sure that children are enjoying the learning process. These activities and worksheets improve reading skills in children who are average readers and also help reluctant readers find joy in reading. All the activities are conducted according to different grade levels and can be done at home also. This could range from visually appealing text and sentence reading for kindergarten children, to paragraph reading for beginners, and chapter reading for intermediate learners.

Some of the activities and worksheets in our Online English Reading skills class, that the children work on, are given below:

  • Storybooks:

Children are made to read a story, poem or passage, which is followed by comprehension questions. For early years, the questions are focused on recalling information from the text, for higher grades, more open-ended questions are introduced. The extension of the same activity, for preschoolers, is to focus on reading aloud. This helps to develop and use critical thinking while they learn to read. These types of worksheets improve reading comprehension.

  • Compare and Contrast Worksheets: 

These worksheets help children to identify how characters and story details of ideas are different, not alike. Writing and reading comprehension both require the ability to compare and contrast. In these worksheets, children can decide whether the statements describe ways in which things are similar or different. These worksheets provide basic comprehension practice.

  • Guess the word:

This activity can be performed at home and is ideal for preschoolers and Grade 1. Letter sounds are an important part of the early reading process. Ask your child to come up with words that begin with the letter "D" in this game (or any other letter). Give an example, such as D-d-Donkey, and then combine other "D" terms. To make the game engaging and thrilling, choose your child's favourite objects. Early readers are particularly fond of discussing the letters in their names.

  • Find Synonyms:

This worksheet and activity are for intermediate children, wherein the children are given a passage, from which they have to search for synonyms. This is for readers who have gained some confidence. The children are given the task of finding the word’s synonyms in the text rather than searching for the exact word. Children find this terrific method to keep the activity interesting

Reading Skills For Children Free Online Classes

English reading Course for children is very helpful for a child to develop reading skills at an early age. Every child learns differently, so it’s important to incorporate different teaching strategies to hold their attention and keep them interested in learning in our online English reading skills classes. Learning to read is a developmental process that takes time. Teaching children to read does not always have to be about formal lessons.

PlanetSpark's engaging educational curriculum for children promotes a lifetime of exploration and development. Children learn in an engaging and interesting way.

In tandem with other language tools, the course allows children to advance along the road to independent reading at their own pace. The curriculum explains how to learn to read using a phonetic technique. This course's primary purpose is to teach reading skills in a sequential and self-directed manner to a child.

If you’re looking for more ideas on developing reading skills in your child, please read about developing reading skills in a child. PlanetSpark offers a comprehensive and engaging course on reading skills in kids, that is designed to bring out the best of a reader in your child.

To experience our classes Book a Free trial NOW!

Teacher's Profile

At PlanetSpark the teachers are professionally trained and hold a qualification in the relevant course they teach and take PSAT (PlanetSpark Aptitude test) and are significantly experienced in teaching. The teachers are highly evaluated and undergo intense training that is certified to achieve consistent results.


  1. What activities can help children improve their reading skills?

Some of the activities which can be done to improve the reading skills of a child are:

  • Reading to your child

  • Sequencing 

  • Making your child read aloud

  • Playing games like rhyming words

  • Decoding Sounds 

  1. What are the 8 reading strategies?

Some effective reading strategies can be implemented for children to help them keep them actively engaged in the process of learning to read. `

  • Make the child reread what he or she has already read.

  • Infer Meaning

  • Use context to read things that aren't books 

  • Help your child visualize what they have read.

  • Questioning

  • Sorting words

  • Teach phonics while reading 

  • Project words and make students read the word out loud

  1. What is a reading activity?

Reading activities help the children to focus on aspects of text and understand it better. The activity aims at learning to read and deal with the text as they would do if the text was written in their first language.

  1. What is the importance of reading skills?

Reading not only helps the child to think, but it also gives them the ability to reason. It boosts their imagination and creativity.

  1. What are the 5 benefits of reading?

There are so many benefits of reading, the 5 major benefits of reading are given below: 

  • The most beneficial mental exercise

  • Vocabulary development

  • Reading stimulates deeper thought.

  • Boost your intellect

  • Improves writing ability

  1. How do you teach reading skills to children?

Some of the simple and efficient techniques that are taught to the children to improve their reading abilities are:

  • Teaching aids are personalized.

  • Work on their problem-solving abilities.

  • Recognize similar themes.

  • Make reading objectives.

  • Read in little portions.

  • Allow kids to choose what they want to read.

  1. How can I help my child develop good reading skills?

Any child can develop reading skills, provided it is taught at the right age. An English reading course for Early Years is ideal to start, as it would help to develop the skill with the expertise of qualified teachers at the right age. At home, the skill can be developed over time, by setting aside a fixed time for reading, knowing the purpose of reading, taking notes while reading, and rereading the text for better understanding. This will help the child develop the skill eventually.

  1. What is an extensive reading skill?

Extensive reading is reading lengthier, simpler texts over an extended period without losing understanding, facing problems, or needing to take pauses.

  1.  Is there a one to one teaching facility available for my child?

Yes, our classes have 1:1 teaching for the children, where they get individual attention.

  1. What are the qualifications of the educators at PlanetSpark?

PlanetSpark teachers hold a Bachelor's degree (or higher), relevant years of teaching experience, excellent communication skills, and have qualified for the PSAT (PlanetSpark Aptitude Test), which is taken by over 1 lakh teachers worldwide before taking up the course tracks.

  1. Where do I get a free trial?

To get a FREE trial for the course, please register here!

  1. What reading skills will my child be able to acquire, once he completes the Reading skills classes at PlanetSpark?

Basic reading skills that a child will acquire are the ability to recognize and handle individual sounds in language, printed letters and their associated sounds, and the ability to decode written language. The child will be able to understand phonics also. Phonics is a set of principles that describe the link between letters in word spelling and spoken language sounds.

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No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


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