Writers Guild

Mon, 17 Aug, 2020

Story writing Course for Accelerate Children to Make Them a Great Storyteller!

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Children in the age group of 14-16 years need to refine and build their English Language skills, build upon previously learned knowledge and skills in increasingly complex writing. By the time children reach senior school, they are expected to produce clear, coherent, focused error-free writing. Unlock your child's storytelling potential with our Story Writing Course for accelerate children. Ignite imagination, creativity, and become a great storyteller!

Story writing forms a crucial element during these years to develop these efficiencies. 14-year-old children can select and use different forms of writing for specific purposes such as to inform, persuade, or entertain. 

Story writing Course for Accelerate children teaches every phase of the writing process and continues to build their knowledge of writing conventions, which will prove very helpful when the child goes to the higher grades. 

The children in the online story writing Classes for accelerate children practice all forms of writing which will be essential for them at this age. They can write with clarity, engaging language, and the correct use of the conventions and mechanics of standard English Language.

Story writing is an important part of the English curriculum for children in grades 8 to 10, as it teaches them the basic structure and method of creating a story which is further helpful, as and when they progress in their education. 

PlanetSpark online classes are the best story writing Class for early year students as the teaching happens based on these requirements and what is most suitable for your child.

Children in the age group 14 to 16 years are going through so many changes in their lives already. Getting them to write needs a lot of patience and perseverance. 

Some of the kids find writing as an outlet for their emotions and find it very helpful while for some, it is very difficult to get their creative bones working. Reasons could be many, it could be fear of putting themselves out for everyone, or it could be just that to write a perfect piece they are never able to even start or just the timing. It needs a lot of motivation and guidance from parents and teachers to push them to write.  

Do you want your child to unleash the creativity inside and write with style? You can apply now and get a FREE trial class for our online story writing class.

About Online story writing for Accelerate children

story writing for accelerate kids

English story writing training for accelerate kids emphasizes writing coherent and focused writings that convey a well-defined perspective and are very specific, using every aspect of what children are expected to learn in each grade when they are 14, 15, or 16 years old. 

Organized into five key areas, writing standards focus on: the writing process, writing purposes, writing conventions (grammar, usage, and mechanics), and research for writing. Learning to write efficiently is one of the most important skills, 14-16-year-old kids need to master. Story writing allows kids to express their feelings, ideas, and creativity. By engaging in more creative writing, your child will develop stronger self-awareness, empathy and observation skills.  

The online story writing course for accelerate children consists of writing and discussion sessions for children between the ages of 14 and 16. Teachers assist children with writing, and informal feedback is frequently shared. 

The classes guide the children on story writing format, story writing topics and narrative writing format required for between 14 to 16 years of age.

Benefits of Story Writing Course for Accelerate Children

A girl writing story

  • Live interactive classes with a personalized approach to every student: Children will not only improve creative writing abilities but will also spark their creativity and stimulate their interest. 

  • Academic Orientation: The focus is on the usage of informal, active, and expressive writing as a way to strengthen their skills of language and thinking and improve student learning outcomes at school also.

  • Engaging & Rigorous: We like making educational development enjoyable for your child, but at the same time it will be engaging. We create learning experiences that are personally meaningful to individual learners.

  • Student Progress Check-ins: Regular feedback on the progress of the child is shared.

  • Cost-Effective: All that is required to join a Story writing course is an internet connection, a laptop or smartphone, a camera, and headphones, online study material is free or sometimes included in the course package. No Travelling Cost involved!

To know more about our online story writing course for Accelerate Kids, please click here to book a FREE class NOW!

Curriculum Details for story writing Course for accelerate kids 

The English story writing course for accelerate kids focuses on ways to look at how the imagination can be used in a new and inventive way. Complex syntax and expressive methods like simile, metaphor, and personification are taught to children. Above all, children are provided with the framework to allow them to enjoy creating inventive art that is truly their own.

Curriculum for the story writing for accelerate kids in the age group of 14 to 16 of age, includes all the aspects of Story Writing, which include the following:

  • Story Building

  • Theme and Main Message

  • Point of View 

  • Steps of Writing 

  • Descriptive, Expository, and Persuasive Writing 

Story writing class for 14 to 16 Years kids’ curriculum is built around the basic English requirement of Grade 8 to Grade 10 students, which will also help and supplement their school learning as well.

Activities & worksheets for story writing course for accelerate children

Some of the activities and worksheet exercises are listed below:


  • Storyboarding: Here the children will put together the story elements and identify how to put them in a structure. Storyboarding is a fantastic technique for the children to put the parts of the fundamental story structure that the child wishes to focus on (e.g., beginning, middle, and conclusion) on a page, to create their storyboard.  

  • My Point of View: In this activity, children write to persuade. Sometimes writing is about more than just telling a story, it is also about convincing the reader. Children are given a writing prompt, and then they have to write to be convincing. Prompts like “Do you believe your personality qualities are inherited or acquired as you grow older? “or “What do you feel about the usage of mobile in teens”. 

  • Single-word story: Children are given single words to build a story on, like young man, bicycle, sunset Dinner, Party, Kids, and Dog. They need to develop a story using these words.

  • Journal Prompts: For children in the age group of 14 to 16, the journal prompts are an excellent way to give them an idea to start with and get them to practice writing Topics like,” Most Important Thing they have learned in Life”, or “Challenges they face as a Teenager” and so many other prompts can be given which resonate with their age group.

 PlanetSpark offers the best story writing course for accelerate children. So, don’t wait anymore and book a FREE class NOW to  make your kid a great story writer!

Story Writing for Accelerate free online classes

Story writing course for accelerate children are given to small sections of students. This size allows for individual attention to each student and shares supportive learning in which children feel comfortable exploring new directions in their writing and thinking.

Story writing Class for 15 Years Kids helps children boost their creativity and writing abilities. Exposure to a variety of literary genres and writing styles also helps students expand their writing portfolio and develop their style and voice as writers.

Story Writing course for accelerate children sees writing as a way of sharing thoughts and emotions. It needs to be clear and direct communications. The class involves teaching students story structure—how to identify the structural components of a text and how those different elements interact—is a great strategy for increasing reading comprehension, close reading skills, and retention. 

As the academic level of a child increases, it becomes important to upscale the writing skills as well. This course will dramatically improve one’s ability to come up with and express ideas, have cognitive benefits and be of great educational value to the child

Teacher’s Profile:

The teachers at PlanetSpark are professional trainers holding a Bachelor’s Degree (or higher), should have 2+ experience in teaching, excellent communication skills in addition to qualifying for the PSAT (PlanetSpark Aptitude Test), which is taken by more than 1 lakh teachers worldwide. 

For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. Does the story writing course for accelerate kids come with worksheets and activities?

Yes, the course comes with a lot of activities and worksheets to work on.

  1. How will the story writing course at PlanetSpark help my child at school?

The course for Story writing strengthens the reading comprehension and Creative Writing in the children which helps them in the English subject at school also Story writing forms a crucial element of English syllabi from the ages 14 to 16 years

  1. What is the total course duration and fees?

The time and cost of the courses vary depending on which you choose for your child. Please contact us to get in touch with our customer support team to learn more about the exact course that you would like your child to enrol in or alternately you can click here to register and book a free trial.

  1. What are the 5 basic story elements?

The five fundamental parts of a story are setting, storyline, characters, conflict, and subject. 

  1. How can I help my teenager with writing skills?

For a child in that age group, you would need him to develop a reading habit, practice writing in different forms, writing topics which he or she is interested in, No matter if the child is not able to write, encourage them to start, it could be anything, need not follow rules, or also you can help your child with the Writing prompts. They are a great help for reluctant writers. 

  1. How can I improve my writing skills in senior school?

  • Read a lot 

  • Understand the fonts you want to write with

  • Seek help from worksheets

  • Keep a Journal

  • Practice these steps > Prewriting >Drafting>Revising>Editing>Submitting

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