
Sun, 10 Oct, 2021

Should People With More than One DUI Lose Their Drivers' Licences?

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Driving under the influence of DUI is the crime of driving any motor vehicle while under the influence of any kind of drugs or alcohol. When under the influence, people are less capable of handling heavy machinery, including cars and motorbikes. Some countries revoke the licence of the driver for a year when charged with a DUI. The question remains: should people with more than one DUI lose their driver’s licence altogether.

There Are No Exceptions

Driver in a car

Every day, more and more cars join the roads. As new drivers begin driving, they’re likely to be a little reckless. Older drivers believe that their experience alone means that driving under the influence will not affect their skills. 

However, the statistics say otherwise. Over 30 people die every day due to the effects of driving under the influence. Drunk drivers run the heavy risk of not only ending their own life, but the lives of others as well.

People tend to drive under the influence regularly because they think that they are the exception. However, they are just as likely to cause an accident as a novice driver. The threat of losing one’s licence can affect the choices that these drivers make and ensure safer roads for everyone.

A permanent loss of licence is a huge inconvenience. Not only do you lose your right to drive and travel, but it can also affect other parts of your life. If it shows up on your permanent record, it could paint you as an irresponsible and inconsiderate human being. This makes it harder for people to take you seriously.

Many people believe that drunk driving or driving under the influence of drugs is a “cool” activity. However, the real-life consequences are not as cool as one might think. 


If the threat of losing one’s life, or causing grievous injury to others is not enough, the idea of never having a licence could be an effective deterrent and punishment for those who drive under the influence. 

For more information, book a FREE class and talk to our experts NOW!


  1. How does drinking alcohol affect driving?

Alcohol can lower your inhibitions and affect the mind. Those under the influence often have slower instincts and are more likely to cause an accident.

  1. What are alternatives to driving drunk?

Nowadays, there are a ton of alternatives to drunk driving. You could have a designated driver, book a cab, or even book a driver to take you and your car home. Depending on the distance and time, you could also use public transport or walk back home.

  1. Should you have a designated driver?

Designated drivers can help take the pressure off figuring out how to get home. You should always have a designated driver.

  1. Does revoking a driver’s licence after more than one DUI affect drivers?

A lifelong ban from driving can encourage drivers to be more careful while driving. They are more likely to avoid driving under the influence.

PlanetSpark believes in teaching its students the value of safety and the rules of the road. It is important to add to and caution against these issues for the growth of the students.

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