The art of Public Speaking

Sun, 03 Oct, 2021

Speech on topic: Road Safety

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Road Safety Speech

Good morning.

This summer, I went on a short trip out of the town and saw an exciting quote somewhere on the side of the road while we were travelling. It said “Alert Today-Alive tomorrow”. This got me thinking. I asked my parents, and they told me that it was a sign to make the drivers aware of the road to reduce road accidents. As we are observing Road Safety week this week, I would like to share what I learned after reading that quote.

Road safety means the steps and precautions that everyone must take while driving or walking on the road. The safety measures are intended to reduce the risk of road accidents, deaths and injuries.

Did you know that WHO has reported that approximately 1.3 million people die each year due to road traffic crashes? In India, according to NCRB’s report, 3,54,796 cases of road accidents in 2020 were reported, in which 1,33,201 people died, and 3,35,201 were injured. We are losing precious lives on roads due to small mistakes which cannot be reversed.

It could be while crossing the road when coming to school, not using a mobile phone while walking or driving or using seatbelts in the car. The methods to ensure our safety are enforced by law using fines and sometimes imprisonment.

What are the major factors, if you ask me?

WHO suggests that the major risk factors behind road accidents are speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol or other substances, driving while using mobile phones or hands-free, driving unsafe vehicles, inadequate law enforcement of traffic laws, not using helmets, seat belts or child seats, poor road infrastructure etc.

Let me ask you a question. How many of you have noticed any road signs while coming to school this morning? While some of you might have, I am sure many of us don’t even notice the bright coloured signs near schools asking drivers to slow down. Did you know that similar signs are used in hospitals?

Governments across the globe undertake various methods to spread awareness by warning drivers and pedestrians of road safety rules. It ranges from proper road making, putting up signages, starting campaigns and programmes and even setting up trauma centres near major highways to ensure that the victim of road accidents gets treatment in time.

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It would save lives if you, I and everyone we know follow the road safety rules, and it is simple. Check traffic lights before crossing the road or driving, follow the road signs, don’t use phones while driving or walking on the road, and wear seatbelts or helmets. It is easy if we start this at our schools, homes, and society. Let us build safe roads starting from now.

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