
Mon, 21 Jun, 2021

Should priests be allowed to get married?

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Religion And Priests

Every religion has a set of rules which the devotees are somewhat bound to follow. However, it must always be kept in mind that personal freedom and human rights are always above any rules laid down by religion.

A priest is an authorised religious representative who performs several sacred and religious activities in the perusal of his religion. Usually, priests are considered as a connecting link between humans and gods. 

Priests are given a special reputation and position in a religious setup. However, this religious prestige often comes at the cost of their personal choices. Priests are not allowed to marry, and they are bound to follow celibacy for the rest of their lives.

Priests And Permission To Marry

In my opinion, the priests shall be allowed to marry. Marriage is a sacred union of two human beings and shall be done purely out of love and a will to marry. Merely because a person chooses to obey his religious regulations, a right to have companionship shall not be taken away from him. The priests do have a right to personal choice, and by exercising that right, they can even marry if they wish to marry. Thus, the decision to marry shall be a person’s willingness and not a compulsion. Similarly, the decision to not marry someone shall also be an individual’s willingness and not prohibition.

Further, priests also counsel marriages. If a person himself is not aware of the institution of marriage and its problems, how can he be considered the right authority to counsel? In order to make these marriage counsellings more meaningful and impactful, the priests themselves must experience and understand the issues faced by married couples by getting married. Someone following celibacy would never understand companionship and related problems. 

Therefore, allowing priests to marry is not just protecting their rights to make personal choices but also helping them deliver their roles and duties appropriately.

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  1. Who are the Priests?

Priests are the individuals who carry out religious activities in furtherance of their religion. They are vested with a responsibility to promote and preserve the learnings of their religion.

  1. Are Priests allowed to marry?

The rule of a priest not getting married differs from religion to religion. Generally, most religions allow priests to get married. However, for Catholics, priests are not allowed to marry.

  1. What does a Catholic priest do?

A catholic priest administers and manages the sacraments of the church.

  1. Shall priests be allowed to marry?

Priests shall be given a free hand to decide whether or not they want to marry.

  1. Shall religion be considered superior to human rights?

Religion and religious practices shall never be considered superior to human rights.

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