
Mon, 03 Feb, 2020

Should High School Students be Allowed to Leave School During Lunch Breaks?

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Lunch breaks are an essential part of the school itinerary. Of late, there is a demand from a section of parents and educators to let children step out of the school premises to get their lunch. This is a contentious issue and a departure from the conventional practice in schools. Letting students step outside the school for meals is not a good idea. Here are some reasons why: 

Lunch Break Is A Part Of The School Discipline 

little school girls sitting on bench in school yard and eating from lunch boxes

A recess allows students to disband and have their meal before they can regroup for studies. But it is essentially a part of the school routine. Allowing children to leave the premises during lunch disrupts the routine. This unnecessary leniency offsets the discipline that a school schedule develops in us. 

The Argument About Healthy Food Is Inadmissible 

Parents argue that their children deserve nutritious food. The school canteen is often short of choices, but one meal doesn’t make a whole day. Children can choose foods their parents can afford when at home. They can forego their favorite meal once a day. 

It Is A Security Risk

students having lunch in the canteen

When children are inside the school, they are the responsibility of the authorities overseeing the institution’s administration. If a child who has stepped out for lunch gets harmed, the school will be held responsible. This exposes the school to lawsuits and loss of goodwill. 

It May Create Class Discrimination

The uniforms in school prevent class discrimination. All children look and feel the same, irrespective of their backgrounds. While those who have the means to afford lunch outside will step out, many who are ill-equipped to do so will remain on the campus. This can bring class divide to the fore, undoing the whole purpose of a uniform. 


Lunch breaks are an essential part of a school itinerary. They allow a child to rest, eat, and use the facilities. But to take lunchtime as an excuse to step out of school to have a preferred meal reeks of privilege. School students can have the choice of meals at home. 

When in school, they must accept the rights accorded to them. There is no reason to let students out of the premises during lunchtime. A recess can be taken as a right but is certainly not a privilege. One exception can lead to another and break the uniformity and discipline that a school is expected to inculcate in its students.  

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  1. What is the average lunch break in schools? 

According to a survey conducted in 24 countries, the average lunch break in most schools is around 35 minutes. In India, schools take a break for less than 30 minutes. 

  1. Is stepping out of school for lunch a right?

No. Lunch break can be seen as a right of the students. But stepping out for food is a privilege.  

  1. Are recesses in school necessary?

Yes, recesses allow children to freshen up and regroup for studies after meals and refreshments. 

  1. Can healthy food be grounds to leave school premises during lunch break?

This is a poor argument. Students can always have healthier meals at home. They can get nutritious food packed from home. 

  1. Can schools make arrangements for healthier options?

Schools can ask the canteens and food outlets operating on the campus to offer healthier and affordable meals. 

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