The art of Public Speaking

Fri, 11 Jun, 2021

Speech on fighting Corruption: Uniting against dishonesty for a better future!

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Corruption is dishonest or illegal behaviour for personal benefit. Corruption has existed in the world since ancient times. Bribery and gratification, where people pay money or give expensive gifts to get something done, are forms of corruption.

Leaders and thinkers have expressed great anxiety over the widespread phenomenon of corruption. Even today, many officials ask for bribes to do even routine jobs.

There are also severe instances of corruption. People pay lakhs of rupees to higher officials to get a government job, resulting in many deserving candidates missing out on a fair chance, often finding it hard to get another job that suits their skills.

There are also many instances of corruption during elections. Candidates try to purchase the votes of citizens by giving them cash, and sometimes, they even threaten them for votes.

In order to stop corruption, we need to work together. We must not give bribes to anyone. If someone demands a bribe from us, we must report the matter to the concerned authorities. We must never take bribes if they are being offered to us.

Corruption Can Be Minimised By Following These Measures:

  • The laws to punish people engaging in corruption must be enforced regularly.

  • Instances of corruption should be highlighted in the media. This will be effective in minimising corruption.

  • Installing cameras in the workplace can discourage people from engaging in corrupt practices.

  • Keeping a check on all people who have been involved in corrupt activities in the past can prevent them from engaging in corruption in the future.

  • Digitalisation could help reduce corruption greatly because if transactions are digital, corruption will be easier to detect.

With the combined efforts of government and people, corruption can be eradicated. We all must contribute to the betterment of our country by reporting corruption to the authorities and standing up against people engaging in corruption without any fear.

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  1. Can a private firm be guilty of corruption?


  1. Is there any authority to check corruption?

Yes. Central Vigilance Commission.

  1. Is there any law for punishing corrupt officers?

Yes, the government has enacted a law named the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.

  1. Which sectors are more prone to corruption?

Mining, Oil and Gas

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