
Mon, 14 May, 2018

Show Us How to Make a Popsicle Pencil Holder!

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Whether you’ve just returned to school after a summer break or it’s a special day, what could be a better gift for your teacher than something handmade? There are dozens of items you can create with materials available at home. A pencil holder is one of the easiest and the most useful gifts you can make for your teacher or friend. You can even use colourful embellishments to decorate and use the holder to brighten your desk at home!

Popsicle Stick Pencil Holders

popsicle pencil holder


Creating a pencil holder using popsicle sticks is one of the easiest do-it-yourself craft ideas. It can be done with some adult supervision. Older children can do it by themselves.

Method 1: Round holder

What you need

  • Popsicle sticks

  • An empty can/cardboard toilet paper roll

  • Crafts glue/wooden glue

  • Coloured (washi) tape

  • Paintbrush

  • Watercolour (optional)

  • Beads, feathers, or jewels (optional)


  1. Take the empty can or empty cardboard toilet paper roll. This will serve as the base of your pen/pencil holder.

  2. Apply a vertical strip of glue to the can/roll. Don’t apply too much at one go to avoid making it messy.

  3. Press a popsicle stick onto the glued surface. If you don’t like the sticks jutting out, you can cut out the extra part using serrated scissors with the help of a parent.

  4. Apply more glue next to the first stick and continue to stick the popsicle sticks around the can/roll.

  5. If you have coloured sticks, pick a different colour each time and start with the first one after you have used all the colours.

Method 2: Square holder

What you need

  • Popsicle sticks

  • A thick sheet of paper

  • Crafts glue/wooden glue

  • Beads, feathers, or jewels (optional)


  1. Create a base for the pencil holder. Cut the sheet of paper in a square shape, with each side the length of the popsicle sticks.

  2. Glue the paper nicely all over its surface and neatly line the popsicle sticks beside one another. Once covered, your base is ready.

  3. Now, glue the popsicle sticks along the edges of the base.

  4. Continue to glue more sticks on the ones on the edges until you reach the desired height for the pencil holder.

Like with the round holder, you can decorate by glueing beads or jewels at the base and top. Stick the feathers on the sides of the holder to make it more lively. Your pencil holder is ready to be gifted! Alternatively, you can use it to adorn your study desk!


  1. How do you glue popsicle/ice cream sticks together?

Clean the sticks with a fresh paper towel or cloth to get rid of any particles that may be stuck to them. Apply glue to the stick and the surface where you wish to glue it.

  1. What kind of glue works on popsicle sticks?

You can use crafts glue or wood glue for crafts projects involving ice cream or popsicle sticks. Both are easily available at craft stores or online stores.

  1. What kind of wood is used for popsicle sticks?

Popsicles and ice cream sticks are made of natural wood, usually birchwood.

  1. What do you call the fear of popsicle sticks?

The irrational fear of forests and/or wooden objects is known as xylophobia. If you’re afraid of popsicle sticks, you suffer from the same.

  1. What is the easiest way to cut popsicle sticks?

You can cut popsicle sticks using serrated scissors. Children must always do it under the supervision of a parent.

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